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Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:49 pm
by Proinsias
esabelly wrote:When the institution of marriage goes down the tube, do men lose power? In other words, when women independently decide to have babies out of wedlock and remain single, do men lose out the most?
Or, do women lose power when they enter into marriage?

I don't know any women who got pregnant independently, at the very least one was dependent upon a consenting male sperm donor.

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:03 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
Don't go there. Seriously. If sexual incompatibility destroys a marriage, then it's not much of a marriage to begin with and there's too much focus on sex. It's just sex and people can learn. If you really love someone and are open to learning what makes them "tick", it will work fine.

We don't even need to look into the philosophy behind this too much. Biologically speaking, sex is meant to bond two people. Period. Sex is also very different for men and women. Women are far more emotionally involved. I'm not saying men aren't emotionally involved in sex, they SHOULD be, but within marriage, it's much safer because you already have the commitment and the knowledge of that love. You shouldn't need to have sex to show how much you love the person, it's simply an outlet.

However, from a philosophical point of view, it can also cloud your judgment from seeing things that should make you slow down, reconsider, etc. I've known many people who were in committed relationships for a long time, and because they were sleeping together, not only when they broke up was it much, much, much harder but they realized that they were completely blind to some serious flaws in their partner.

My husband and I wanted to wait until we were married, we put it off for a while but ultimately, we didn't, and it continued for years before we were married (we had never been with anyone else before). Not only did it connect us far too soon, but now that we're having serious problems and I've been able to separate from him to really rationally view things, I realized that if I had just said "back off" years ago, things would be extremely different.

I'm not saying this is the case in all circumstances -- just be careful. God instituted those rules for a reason. Pray. A lot. Love waits. Cliche, but it's true.

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:29 pm
by neo-x
Don't go there. Seriously. If sexual incompatibility destroys a marriage, then it's not much of a marriage to begin with and there's too much focus on sex. It's just sex and people can learn. If you really love someone and are open to learning what makes them "tick", it will work fine.

We don't even need to look into the philosophy behind this too much. Biologically speaking, sex is meant to bond two people. Period. Sex is also very different for men and women. Women are far more emotionally involved. I'm not saying men aren't emotionally involved in sex, they SHOULD be, but within marriage, it's much safer because you already have the commitment and the knowledge of that love. You shouldn't need to have sex to show how much you love the person, it's simply an outlet.

However, from a philosophical point of view, it can also cloud your judgment from seeing things that should make you slow down, reconsider, etc. I've known many people who were in committed relationships for a long time, and because they were sleeping together, not only when they broke up was it much, much, much harder but they realized that they were completely blind to some serious flaws in their partner.

My husband and I wanted to wait until we were married, we put it off for a while but ultimately, we didn't, and it continued for years before we were married (we had never been with anyone else before). Not only did it connect us far too soon, but now that we're having serious problems and I've been able to separate from him to really rationally view things, I realized that if I had just said "back off" years ago, things would be extremely different.

I'm not saying this is the case in all circumstances -- just be careful. God instituted those rules for a reason. Pray. A lot. Love waits. Cliche, but it's true.
I agree a 100%, very well put, monica :clap:

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:27 pm
by Short1
I definitely think the whole 'compatibility' thing is bunk. If you're with someone you are good at communicating with, then you should have no problems talking to each and finding out what is best. Also, if you wait, you'll be inexperienced and both won't be worried about "good sex" ... it sounds sucky, but that's the best way! When you both wait until marriage, you get a sort of innocence and you get to 'play' in a sense.. explore, discover, be close with that person.
Also, don't statistics back it up? People who don't do a trial run before marriage stay together more often.. it builds a stronger relationship.

Just this last week my girlfriend and I have split due to college and honestly stuff just doesn't feel the same. You never know how relationships will change.. I'm glad I didn't throw anything away on something that was probably a phase.

