flu shot

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Re: flu shot

Post by Canuckster1127 »

RickD wrote:Zoe here are some "credible" sights proving a that the resurrection is a hoaxhttp://www.answering-christianity.com/a ... n_hoax.htmandhttp://www.skepticfiles.org/religion/rf.htm Sounds like an open and shut case there too, huh. Where's the credible, scientific, double-blind studies that prove Christ resurrected from the dead? Zoe, you can prove to yourself that those alkaline water critics are wrong just as easily as you can prove these resurrection critics wrong, if you want to. Resurrection critics would not deny Christ if they have experienced Him in their lives. Alkaline water critics wouldn't deny the benefits of alkaline water if they had tried it themselves. I was a critic myself (of Alkaline water) before I tried it and saw for myself.
RickD, all that argument does is serve to diminish the resurrection. The issues you are discussing are contemporary, completely observable and testable using the tools of science in the realm that they are intended to measure and prove, and the reality is, there's no reproducible, testible, scientific evidence to back up the claims.

I'll give you one nod in your direction however. You're free to do whatever you want, and if you believe that this is helping you, than more power to you and anyone else who is using it. It's demonstrable that psychologically, if someone believes what they are doing is helping them in many situations, that belief is enough to create a psychological and physiological base that enhances their quality of life. I observed that in the life of my father in the last 6 years of his life while he followed a vegan diet and supplements that he believed cured him of cancer. He refused to confirm that claimed healing with medicine, because he believed along the lines that you've argued that doctors and pharmeceutical companies were all out to fleece him. As he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and there was little medicine could do for him, there didn't seem to be any point in arguing with him and I'm glad he found peace in the last years of his life. The only element that I regret on his behalf is that he allowed himself to be used and manipulated by the group whose materials he bought into, publishing his testimony of healing, .... ironically, 5 months before he died after the cancer metasticized to 6 other organs in his body and he died rather quickly.

It's evident that you believe that this is helping you. I hope you do well with it. All I'd caution is that you be careful in any situation encouraging people who have desparate needs from forgoing other options, such as medicine and pharmaceuticals where there is testable, recreatible data.

Making a comparison between the resurrection and an alkaline diet is what is known in logic as a catergory error. The resurrection is an historical event that never has, and never will appeal to science to prove. Faith in the end is only as powerful as the object in which it is placed. If you wish to elevate things in this realm as on par with the resurrection of Christ, I'd suggest that this is well beyond a rational issue for you.

I hope you've placed your faith well. Frankly, the claims you assert for an alkaline diet should be provable in science. That they aren't doesn't necessarily mean they're false. Perhaps it will be proven in some fashion in the future. Many people have followed hunches and desires for something to be true and occassionally their proved true later.

All you've shown me in this exchange however is that there's nothing that is going to change you're mind and you're willing to go to any length to cast doubt on any detractors. That's not rational and it's not particularly strongly representative of how I think anyone should examine things, but that's your perogative. I hope it works out well for you.

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Re: flu shot

Post by RickD »

