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Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:56 pm
by Canuckster1127
frankbaginski wrote:Canuckster1127 ,
Canuckster1127 wrote:A problem with the use of science, does not equal a problem with science.
The problem with using the wrong tool, does not equal a problem with the tool. Using a rocket to go to the grocery store does equal a problem with the rocket.

What is science? Without man does it exist? If I get an "A" in science does that mean I am filled with science? What weighs more science or a grain of sand? If I have murdeous thoughts and then I murder, my thoughts are not a problem? Is science immune from being questioned? If the theory of evolution is taught as fact and people are swayed to abandon faith, does evolution have any responsiblity?
What is Science?
Science is a methodology whereby we seek, by use of the scientific method to understand the physical world in which we live.
Without man does science exist?
Of course not, science is man's attempt to understand God's creation. Science is not the creation.

By the way, I see theology in a similar vein. Theology is man's attempt to understand God and His revelation through the Bible. Theology is not the Bible.
If I get an "A" in science does that mean I am filled with science?
No. I hope there's a point there, because I sure don't see one.
What weighs more science or a grain of sand?
Ummmm, A grain of sand. Again, I hope there's a point there, because I've not made any claim that states, infers or implies otherwise.
If I have murdeous thoughts and then I murder, my thoughts are not a problem?
This is a fallaceous analogy. Thoughts to commit science are not the moral equivilent of thoughts to commit murder.
If the theory of evolution is taught as fact and people are swayed to abandon faith, does evolution have any responsiblity?
You'll need to define your terms. Evolution as a pure science is not incompatible with faith. Evolution as it is extended out into a materialist, atheist philosophy is by definition no longer pure science but rather a philosophy or world view.

How would you answer your own question when posed in this form?

If Young Earth Creationism is taught as fact and people are swayed to reject faith, does Young Earth Creationism have any responsibility?

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:59 pm
by zoegirl
man i was all set to respond when you said it much better than me!! :lol: Once again, well said

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:18 pm
by Gman
Canuckster1127 wrote: Evolution as a pure science is not incompatible with faith. Evolution as it is extended out into a materialist, atheist philosophy is by definition no longer pure science but rather a philosophy or world view.
Well that's true. You clarified that well here... :clap:

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:11 am
by frankbaginski
The point I was making, is that science is an idea. An idea that man can examine nature and try and figure out as best he can how things work. Then using this knowledge try and make life easier for man. Now when the idea of science manifest itself in products or processes the idea has taken on physical form. Or do we say that the products have nothing to do with science? Without science they would not exist however. So the knowledge of science permeates into the fabric of society as products and processes and changes the daily lives of all of the members of society. So over time the changes to society get coupled with the new advances in scientific developments. This of course leads to the masses relating the comforts of the products with the idea of science. Now some of the ideas in science can and do manifest themselves into real devices. Other areas of science are not so solid and drift around in theoretical vapor. Still other areas have some hard foundation but the gaps are wider than the tangible areas. Society in general does not care about any of this. They just see the cars and medicine and planes and want more and more. So when a scientist says that the oceans will rise the people expect the ocean to rise. They cannot relate to the idea, they are surrounded in the successes of science and are swayed. So when we have a group that has provided creature comforts to billions of people and that group by definition does not allow God then we have an accident waiting to happen. What has happened in the last 200 years is very dramatic. Society has embraced science not as a pure idea but as a way of life. Scientist on the most part have allowed this to happen and embraced the position of power this has manifest. Over time science has taken over the position of faith, it is no longer what we know, it is what we will know. This simple phrase is the wedge that some use to destroy Christianity. It goes beyond the idea, it extends into the unknown and places faith in the hands of science. With man surrounded by machines made by science it was a "natural" extension for man to follow. Many people embrace science as their savior and their faith rest with science. Now was this the intent of the idea way back when? Who knows. But this is where we find ourselves today.