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:28 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
Awww, I'm sorry to hear that, Short. Don't worry. Trust God will find you the right woman when it's the right time :)

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:02 am
by Widge
Short1 wrote:Alright, straight to the point:

My girlfriend and I struggle a bit with fooling around before marriage.. we are entirely committed to not having sex, but we are getting further and further in other forms.. petting and whatnot.

I just think it's kind of weird how marriage makes it instantly okay. Like if I got married tomorrow, it's all good. Is it just because of that lifelong bond that's there? Because nothing else would change, I would love her just as I do now. So are all activities outside of marriage instantly lust? If I married her tomorrow, what would change? Is it possible to do things outside of marriage and not be lusting?
Get married then away you go

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:35 pm
by Murray
Widge wrote:
Short1 wrote:Alright, straight to the point:

My girlfriend and I struggle a bit with fooling around before marriage.. we are entirely committed to not having sex, but we are getting further and further in other forms.. petting and whatnot.

I just think it's kind of weird how marriage makes it instantly okay. Like if I got married tomorrow, it's all good. Is it just because of that lifelong bond that's there? Because nothing else would change, I would love her just as I do now. So are all activities outside of marriage instantly lust? If I married her tomorrow, what would change? Is it possible to do things outside of marriage and not be lusting?
Get married then away you go
So they should get married just so they can have sex?

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:09 pm
by StMonicaGuideMe
Murray, remember what St. Paul said? :P

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:22 am
by CallMeDave
Short1 wrote:Alright, straight to the point:

My girlfriend and I struggle a bit with fooling around before marriage.. we are entirely committed to not having sex, but we are getting further and further in other forms.. petting and whatnot.

I just think it's kind of weird how marriage makes it instantly okay. Like if I got married tomorrow, it's all good. Is it just because of that lifelong bond that's there? Because nothing else would change, I would love her just as I do now. So are all activities outside of marriage instantly lust? If I married her tomorrow, what would change? Is it possible to do things outside of marriage and not be lusting?
Its not marriage which makes it ok, per se, but the loving protective instructions that comes from your and my Creator for our own benefit. If you can stop enticing yourselves sexually, and wait till your wedding night , you will experience the blessings of having waited which God promises . Plus it will show your future wife the respect, honor you have for her...and that you are a man of integrity by willfully and temporarily postpoing your urges ; it will show great self control to her which she will respect you for endlessly . THIS will mean ALOT both now and later to her. Some other concerns are applicable to your case and can be found in this short treatise ; there are big dividends to NOT listening to our out of control sexually illict culture :

Question : Why is any of that wrong or immoral if nobodies getting
hurt and everyone's having a good time?

Answer :

