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Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:17 pm
by SoCalExile
It goes both ways. It's error to play music to market a church, but it's also error to think that God only wants to hear one genre and it's the same songs that have been sung for generations (so much for "sing unto the Lord a new song"). It is right though, to sing and play what you like as an offering to the Lord, so if it's rock, cool. If it's hymns, cool.

It's just WAAAY to close to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit for my comfort to ascribe a song giving the gospel to Satan, simply because of the genre of the delivery.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:22 pm
by Nessa
SoCalExile wrote:It goes both ways. It's error to play music to market a church, but it's also error to think that God only wants to hear one genre and it's the same songs that have been sung for generations (so much for "sing unto the Lord a new song"). It is right though, to sing and play what you like as an offering to the Lord, so if it's rock, cool. If it's hymns, cool.

It's just WAAAY to close to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit for my comfort to ascribe a song giving the gospel to Satan, simply because of the genre of the delivery.
As I said, we are all individuals so there should be different styles.

But just because a piece of music, whether the lyrics or beat, make you feel close to God still doesnt mean it pleases God.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:30 pm
by SoCalExile
BTW, maybe you guys can answer this. It's a question I ask when people argue about church music. I have yet to get a straight opinion on this.

Where is the line between entertainment as worship and worship as entertainment? The latter is apparently much worse than the former, since it seems the vogue thing to do is complain about Sunday morning "rock concerts".

Now don't get me wrong, I do think there's better ways to use church funds than on stage lighting and smoke machines, but let's talk about the music.

So is it okay for music to be played on say, Saturday night, whether it be Skillet, Rend Collective, Zao, or the New York Philharmonic playing Handel's Messiah, in which what is primarily entertainment is used to glorify the Lord? I would think so, even if Handel seemed to exceed the amount of "hallelujahs" that modern detractors of contemporary worship music will allow.

Now what's the issue with that music being played 12 hours later? Isn't worship...worship? Does the timing of the event cross the line? What is it? And why is it wrong?

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:32 pm
by SoCalExile
Nessa wrote: But just because a piece of music, whether the lyrics or beat, make you feel close to God still doesnt mean it pleases God.
Who on earth gets to decide for everyone else what pleases God?

There's more scriptural support for the first video I posted than traditional hymnals (Psalm 33:3 and Psalm 150).

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:35 pm
by Nessa
SoCalExile wrote:BTW, maybe you guys can answer this. It's a question I ask when people argue about church music. I have yet to get a straight opinion on this.

Where is the line between entertainment as worship and worship as entertainment? The latter is apparently much worse than the former, since it seems the vogue thing to do is complain about Sunday morning "rock concerts".

Now don't get me wrong, I do think there's better ways to use church funds than on stage lighting and smoke machines, but let's talk about the music.

So is it okay for music to be played on say, Saturday night, whether it be Skillet, Rend Collective, Zao, or the New York Philharmonic playing Handel's Messiah, in which what is primarily entertainment is used to glorify the Lord? I would think so, even if Handel seemed to exceed the amount of "hallelujahs" that modern detractors of contemporary worship music will allow.

Now what's the issue with that music being played 12 hours later? Isn't worship...worship? Does the timing of the event cross the line? What is it? And why is it wrong?
I wouldnt say theres a wrong time to play certain worship music, rather there might be a more appropriate time perhaps.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:38 pm
by Nessa
SoCalExile wrote:
Nessa wrote: But just because a piece of music, whether the lyrics or beat, make you feel close to God still doesnt mean it pleases God.
Who on earth gets to decide for everyone else what pleases God?

There's more scriptural support for the first video I posted than traditional hymnals (Psalm 33:3 and Psalm 150).
God gets to decide what pleases God.
I am saying across all types of music, christian included, theres going to be songs that don't please him.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:41 pm
by SoCalExile
That's the thing; from what I get from people when I ask this, is the most concrete standard they use is, 'I don't like it'.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:43 pm
by SoCalExile
Nessa wrote:
SoCalExile wrote:
Nessa wrote: But just because a piece of music, whether the lyrics or beat, make you feel close to God still doesnt mean it pleases God.
Who on earth gets to decide for everyone else what pleases God?

There's more scriptural support for the first video I posted than traditional hymnals (Psalm 33:3 and Psalm 150).
God gets to decide what pleases God.
I am saying across all types of music, christian included, theres going to be songs that don't please him.
I'm pretty sure that God looks at the heart. And unless there's blasphemy or gross doctrinal error in the lyrics...which is another issue, because I can find some pretty erroneous teaching in hymnals.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:52 pm
by Nessa
SoCalExile wrote:
Nessa wrote:
SoCalExile wrote:
Nessa wrote: But just because a piece of music, whether the lyrics or beat, make you feel close to God still doesnt mean it pleases God.
Who on earth gets to decide for everyone else what pleases God?