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:37 am
by Canuckster1127
frankbaginski wrote:The point I was making, is that science is an idea.
But science isn't an "idea" primarily. Philosophy can be an idea. Worldviews are comprised of ideas. Science, as I mentioned earlier, is a discipline for examining and understanding the physical world we live in, based upon the scientific method. Ideas in science are subjected to the methodology to determine if that idea is true.
An idea that man can examine nature and try and figure out as best he can how things work. Then using this knowledge try and make life easier for man. Now when the idea of science manifest itself in products or processes the idea has taken on physical form. Or do we say that the products have nothing to do with science? Without science they would not exist however.

That's certainly a very significant portion of science. It's not the whole of it however. Many things within science are pursued simply to know the truth as to how this physical world works.
So the knowledge of science permeates into the fabric of society as products and processes and changes the daily lives of all of the members of society. So over time the changes to society get coupled with the new advances in scientific developments. This of course leads to the masses relating the comforts of the products with the idea of science. Now some of the ideas in science can and do manifest themselves into real devices.

All true as far as it goes. Science as a discipline has yielded some wonderful things, including comforts, luxuries, extended lives etc. Ironically, it's also been the basis of great attrocities; often time using the same knowledge but in a different means of application. The intent of the user is often remarlably important in that regard. It can be the difference between a nuclear reactor providing electricity for millions of people, verses an atomic bomb, killing millions of people.
Other areas of science are not so solid and drift around in theoretical vapor. Still other areas have some hard foundation but the gaps are wider than the tangible areas.
Also true. There are hard sciences and soft sciences and it's not always as clear in some areas as it is in something, like physics or mathematics.
Society in general does not care about any of this. They just see the cars and medicine and planes and want more and more.

Some in society doesn't care about that. Perhaps even a majority, but certainly not all.
So when a scientist says that the oceans will rise the people expect the ocean to rise. They cannot relate to the idea, they are surrounded in the successes of science and are swayed. So when we have a group that has provided creature comforts to billions of people and that group by definition does not allow God then we have an accident waiting to happen.

Perhaps. I think you only need to look to the weather forecast however to illustrate that you're painting a picture that is somewhat slanted here. People in general expect the weather forecast to be accurate but they aren't all that surprised when it is not.
What has happened in the last 200 years is very dramatic. Society has embraced science not as a pure idea but as a way of life.

Again, it appears to me that you are confusing science itself with some expressions of a science based philosophy or world view. There's quite a difference between the two and I seem to be continually reminding you of it.
Scientist on the most part have allowed this to happen and embraced the position of power this has manifest.
Rather overstated I think. Where science has contributed to knowledge there can be elements of power. People can certainly use power of this nature to enhance and promote themselves improperly. The same thing is true of political, religious and other forms of power. There's nothing unique to science in that regard.
Over time science has taken over the position of faith, it is no longer what we know, it is what we will know.

I had no idea the Scientific method had assumed such status.

Again Frank, in my opinion, you are making a huge categorical statement here that I believe is an error.

Science can be extended and has been extended by some to create philosophies and world views that seek to eliminate God and focus upon man and man's own wisdom and knowlege as a means to "salvation."

That is subsection of science and the scientific community and not the whole.
This simple phrase is the wedge that some use to destroy Christianity. It goes beyond the idea, it extends into the unknown and places faith in the hands of science. With man surrounded by machines made by science it was a "natural" extension for man to follow. Many people embrace science as their savior and their faith rest with science. Now was this the intent of the idea way back when? Who knows. But this is where we find ourselves today.
Frank, do you think that these observations are somehow new and that there were not world views philosophies and man based systems prior to the advent of modern science that do not do the same things?

What is the cause of this? Sin perhaps? Rebellion against God? Were these around before science as a discipline.

By taking science as a whole and the scientific community as a whole and lumping them together in these expressed views of yours you are defining the entire group by a category within it.

Respectfully, it is sloppy thinking and I believe it contributes as much to the problems you cite as what you are attributing to "them."

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:42 pm
by frankbaginski

My world views have lead me to my beliefs, yours may be different, so be it.