and the reality is, there's no reproducible, testible, scientific evidence to back up the claims.
Bart, do you know this as a fact? Because you don't know of any scientific evidence, doesn't mean there isn't any.
if you believe that this is helping you, than more power to you and anyone else who is using it. It's demonstrable that psychologically, if someone believes what they are doing is helping them in many situations, that belief is enough to create a psychological and physiological base that enhances their quality of life.
Bart, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't patronize me. I'm not stuck in some psychological la la land. Alkaline water has helped me with certain things. I never said it was the fountain of youth, or made any claims that it is some kind of miracle water.
he believed along the lines that you've argued that doctors and pharmeceutical companies were all out to fleece him
I never said that doctors and pharm companies were "all" out to fleece anyone. I said some pharm companies are, and said that some doctors who are funded by pharm dollars are trained that drugs are the way to cure all ills. I never said that all doctors are intentionally trying to fleece their patients.
It's evident that you believe that this is helping you. I hope you do well with it. All I'd caution is that you be careful in any situation encouraging people who have desparate needs from forgoing other options, such as medicine and pharmaceuticals where there is testable, recreatible data.
Bart, again, spare me the patronizing tone." It is evident that I believe that this is helping you"? The water has helped me. I'm not dehydrated anymore, and I haven't gotten sick since before I got my water machine.
Making a comparison between the resurrection and an alkaline diet is what is known in logic as a catergory error.
Bart, it wasn't meant to be a comparison between the resurrection and alkaline diet. Just a comparison to show that someone may be ignorant about something because he doesn't have first hand experience with it. Christians who have a relationship with Christ, know He's real. People who drink alkaline water know its benefits. That's all. Not some "alkaline water is my god" garbage.
If you wish to elevate things in this realm as on par with the resurrection of Christ, I'd suggest that this is well beyond a rational issue for you.
Bart, if you're saying that you think my faith in alkaline water equals my faith in the resurrection of Christ, then I really don't know what to say to that. Some people exercise and eat healthy to feel better physically. Water, to me is just something i drink that makes me feel better. Nothing more than that.
I hope you've placed your faith well. Frankly, the claims you assert for an alkaline diet should be provable in science.
Bart, excuse me, but what the hell are you talking about? I suggest That Zoe eats healthy foods to help her health, and you come in and post this condescending crap. If you need science to prove that eating veggies and drinking healthy water will make one healthier, then I don't know what to tell you. What claims have i asserted other than healthy eating will make someone healthier?
All you've shown me in this exchange however is that there's nothing that is going to change you're mind and you're willing to go to any length to cast doubt on any detractors.
Bart, I already posted that i was a skeptic before I studied about this topic. I've read all kinds of articles from people who think the whole alkaline theory is a scam. I've also read and seen many things from people who said that natural healthy foods and good water has made them healthier, and has given their bodies the nutrients that helps heal itself. I'd like to believe that God has created optimum nutrition for us. He created vegetables and water, not drugs, preservatives, fake sugar, etc. In a town called Plymouth, MA, near where I used to live, there was an odd number of people getting cancer . It was traced back to prescription drugs in the water supply.
That's not rational and it's not particularly strongly representative of how I think anyone should examine things, but that's your perogative. I hope it works out well for you.
Thanks again for the condescending tone, Bart. I never made any outrageous claims about any miracle diet. I used to drink almost as much bottled water before I started drinking ionized alkaline water. I am more hydrated now, am sick far less now, and have no seasonal allergies now. I rarely ever get a headache now. The only thing that I've done differently, is change the water I drink. I really don't care if you don't believe me, or you think it's all psycological.
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Re: flu shot

Post by Canuckster1127 »

No patronizing intended Rick.

The onus is on you to prove your case and present your evidence. What you've shown isn't convincing. All you've really presented is your passion and belief in it.

It's fine you don't care what I have to say. I care what you have to say. I just don't accept that you've proven your case.

Let's drop it. I have no desire to damage a relationship over something like this.
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Re: flu shot

Post by RickD »

Canuckster1127 wrote:No patronizing intended Rick.

The onus is on you to prove your case and present your evidence. What you've shown isn't convincing. All you've really presented is your passion and belief in it.

It's fine you don't care what I have to say. I care what you have to say. I just don't accept that you've proven your case.

Let's drop it. I have no desire to damage a relationship over something like this.
Bart, why is the onus on me. I'm not trying to be convincing. I studied this on my own with no one convincing me. I did the research. If someone is interested in living healthier, I suggest he/she looks into alkaline living. I don't need to convince anyone that it will work. I have no motive in this at all. bart, it's not a passion. I barely even eat any alkaline foods except water. I have one last thing for you since you seem to be someone who relies on science and testing. I have a simple experiment for you. Alkaline water is said to have detoxifying affects to the body with symptoms similar to those that a person goes through when having drug withdrawals. Go to your local whole foods store, and buy a 1 liter bottle of evamor water. Drink the liter fairly quickly. Within about 15 minutes. If, as the skeptics say, that alkaline water is just water, and a waste of money, you will feel no difference. But, if alkaline water is detoxifying, like alkaline water proponents say, you will start to have symptoms. The symptoms may be as mild as a headache, or runny nose. The symptoms may be more like flulike symptoms. Headache, muscle aches, fever, etc. If your body is used to the western diet that most people eat, you should start feeling the effects within 24 hours. Let me know what happens. See for yourself if alkaline water is just regular water, and a scam. Or, are you afraid I might be right about alkaline water? The website for evamor water is http://www.liveacidfree.com/ it can show you what stores in your area sell the water, if you're up for the experiment. Try it. Prove me wrong.
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Re: flu shot

Post by RickD »

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: flu shot

Post by RickD »

zoegirl wrote:Rick,
I was writing a rather extensive critique of the website and was thinking of posting it but then I rethought and saved it as a draft. If you would like to continue this I will gladly post my thoughts. I realized that my critique went rather...blunt and I certainly don't want to continue the discussion if you have no interest.

Suffice to say that I found a myriad of mistakes, rather a sad lack of basic science, and a commensurate amount of "greed" in the numerous products they sold (rather ironic when the charge is leveled against the big pharma companies ), products that are unfortunate scams (alkaline water, ground up vegetables, baking soda, saltwater). I am amazed at the willingness of people to accuse big pharmaceutical companies of greed and fraudulent relationship with the FDA when websites like this that offer supplements are in no way regulated by the FDA and none of their "findings" are the result of any hard research.

