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Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:01 am
by Harry12345
waynepii wrote:
Harry12345 wrote:
Imperial wrote:Here it is again : how will gay marriage drastically change your own lives?
For a start, they'll get tax breaks, which the rest of us have to pay for.
And THEY have to pay for your tax breaks.
...which is why I don't agree with tax breaks for married couples - the government should be completely out of the equation.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:49 am
by Imperial
ageofknowledge wrote:They are in sin and rebellion seeking to implement their own will and design contrary to God's will and design for them.
This is the root of why christians are so much against gay marriage. IMO you people are no better than any other hate group out there - they don't follow your rules so you TRY to stop them from gaining a simple right [to marry]. Marriage is just a union between two people, only the christians are trying to keep it defined as a man and woman because that's what their little book tells them to do.

Btw..... How will gay marriage drastically change anything in your life? (gee i wonder why no one's answering this... y/:))

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:11 pm
by Gabrielman
First off I answered your question. Second off it is our institution, for the last time stop trying to claim it as yours. Make your own and do with it as you please. We are not a hate group. We simply don't want non-participants in our traditions to spit upon what we call sacred. Get over it, make your own thing, and stop trying to tell us how we should view our instatutions already.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:35 pm
by cslewislover
Imperial wrote:This is the root of why christians are so much against gay marriage. IMO you people are no better than any other hate group out there - they don't follow your rules so you TRY to stop them from gaining a simple right [to marry]. Marriage is just a union between two people, only the christians are trying to keep it defined as a man and woman because that's what their little book tells them to do.

Btw..... How will gay marriage drastically change anything in your life? (gee i wonder why no one's answering this... y/:))
Imperial, you really have a problem with name calling people that disagree with you. Christians have beliefs based on the bible, which we believe is God's word. God created us and knows what's best for us as individuals and what works best with society. We don't hate - we want what's best. Not everything works well in a society or anywhere else.

I personally believe that homosexual couples should have the right to make a contract similar to marriage, but not called marriage. The reason I think this is that if one is in the hospital, the other should have the right to visit their significant other; without a legal contract of somesort, the ill person's family can deny that person access. There are other legal issues like that. But I think the traditional view of marriage - which pretty much is worldwide and has been so for who knows how long (so your view is a very new thing, a social experiment . . . so we're "haters" all of a sudden?) - should remain. We are not a theocracy here in the U.S., so it's hard to argue, to me, that "marriage" as a Judeo-Christian concept should be imposed on everyone. But on the other hand, people that do not want to abide by the Judeo-Christian concept of "marriage" should settle for a different form of legal agreement.

You want to know how it affects my life personally (Why is your question a good one? About it having to change my life drastically)? An individual gay couple does not affect my life personally. The militant gays affect me, because they are against me and my beliefs. Someone recently told me how they saw a gay pride parade, and there was one guy who was naked, and not simply naked, but around his genitals had painted a bright rainbow circle. This kind-of thing would affect me (I wouldn't really care to see it, though I might possibly think it slightly amusing since the guy must think ridiculously highly of his views and/or himself), and I dare say, any minors who might see it. From what I have heard for years, this isn't that unusual for gay pride parades. It also affects me in that I do not have the "right" to publicly parade around naked. If I did so, I'd be arrested; yet that guy in the parade was not arrested. I can see when someone has more rights than I do, somehow . . . and that affects me. I personally don't think it's good for kids - for themselves or society - to be raised in that kind of environment either (and kids are adopted by gay couples . . . I don't know how the agencies screen for these adoptions, however).

There are many ways that this issue affects our lives, how it will affect our lives as society changes.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:07 pm
by waynepii
Personally, I find any of those "over-the-top" parades (whether gay or straight) offensive.

But the question was "how will same-sex marriage affect you?".