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:53 pm
by Canuckster1127
frankbaginski wrote:Canuckster1127,

My world views have lead me to my beliefs, yours may be different, so be it.
I think we have far more in common than what we disagree upon. I do respectfully disagree with many of your statements in this arena. I don't believe that they raise to cardinal issues in terms of Christian Faith and salvation, although they are important.

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:13 pm
by frankbaginski
Canuckster1127 ,
Canuckster1127 wrote:I think we have far more in common than what we disagree upon. I do respectfully disagree with many of your statements in this arena. I don't believe that they raise to cardinal issues in terms of Christian Faith and salvation, although they are important.
I disagree, I think we have very little in common. I run around like chicken little saying the sky is falling and you do not. I say we need to protect our kids from a misuse of science and you don't believe there is a misuse of science. I say the scripture is plainly saying we need to protect ourselves from the ideas of man. You say:
Canuckster1127 wrote:Again, it appears to me that you are confusing science itself with some expressions of a science based philosophy or world view. There's quite a difference between the two and I seem to be continually reminding you of it.
So instead of addressing the issue you come up with a word game.

If we took all of the things that man has made and tossed them into the sea I would be happy to go back and farm the land. After all I am just passing through. I would not expect you to help me toss the things of man into the sea. Am I wrong?

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:51 pm
by frankbaginski

Canuckster1127 ,

Mar 4:18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
Mar 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.

This to me describes the state of the world, at least most of Europe and The United States. I was of this world and now I am not. To me it is black and white and no grey. I am amazed at the difference every aspect of my life has undergone. People I have known for years ask "who are you". I am still doing all of the things I did before, running my business, etc. I just don't feel attached to any of it. I do feel the need to tell people why I feel this way. As you can imagine I get the usual rolling of the eyes and all that comes with that. The most resistance comes from people with any kind of science background. To me that has openned my eyes to the extent that science has affected faith in America. I am not your average guy off the street. My background in the sciences is quite extensive compared to most. So when I chat on this board and others I toss out various models that those grounded in science will take exception too. I try and keep the discussion away from too much detail and let the ideas just float around. With most people I hit a wall and the talk goes no where. But I hope to make a difference. Only if that difference is that people are aware that there are some people who disagree with mainstream science.

I took a trip to Sacramento a couple of months ago. A black woman sat next to me and noticed I was reading the Bible. She asked me if I was a preacher and I told her no. I did tell her that I studied the Bible and we talked about scripture for awhile. We then talked about our children, she was on her way to her granddaughters graduation. We chatted some more about the true meaning of life. The old me would have read a book and ignored this beautiful person. God has blessed me for some reason and I am loving every minute of it.

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:42 pm
by Canuckster1127
frankbaginski wrote:Canuckster1127 ,
Canuckster1127 wrote:I think we have far more in common than what we disagree upon. I do respectfully disagree with many of your statements in this arena. I don't believe that they raise to cardinal issues in terms of Christian Faith and salvation, although they are important.
I disagree, I think we have very little in common. I run around like chicken little saying the sky is falling and you do not. I say we need to protect our kids from a misuse of science and you don't believe there is a misuse of science. I say the scripture is plainly saying we need to protect ourselves from the ideas of man. You say:
Canuckster1127 wrote:Again, it appears to me that you are confusing science itself with some expressions of a science based philosophy or world view. There's quite a difference between the two and I seem to be continually reminding you of it.
So instead of addressing the issue you come up with a word game.

If we took all of the things that man has made and tossed them into the sea I would be happy to go back and farm the land. After all I am just passing through. I would not expect you to help me toss the things of man into the sea. Am I wrong?
Yes Frank. You are wrong.

First, I've not said there isn't a problem with humanistic philosophy or atheistic philosophy. I've simply sought to focus on the fact that science itself is not the problem, it is how it is used.

What you call "word games," I call being careful to address the issue and not smear an entire group of people, many of whom are Christians with poorly thought out and worded attacks that alienate and drive people away from Christ.

Anytime you wish to toss all the things that man has made, into the sea, feel free. I find it ironic to see that typed onto a computer connected by technology, but to each his own. I've lived among group of people who have done just that called the Amish. It might surprise you to find they have very similar issues to the rest of mankind. It's not what surrounds a person that is the cause of the problems you identify, it is what is within them.