There's more scriptural support for the first video I posted than traditional hymnals (Psalm 33:3 and Psalm 150).
God gets to decide what pleases God.
I am saying across all types of music, christian included, theres going to be songs that don't please him.
I'm pretty sure that God looks at the heart. And unless there's blasphemy or gross doctrinal error in the lyrics...which is another issue, because I can find some pretty erroneous teaching in hymnals.
Yes, exactly. And writing (or singing) a song with all the 'right' sounding words is not going to necessarily please God. Its not a matter of God hates metal but loves classical music. We have preferences but God has truth. He loves the truth, hates lies and deceit. So that goes for music and anything. We mostly agree I think

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 3:50 pm
by crochet1949
Should our music be reflecting our attitudes of who God is -- He is Almighty God -- King of Kings -- Lord of Lords. He tells us to ' be ye holy for I am holy '.
What does 'worship' God Mean?
And the subject of 'special music' in church -- there are people who are blessed with pleasant voices and want to sing praises to God in the form of solos / duets /choirs. Or they play musical instruments and want to or are asked to play a particular song as special music during the service --do we say "Amen" afterwards or clap our hands in response. Cause there are those who Don't want anyone clapping in response cause they're not doing their 'special' for entertainment, they are doing it to 'worship' God.
There's a church we'd been going to with lots of young people in it -- the music director allows the students to sing / play just about Anything for a church service -- he feels it's encouraging them to develop their talents. But young people need guidance in their choices of music.
What a person wants to play / listen to in their own home or car is up to them. But church is a different situation.
Yes, we need to be sharing / learning God's truth in and through our music.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:37 pm
by Nessa
crochet1949 wrote:....the music director allows the students to sing / play just about Anything for a church service -- he feels it's encouraging them to develop their talents. But young people need guidance in their choices of music.
What a person wants to play / listen to in their own home or car is up to them. But church is a different situation.
Yes, we need to be sharing / learning God's truth in and through our music.
Why is the Church a different situation?

Again, this type of guidance is based more on preference - and in this case with what the majority of the congregation desires and/or what the worship leader or pastor wants.

The emphasis should be on truth no matter where you are or what you're doing.

And have you heard some of the older music? :P
I think the older ppl could use a little guidance too.. :lol: kidding!

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:00 pm
by crochet1949
The church would be a different situation because there are Lots of people around who may or may not like what 'one' person likes. The music director --depending on the church -- is usually 'called' by the vote of the people. And the 'church' is usually known by the music it encourages. So - if a person decides they don't like what's being sung in the church, they have the freedom to listen to their choice at home.

For many years , at least up north - the music was traditional Gospel. There was no such thing as contemporary or Praise and Worship. Then someone decided to introduce the New stuff -- the older folk were supposed to be willing to move out of their comfort zone and get with the clapping and the more energetic music. Someone decided that the up and coming younger generation could be reached better with the newer style of music. And My thought has been -- the' new / young generations' have done quite nicely with the traditional hymns being sung -- meaning that us 60 yr olds were raised with Gospel hymns and the generations Before and Before That -- they all only had the 'old traditional' songs to sing. Lots of doctrine in those songs. And doctrine is one thing that is missing from a lot of the newer songs.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:38 pm
by Nessa
To me, a Church is simply a gathering of believers - a smaller part of a bigger family.

There's no reason why any Church has to be a particular way all the time. All members are unique, and each person's preference is as valid as the next. As I said, the truth is what matters here.

So mix it up I say. Have worship where there is no sound but the beating heart of one that cries out to God, seeking him.

Have older songs, new songs. Let the worship be as diverse as the people worshipping.

And childrens songs too cos arent they a part of the worship as well?

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:24 am
by crochet1949
And That might be why there are lots of churches of the same denomination/ beliefs Because some people want Mostly one type or another of music or whatever -- and rather than cause disharmony -- they simply have a smaller group of similar tastes.

And that's Also where Jr. church comes in. Kids Can enjoy their own songs and be wiggly when they want to be without disturbing the adults -- but at a certain age they Do 'outgrow' the little folk environment and learn to sit still and listen.

The church I'm at now, has two services -- one is praise /worship and the other more traditional hymns.

Re: Music in the Church

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:47 am
by Nessa
No we wouldnt want the kids disturbing the adults....and the adults learning something :shock:

Sorry but just tired of certain attitudes I see within church.