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:31 pm
by waynepii
Gabrielman wrote:First off I answered your question. Second off it is our institution, for the last time stop trying to claim it as yours. Make your own and do with it as you please. We are not a hate group. We simply don't want non-participants in our traditions to spit upon what we call sacred. Get over it, make your own thing, and stop trying to tell us how we should view our instatutions already.
Why is it "your" institution? Weren't Jews being married before Christ? ... Romans? ... Egyptians? ... etc?

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:53 pm
by cslewislover
waynepii wrote:Personally, I find any of those "over-the-top" parades (whether gay or straight) offensive.

But the question was "how will same-sex marriage affect you?".
I've never seen or heard of a straight parade like that. Have you??? (Your response here makes it sound like you didn't read all of my post, although I know it is not very detailed.)

Because I think same-sex "marriage" is wrong - basic morality - it affects how I view myself, and same-sex marriage will have effects on society, long term, which will affect my family, if not myself. I've already touched on that. Do I keep just accepting all that is around me, until I become like Lot? Do you have nothing worth fighting for? Did the Lord die for nothing, really? He loves all of us, we're all sinners, but to legitimize sin would be mocking His work, wouldn't it? Is everything relative now, with no "right and wrong"? Isn't it enough that those outside of God's will can have the same legal rights as those who follow God's will in "marriage." To institutionalize going against God's will on something that He decreed, is to whittle away at everything He decreed (and I think there are a lot of people out there who know that).

I'm in a hurry; just thought I'd say that for now, though.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:46 pm
by ageofknowledge
I'll tell you something else you may not like Imperial. In 1892 the US Supreme Court ruled that "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people. This is a Christian nation."

On Oct. 4, 1982, a Joint Resolution of Congress declared:

"Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation of people. Whereas Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of The United States ... Whereas that renewing our knowledge of, and faith in God through Holy Scriptures can strengthen us as a nation and a people. Now therefore be it resolved ... that the President is authorized and requested to designate 1983 as a national "Year of the Bible" in recognition of both the formative influence the Bible has been for our nation, and our national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures."

It's still a nation Imperial that was built from the Christian worldview. The slide away from that is called dissipation and the Bible warns Christians not to participate in it.

Luke 21:34 "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap."

1 Peter 4:4 "They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you."

If you like to do it with men instead of women and enjoy homosexual sex, nobody but God will hold you accountable for it. But if you think authentic Christians who are NOT participating in the dissipation of Christianity are going to accept this abominable behavior and cosign this perversion being taught to our children as anything but what scripture teaches it really is then don't act surprised when you find yourself at odds with us.

It really is spiritual warfare it's just that you're on the wrong side of it. You can find a lot of people to agree with you but authentic Christians simply aren't going to cosign homosexuality as a natural scripturally approved lifestyle.

We might love the sinner but we hate the sin. Exactly what God commanded from us.

Like I said:

Marriage is a divinely established partnership between a man and a woman and is the appropriate environment for birthing and nurturing children.

In God's creative act, humankind was made in "the image of God." This included both the male and the female, meaning that the "image" was not physical, but spiritual (Genesis 1:27). The analogous "likeness" between God and the human is also carried over into the husband-wife partnership (Genesis 2:20-24). The idea that the woman was created to be a "suitable" partner for the man suggests the difference between them made it possible for her to contribute something unique to his life. She could assist him in significant ways but she is not of an inferior essence; she is on an equal plane with the man. She holds the potential to enrich his life, and he has the opportunity to enrich hers. There are very important roles that a man and a woman and both together fulfill for each other and children that same sex parents simply cannot. At best, they end up trying to imitate what God instituted.

Technically, marriage results when a male and a female are joined together in a life-long bond. In an ideal situation, the parties are a match for each other spiritually, emotionally, and constitutionally. They have counted the cost and commit to be faithful to each other. They pledge to be responsible in the assumption of their appropriate roles. This commitment creates a warm and loving environment in which family members can develop. When husband and wife are committed to each other, children feel safe and secure. A secure home offers an attractive refuge for family members from the destructive forces of criticism and rejection on the outside.