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:45 pm
by Canuckster1127
frankbaginski wrote:All,

Canuckster1127 ,

Mar 4:18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
Mar 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.

This to me describes the state of the world, at least most of Europe and The United States. I was of this world and now I am not. To me it is black and white and no grey. I am amazed at the difference every aspect of my life has undergone. People I have known for years ask "who are you". I am still doing all of the things I did before, running my business, etc. I just don't feel attached to any of it. I do feel the need to tell people why I feel this way. As you can imagine I get the usual rolling of the eyes and all that comes with that. The most resistance comes from people with any kind of science background. To me that has openned my eyes to the extent that science has affected faith in America. I am not your average guy off the street. My background in the sciences is quite extensive compared to most. So when I chat on this board and others I toss out various models that those grounded in science will take exception too. I try and keep the discussion away from too much detail and let the ideas just float around. With most people I hit a wall and the talk goes no where. But I hope to make a difference. Only if that difference is that people are aware that there are some people who disagree with mainstream science.

I took a trip to Sacramento a couple of months ago. A black woman sat next to me and noticed I was reading the Bible. She asked me if I was a preacher and I told her no. I did tell her that I studied the Bible and we talked about scripture for awhile. We then talked about our children, she was on her way to her granddaughters graduation. We chatted some more about the true meaning of life. The old me would have read a book and ignored this beautiful person. God has blessed me for some reason and I am loving every minute of it.
That's nice Frank.

I'm not interested in attempting to judge you as a person. That is between you and God. I am interested in what you say and how you say it and I'll address that as best I can.



Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:19 pm
by Man from the Neptune
Its probably a little late to say this but I hope the Pope isn't saying what it sounds like he's saying; what he appears to say is that science is somehow dangerous to religion, that mindset could get the Church into a very uncomfortable situation.

Religion as belief in God is not in conflict with science at all. but of course we must ask ourselves do we decide which religion is true through science or which science is true through religion.

I might be lifting science too high in saying it is a method for finding truth in religion.

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:54 am
by catherine
I'd go with that Neptune man.... :)

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:56 am
by Canuckster1127
Man from the Neptune wrote:Its probably a little late to say this but I hope the Pope isn't saying what it sounds like he's saying; what he appears to say is that science is somehow dangerous to religion, that mindset could get the Church into a very uncomfortable situation.

Religion as belief in God is not in conflict with science at all. but of course we must ask ourselves do we decide which religion is true through science or which science is true through religion.

I might be lifting science too high in saying it is a method for finding truth in religion.
I tend to agree with that except, I'd point out that while science can be a method for finding truth in religion, it is not and cannot be the primary means.

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Science, by its very nature, can only deal with that which is physical. So, I expect what the Bible says to be compatable and true as far as it goes when I examine the truth from nature by the use of Science. That however in the end will never be more than a secondary or corallary means of proof to demonstrate the existence of God or the Truth of Scripture. It is important. It's not the foundation however. When Science becomes the foundation of all truth and extends beyond its appropriate role, it carries with it the assumption that only that which is physical is reality or true.

I think Frank and I are in agreement on that, although I'll allow him to speak for himself on that.

Re: Pope Warns of Seductive Science

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:52 am
by frankbaginski
I think the Pope spoke correctly. There is a danger to faith if science trys to take over the role of faith. As I said before when someone in science extends to the unknown and declares that science will know all then the line has been crossed. Also when some data is interpreted and that interpretation is taught as fact then they have crossed the line. This is happening all around us. Not a day goes by that I see this without looking for it.

I am not an enemy of science, I am an enemy of the use of science for political and worldview reasons. The worldview being the worst of the two. And yes, I do paint with a wide brush but the silence of the group allows me too. The path to salvation is narrow and few will find it. So using a wide brush hits mostly those on the wrong path. I think the people on the right path will not mind me grouping science with the abuse. I rather step on a few toes and save someone, we will all cry over missed opportunities when we leave here. 20/20 hindsight will not save anyone.