However, I don't necessarily want to dredge this any further if you do not want to. I will say I looked up his credentials and I found them rather lacking. If nothing else, you should really investigate this http://www.quackwatch.org/11Ind/young3.html. He is not a real doctor and has his supposed mentor is no doctor either and in fact has been arrested for fraud and misleading patients.

I don't know about your wife's rights and I wonder if they really could fire her. I don't think asking her to wear a mask is unreasonable.
http://www.quackpotwatch.org/quackpots/ ... arrett.htmandhttp://www.canlyme.com/quackwatch.htmlZoe, if you're still seeking the truth, do a google search of "Stephen Barrett fraud". You'll see what your Quackwatch Dr. is all about. I'm done with this unless anyone has any questions. I'm not going to push this on anyone who isn't open to hear it. The info is on the table, and anyone can make up his own mind if he/she so desires. I dare anyone to do the little test I proposed with the alkaline water. Prove me wrong. After all, it's just water. Alkaline water is just a scam, and we all know that it has no effect on the body.
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Re: flu shot

Post by Jehoram »

Acid is the enemy eh Rick ? well neutralise all that acid on your skin ,stop your stomach lining secreting it and remove all nasty dangerous citric acid from your diet ,Oops almost forgot ,my blood that's got an acidic PH is my blood killing me ?

On the side effects of the flu-vaccine do you have the figures for harmful side effects ?
I do understand that vaccines are just a tool used by Big -Pharm to hurt us and I think that like you we would all be much healthier without their evil plans

Ok children might not die of measles, polio and smallpox anymore but we would all be better off without Vaccines :lol:
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Re: flu shot

Post by RickD »

Acid is the enemy eh Rick ? well neutralise all that acid on your skin ,stop your stomach lining secreting it and remove all nasty dangerous citric acid from your diet ,Oops almost forgot ,my blood that's got an acidic PH is my blood killing me ?
I'll humor your lack of knowledge as long as I think you may have a shred of interest in this. I never said acid is the enemy. The blood will keep its slight alkalinity (around 7.365) at all costs to the rest of the body. The skin is slightly acidic, and so is the ph of the stomach. It's just the acidity of the tissues that's the problem. If your blood did happen to be acidic, or even too alkaline, you would die. But like I said, the body regulates the blood's alkalinity, by releasing the acids into the tissues if the body can't get rid of the acids by the 4 methods of releasing acids from the body. It's EXCESS acids that the body can't get rid of that becomes the problem.
On the side effects of the flu-vaccine do you have the figures for harmful side effects ?
I do understand that vaccines are just a tool used by Big -Pharm to hurt us and I think that like you we would all be much healthier without their evil plans
Anyone with a 3rd grade education can google the side effects of H1N1 vaccines, and make up his own mind if they're safe.
Ok children might not die of measles, polio and smallpox anymore but we would all be better off without Vaccines :lol:
Do a google search on the 1976 swine flu vaccine deaths, and see for yourself. I'm not asking anyone to take my word for it. When you post here sounding like someone talking out of ignorance on the subject, you don't make much of a case. Do a little research before you spout off like an ignoramus. We have to weigh the pros and cons of a specific vaccine before we take it. It's obvious to anyone who's researched the H1N1 vaccine, that the cons far outweigh the pros.
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Re: flu shot

Post by Jehoram »

46 000 000 people were inoculated in 1976 Would you like to tell us why if this vaccine is so dangerous where are the figures for the terrible damage it caused ?
There were 500 cases of Guillain–Barré syndrome 25 deaths thought to be associated with the vaccine but no causal link has been proven .

Would you like to compare that with the fact that Seasonal influenza causes more than 200,000 hospitalizations and 41,000 deaths in the U.S. every year?

Conversations about Big-Pharm poisoning us with vaccines should be kept to forums like 'Above Top Secret' Where they can do little damage
Scaremongering about Vaccines does real harm as can be seen by the hysteria over the MMR vaccines
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Re: flu shot

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Would you like to compare that with the fact that Seasonal influenza causes more than 200,000 hospitalizations and 41,000 deaths in the U.S. every year?
Where did you get those highly inflated numbers? The flu causes 41,000 deaths every year? Who's scaremongering now?http://www.examiner.com/us-intelligence ... h-from-fluandhttp://healthandsurvival.com/2009/04/26 ... than-good/andhttp://articles.latimes.com/2009/apr/27 ... -history27watch this video. Scaremongering? You be the judge:http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9ucqf ... u-lie_news
Conversations about Big-Pharm poisoning us with vaccines should be kept to forums like 'Above Top Secret' Where they can do little damage
Scaremongering about Vaccines does real harm as can be seen by the hysteria over the MMR vaccines
When you start your own forum, you can make people post wherever you want. I suppose telling my kid not to play in the street is scaremongering as well. Sorry, Johnny, you can't play ball in the street because Daddy is a mean ogre, and wants to scare you. Jehoram, do some research for yourself, and then come back and make an intelligent post. Know something about the subject you're so emotional about before you make ignorant claims.
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Re: flu shot

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Tone it down, both of you please. Address the issues and not the personalities.