God makes it clear that marriage is more than an informal partnership; it is a binding covenant. Commitment of husband and wife is so crucial that God condemns any violation of that marital relationship. Marital infidelity (adultery), like pre-marital sex (fornication), is wrong. It is wrong, not only because of the stigma, the risk of sexually transmitted disease, or an unwanted pregnancy. Sex outside marriage for a Christian is a violation of commitment to God. It is a sin against Christ. Adultery is also a potent enemy of the marriage, because it violates the commitment one party made to the other. Read
carefully Malachi 2:10-16 and 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.

From a Christian perspective, the decision to marry is consumed by love of God and love for one another. Love is more than an emotional feeling, lust, or a desire to be with someone. From a Christian perspective there is no way that two homosexuals are going to be in God's perfect will for their lives consumed with love for God in holiness. It's a scriptural impossibility. They are in sin and rebellion seeking to implement their own will and design contrary to God's will and design for them.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:59 pm
by Proinsias

I'm in the UK so I don't know too much about how things work over the pond. Here one can get married in a completely secular sense, devoid of religion. One can also get married in a religious service which is not Abrahamic in nature. It's already very much the case that Christian marriage is a 'type' of marriage which one can choose.

I beg to differ on the institute of marriage being yours. It's a really ancient rite.

As for who came up with marriage first, it doesn't seem very clear to me. Marriage is written about in ancient Babylonian documents and gods of marriage are mentioned in the Vedas. These texts are very old.
Jac3510 wrote:But you don't have the right to tell me that I, as a minister, am forced to abandon my religious views and perform ceremonies and/or allow you to use my property and/or indoctrinate my children with ideas I inherently disagree with.
This doesn't seem fair. If gay marriage were to be legalized it would seem sensible to allow those who wish to perform these ceremonies to do so and those who don't to be free to pass, I can't imagine a gay couple wishing to be married by someone who disapproves of the whole thing.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:01 pm
by waynepii
@Age (or others as well):

Are there any scriptures stating God defined marriage? On what are you basing your claim of "ownership" of marriage?

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:12 pm
by Gman
Imperial wrote:Btw..... How will gay marriage drastically change anything in your life? (gee i wonder why no one's answering this... y/:))

1. It eliminates procreation.
2. It promotes diseases (some deadly). See here.
3. Many forms of sexual behavior prevent blood from being accepted through the Red Cross and other agencies.
4. It destroys traditional male/female family units.
5. It could promote polygamy and other alternatives to one-man, one-woman unions. One being man-boy perverted unions. (NAMBLA)
6. Public schools in the nation will be required to teach that this perversion is the moral equivalent of traditional marriage between a man and a woman.
7. Courts will not be able to favor a traditional family involving one man and one woman over a homosexual couple in matters of adoption.
8. Promotes psychiatric, mental and emotional disorders. See here.
9. Raises insurance costs for everyone.
10. Children will be placed in homes with parents representing only one sex on an equal basis with those having a mom and a dad.


Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:15 pm
by ageofknowledge
waynepii wrote:@Age (or others as well):

Are there any scriptures stating God defined marriage? On what are you basing your claim of "ownership" of marriage?
Of course, Go to and search on marriage, husband, and wife. A quick search reveals more than 500 Old and New Testament references to the words "marriage," "married," "husband," and "wife" on the translation I used. The Bible has a great deal to say about marriage, purity, and yes homosexuality.

But you can make a very good argument against allowing homosexual marriage without using the Bible simply addressing the issues from a secular perspective:

Why traditional marriage is our national immune system and must be protected.
Why should the government support traditional marriages but not same-sex marriages?
How will same-sex marriages hurt traditional marriages?
How will same-sex marriage hurt children?
How will same-sex marriages hurt you, the average citizen?
How will same-sex marriages hurt homosexuals?
Why this isn't a case of unjustified discrimination.
Why this isn't a matter of equal rights or bigotry.
Why "being born that way" is not the issue.
Why this isn't equivalent to race or inter-racial marriage.