1. You were not made for that by the Creator of us all. He gave us
moral boundaries so we would not hurt ourselves and others.
2. The Creator established absolute moral laws so we could live
properly and dignified . Our greatest happiness and fulfillment comes
from being in good relationship and standing to our Creator. , and not
from we want to do .
3. A condom will NOT prevent all STD's , plus, condoms come off during
passion, they rip, and they get misapplied . Further, a condom does
not prevent against emotional harm that occurs ...usually moreso for
the woman.
4. The sex act between two people is not only for pleasure, but it is
designed to cement an already good emotional relationship into a
stronger one. Casual hookup sex disregards this which often leads to
people feeling fragmented . , like a tramp later on, and having shared
something very personal with someone who doesnt care about them.
5. Sex was meant to be accompanied with lifelong commitment as in
marriage ; sex is THE most intimate side of a person and it is
supposed to be done in an environment of great safety and security and
privacy .
6. The more One has casual hookup sex, the more desensitized they
become regarding how they view the opposite sex . Guys subconsciously
start to think of women as worthless disposable things which
eventually increases in time. Women start to use a guy for sex so they
can get their emotional tank filled temporarily -- they trade sex for
getting some degree of affection and feeling valued. They get to the
point where they become mechanical and need a re-fix to fill their
emotional tank .
7. Pregnancy can and does result from casual sex and this accounts for
95% of ALL abortions performed . The devastating life time effects for
the woman increases her chance of suicide, depression, anxiety, and
regret especially around the anniversary of the abortion . The
'Mother' knows that she killed her developing baby at the alter of
sexual hedonism even if she tries hard to people who tell her 'its
just a blob' . The 'blob' had a heartbeat at just 18 days old -- most
abortions occur between 12-18 weeks when the baby is developed
substantially . 95% of abortions = 4,000 per day .... murdered
developing american life .
8. Virtually EVERYTHING our culture portrays, is dangerous to oneself
because its philosophies are all about self absorbsion , using others
for selfish gain, taking advantage of others, ego building, and
apathy , etc... We live in a very wrong culture . Its it good and
noble to go against such.
9. A consentual Partner doesnt make a wrong , right ; it makes it a
greater wrong because 2 people double it and are fooled by it.
10. The Creators plan is to have your wedding night as special as
possible so you can say you and your wife waited for each other. This
is a commitment that is highly cherised between two marriage partners.
If youve already blown this, there is a second chance for you to do it
right and God will bless your commitment and help you wait for your
future spouse.
11. We dont have to use our sexual nature. Nothing falls off if we
dont. Realize that our mass media promotes immoral sex for financial
gain and they do not care about you. Purity is a very good thing and
it builds self respect .
12. Some things may be fun, but are very wrong and destructive. And
looking at all the consequences to casual sex including the prevailing
national STD epidemic which is literally killing people early...people
ARE getting hurt and worse. Further, jealous b/f's want to get even ,
divorce occurs due to consenual adultery, and peoples trust levels get
shattered often for life .
13. There is a good feeling to be had from NOT following an out of
control morally degrading Culture and instead living for God . And, he
freely blesses such a life if you are willing to move toward him and
his loving protective laws.

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:41 am
by StMonicaGuideMe
That was a very thoughtful and, at times, scientific post there Dave, well done! The psychological issues of casual sex definitely need to be addressed in our society, but never will be. For some reason, our society wants us to all feel like we're *just* carnal beings.

Herp am I even functioning right now? -.-

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:35 am
by CallMeDave
StMonicaGuideMe wrote:That was a very thoughtful and, at times, scientific post there Dave, well done! The psychological issues of casual sex definitely need to be addressed in our society, but never will be. For some reason, our society wants us to all feel like we're *just* carnal beings.

Herp am I even functioning right now? -.-

Yes, its too bad that so many think its just a physical act instead of it deeply affecting ones Soul and often, permanently and irrepairably.

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:07 pm
by Tina
So what is considered marriage? I am engaged to my fiancé and we've been having sex. We would get married tomorrow if we had the money. Some of our friends already consider us married. How do I know if GOD considers us married? And where is the love when we're talking about these relationships? When I read some of the comments it's as if we're just talking about some sort of process instead of a binding act of love between two people that love each other. Doesn't scripture state that when a man and woman have sex that they become one? Would it make sense to say that at that moment of intercourse they are married? Unless, of course, they did it with other people and therefore would be fornication and adultery.

Re: Stuff before marriage : /

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:02 am
by PaulSacramento
Tina wrote:So what is considered marriage? I am engaged to my fiancé and we've been having sex. We would get married tomorrow if we had the money. Some of our friends already consider us married. How do I know if GOD considers us married? And where is the love when we're talking about these relationships? When I read some of the comments it's as if we're just talking about some sort of process instead of a binding act of love between two people that love each other. Doesn't scripture state that when a man and woman have sex that they become one? Would it make sense to say that at that moment of intercourse they are married? Unless, of course, they did it with other people and therefore would be fornication and adultery.
Not too long ago, an "engagement" was marriage.
The moment you make a commitment to another person under God and "cement" it with the physical expression of that commitment ( sexual union) you are "married" under God.
God doesn't need a piece of paper, governments need that.
It is when we have sex for no other reason than having sex ( selfish desire) with a person we have nothing but "lust" for that we are guilt of fornication and adultery.
Let me make that really clear, GOD KNOWS.
You can't fool or trick God.