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Re: flu shot

Post by RickD »

Canuckster1127 wrote:Tone it down, both of you please. Address the issues and not the personalities.


I'll try to tone it down. But no one seems to be addressing the issues. Everyone seems so objective when it comes to OEC vs YEC. Everyone looks at both sides of that, and comes to an opinion. But nobody wants to objectively look at what I'm saying. It's being dismissed without any real study of what I'm saying. Someone comes in and makes this statement:
Acid is the enemy eh Rick ? well neutralise all that acid on your skin ,stop your stomach lining secreting it and remove all nasty dangerous citric acid from your diet ,Oops almost forgot ,my blood that's got an acidic PH is my blood killing me ?
This is completely misrepresenting what I said. I want someone with at least an ounce of objectivity to try the test I mentioned with evamor alkaline water. Unless you all are afraid I may be correct.
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Re: flu shot

Post by Canuckster1127 »


You don't want to hear this but I'll say it with all sincerity. You haven't presented any objective information that comes from an independent source. You have industry materials which are put up by manufacturers looking to sell a product and discredit those sources that threaten their economic livlihood.

I addressed both of you in this recent exchange, not just one of you, so I wasn't showing favorites or letting my disagreement with you on this issue bias me to only address the person whom positionally I agree with. When you provide peer reviewed, objective and independent data to support your position, I'll gladly consider the claims being made. That includes the evamor alkaline water test.

I say that respectfully. You're welcome to believe and practise what you wish in that regard. Not everything I do in life meets my test in this manner. I'm not attempting to make claims and promote things here though in the same manner.

So you're right. You weren't treated with personal respect and you responded in somewhat the same manner and so I addressed both of you instead of just one.

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Re: flu shot

Post by Jehoram »

41,000 flu deaths comes from this paper BTW http://mathbio.sas.upenn.edu/Papers/DushPlot06-AJE.pdf
and there is this one
“Prepandemic” Immunization for Novel Influenza Viruses, “Swine Flu” Vaccine, Guillain‐Barré Syndrome, and the Detection of Rare Severe Adverse Events. David Evans, Simon Cauchemez, Frederick G Hayden. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2009;200:321–328
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Re: flu shot

Post by RickD »

You don't want to hear this but I'll say it with all sincerity. You haven't presented any objective information that comes from an independent source.
Bart, if you mean non-biased when you say independent, you haven't presented any objective information that comes from an independent source to rebut what I'm saying. Any skeptic sights you or Zoe have posted aren't an unbiased independent source. If I make the claim that alcohol doesn't impair my driving, for example, then wouldn't it be fair of me to at least try different amounts of alcohol, then have a driving test? I could make a website refuting MADD's claims that alcohol impairs one's ability to drive. As a matter of fact, I think that alcohol does nothing, it's all in the mind. Do you see what I'm saying? Have any of your skeptics tried alkaline water to see if has any affect? Have you tried it? Bart, is this test independent enough for you?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtSMOqyS-2A
When you provide peer reviewed, objective and independent data to support your position, I'll gladly consider the claims being made. That includes the evamor alkaline water test.
Bart, I'm an independent , objective tester of alkaline water. I already told you what it has done for me. Actual physical changes, not psycological, all in my mind changes. My Mom's friend had eczema, and drank alkaline ionized water for a couple of weeks, and her eczema symptoms went away. I personally spoke to her. If you don't believe me, then why would you believe anything else I have to say. I have no reason to make this up. As for alkaline foods being healthy, again, look any list of alkaline foods, and tell me that they aren't healthy foods. Alkaline/ acid programs just show why the good foods help, and the bad foods, and chemicals, make us sick. I was as skeptical as you are before I looked into this. The difference is that I actually tried alkaline water before I made a decision about it. Bart, I'm just asking you to try the test I suggested. If it's just water, then nothing will happen except you may feel a little more hydrated. If alkaline water is more than just water, then you'll see what will happen. Why are you hesitant to try it? you don't even have to tell me that you tried it. Just do it for yourself to see. It's not like I'm asking you to buy a $4000 water machine. Just a $2 bottle of water.
John 5:24
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St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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