I try to explain this to gay people I know and we have some lively conversations but then they just clam up and it's over. Lol... I love them like I love anyone. I just don't cosign the sin. Adultery, fornication, homosexuality are not something I'm going to condone whether I'm in the presence of someone doing those things or not.

If you really love people, don't do them great harm by working to make them comfortable in their sin. Rather teach them and be a real friend.

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:31 pm
by waynepii
I've already done that search, and I couldn't find anything saying God "defined" marriage. The majority of the references concern various people who are married.

IMO marriage is primarily secular, with clergy performing some marriages as agents of the state. Why do Christians believe marriage is a "Christian institution"?

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:22 pm
by Gabrielman
waynepii wrote:Why is it "your" institution? Weren't Jews being married before Christ?
Read the Bible, or one of my posts that already said this, we are Jews! The difference in us and Jews, a messiah. We worship the same God, we came from them, we are the same. Paul said in one of his letters that we had been grafted into the Jewish tree, as it were.
cslewislover wrote:I personally believe that homosexual couples should have the right to make a contract similar to marriage, but not called marriage. The reason I think this is that if one is in the hospital, the other should have the right to visit their significant other; without a legal contract of somesort, the ill person's family can deny that person access. There are other legal issues like that. But I think the traditional view of marriage - which pretty much is worldwide and has been so for who knows how long (so your view is a very new thing, a social experiment . . . so we're "haters" all of a sudden?) - should remain. We are not a theocracy here in the U.S., so it's hard to argue, to me, that "marriage" as a Judeo-Christian concept should be imposed on everyone. But on the other hand, people that do not want to abide by the Judeo-Christian concept of "marriage" should settle for a different form of legal agreement.
Thank you! That's what I have been trying to say! More coffee btw. It's hazelnut biscotti! y~o)
Proinsias wrote:Gabrielman:

I'm in the UK so I don't know too much about how things work over the pond. Here one can get married in a completely secular sense, devoid of religion. One can also get married in a religious service which is not Abrahamic in nature. It's already very much the case that Christian marriage is a 'type' of marriage which one can choose.

I beg to differ on the institute of marriage being yours. It's a really ancient rite.

As for who came up with marriage first, it doesn't seem very clear to me. Marriage is written about in ancient Babylonian documents and gods of marriage are mentioned in the Vedas. These texts are very old.
It is a very old, and religious, tradition. The Jews had it first though, read Genesis. I should also point out that, and no offense, secular marriages would not be recognized by God.
That's all for now.
God bless!

Re: Gay Marriage Video(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:56 pm
by ageofknowledge
waynepii wrote:I've already done that search, and I couldn't find anything saying God "defined" marriage. The majority of the references concern various people who are married.

IMO marriage is primarily secular, with clergy performing some marriages as agents of the state. Why do Christians believe marriage is a "Christian institution"?
The foundational principle of the lifelong union of a man and a woman to have been first articulated biblically is in the Book of Genesis. When God first created man and woman, he also established marriage and the family relationship on which every society is built through the ages. Genesis 2:18-25 provides the blueprint for a Biblical marriage relationship.


"20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. 21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:20-24; ESV)."

God performed the first wedding when he gave Eve away to Adam (similar today in many cultures where the father gives away his daughter at the wedding). Since this event, nearly every culture in the history of humanity has had some kind of formal wedding ceremony if for no other reason than as notification that the two were now together. In every culture there is an event, action, covenant, or proclamation that is recognized as declaring a man and woman to be married. But the actual ramifications of marriage go far deeper than mere notification. If you've been reading those verses on marriage found in the Bible you would see how important it is to God and how He defines and uses it. Marriage is no small thing to God.