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Re: I have decided, thank you so much

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:50 pm
by Gman
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Hint: anyone who chooses a name like «dirt-in-your-fries» has some screws loose.

Probably works for McDonald's.. :mrgreen:

Re: I have decided, thank you so much

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:13 pm
by DannyM
Gman wrote:
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Hint: anyone who chooses a name like «dirt-in-your-fries» has some screws loose.

Probably works for McDonald's.. :mrgreen:
What do you say to an atheist in a suit? -

"Big Mac and large fries please" ...

Re: I have decided, thank you so much

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:52 am
by ThankYou
You just love your ad hominems ha?

It's nice to see you applying your rules to yourself (not -.-).

btw. yet still no one answers my question or managed to challenge my arguments?, hihihi.

Re: I have decided, thank you so much

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:42 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
ThankYou wrote:You just love your ad hominems ha?
To choose «Dirt-in-your-fries» as a screen name shows perversion of spirit.

I worked with hardcore prisonners for a three year period. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. Most of them had tattoos. Their tattoos were not of butterflies and dolphins and kittens.

The screen name you choose says something about yourself, just as much as the tattoos you wear.
ThankYou wrote:btw. yet still no one answers my question or managed to challenge my arguments?, hihihi.
You are not seen as capable of listening or understanding, so what would be the point?


Re: I have decided, thank you so much

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:43 am
by DannyM
ThankYou wrote:You just love your ad hominems ha?

It's nice to see you applying your rules to yourself (not -.-).

btw. yet still no one answers my question or managed to challenge my arguments?, hihihi.
I understand your concern, TY, but these are merely playful jokes. I wouldn't get too upset if I was you.

What question did we all fail to answer?

Re: I have decided, thank you so much

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:02 am
by DannyM
TY, going back to your OP-
ThankYou wrote:I actually wanted to make up a whole fictional story about me being concerned christian soon-to-be parent, totally frustrated for having to raise my child in this "horrific secular world filled with anti-moral propaganda" (actually anti-moral propaganda is a part which i agree with, but i list broadcasts of Sunday mass as one of the leaders in that group). And then explain how i have decided to kill it when it arrives upon this planet, since that is, as stated on this website, one sure way to get my child in heaven. I have wanted to see your reactions to that claim, when proposed by someone you would have critical thought of. But the fact of the matter is - i couldn't , cause i find even lieing about child murder disturbing and alarming for my moral center, whatever good cause i had. So, how would you react to such a view? A christian believing this to be moral:
However, the Bible also indicates that children are incapable of making moral choices, so that they are automatically rewarded with heaven.11 So, in having babies killed, God is actually doing them a favor, since, if they had grown up opposed to God, they would have gone to hell.
and applying it to himself?

Do you also agree that Hitler saved a lot of Jewish children?
After all of that - No. Are the children in heaven? Yes. Did Hitler save them? No. What did he save them from? Was Hitler's intention to save the children? From what? You're simply all over the place with this.
ThankYou wrote:Do you think that god would accept such a christian in heaven? For doing absolutely the same thing as he did a while back? And, well, it definitely falls out of category of "don't kill, unless you have a reason" (and holy-moly are you serious?!), since there is a "reason"? And, it really is the same, those children murdered by god also had a chance during their life to change religions, especially if all of their parents were killed and they upbrought by jews. Or just accepted god when he appears to them, since he had tendency to do it back then.
God is all knowing. Therefore God knows how people will turn out. And again you're putting your own requirements onto God - for God to have things required of Him would negate His omnipotence. You are still all over the place.
ThankYou wrote:This site gives me goosebumps, it scares the hell out of me. Manipulating pseudo-scientific data like that, showing research done by religious groups as relevant and unbiased, intentionally obfuscating and choosing only parts of data, going to such stretches of imagination, picking only supportive quotes, giving justification for murder with vaguely describing it with "if you have good reason", with knowing that everyone thinks their reasons are good, and so many more atrocities.
My, what a little rant you had there ... could you be more specific as the above makes no sense.

Re: I have decided, thank you so much

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:33 am
by cslewislover
ThankYou wrote:You just love your ad hominems ha?

It's nice to see you applying your rules to yourself (not -.-).

btw. yet still no one answers my question or managed to challenge my arguments?, hihihi.
TH, by your own admission in the OP, you claim to have read the site and threads regarding the matter(s). It seems you didn't like the answers, and so you appeared to come here just to rant. As FL wrote:
You are not seen as capable of listening or understanding, so what would be the point?
If you read the threads about these things, then you'd understand already. But you're asking us to answer more, again, and so it seems you're just pushing it in our face (whatever "it" is, since it makes no sense).

And, I already answered in a simple way (since it was already discussed on other threads, recently), that we don't condone murder. I noticed that you ignored my post, so, who's not answering who? If we don't condone murder, as Christians, then what is there to answer regarding some evil person's intentions and what they may mean for people's souls when they are killed in a premeditated fashion? Sorry if I'm not answering all your concerns, since I haven't carefully read all the posts. After reading your first one, and glancing at the others, and considering that you supposedly already read the other threads, I very much deemed it not worth my time. If you seriously want to know some things here, and how we feel about them, then it will show in the manner in which you post. I'm going to send this to you in a pm, too, so you'll read it (since you didn't respond to my earlier posts, I can't tell you read them).