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Re: Christianity and secular music

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:08 am
by CallMeDave
Seraph wrote:
Rob wrote:
Seraph wrote:Just for fun and anyone who is interested, I recently made a youtube video thing of my top 15 favorite albums. :P ... ideo_title
I love 15, 13, 11, 9, 5, 4, and 2!

Big Doors fan, eh?

Probably my favorite song of all time:

I used to like the Doors and grew up on their songs. Since i became a devoted Follower of Christ , I came to understand the reality of their music and Keith Morrison their Leader ... so I have no place for their music or influence in my life anymore. Now i see them as one of many Bands that were led astray by the occult, satanic influence, esoteric experiences, and promotion of immorality. Certainly anti-christian .

Heh late response. For sure, I'm a massive Doors fan! :esmile:

Thought I'd post this for anyone who might be interested. I made this today and might do more soon:

Pretzel Logic (Steely Dan) Cover: ... =g-all-lik

Re: Christianity and secular music

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:53 pm
by Philip
"I still listen to Oldies music from the 1960's but with great discernment"
Well, the above should be true for ALL music. Just because a painting is made by a non-Christian artist, a bridge is built by a non-Christian engineer, or a great guitarist is not a Christian, doesn't mean I can't enjoy and appreciate the efforts of each. The brilliance I see from many non-Christians is just the essence of their being made in God's image - and thus from them flow amazing attributes and creations. But, in regards to music, I strictly filter sin-filled lyrics and suggestive content. Some music of The Doors is mesmerizingly beautiful. But also some of it is dark and has sinister potential influences - and so I don't listen to the latter of such songs.

The same Christians who wouldn't think twice about using an iPod, iPhone or an iPad, etc. - products of the non-Christian brilliance of Steve Jobs, will nonetheless obsess over listening to music - morally neutral music - created by non-Christians. This is ridiculous! They use all kinds of products created by non-Christians, but only decide to become discerning when it comes to various art forms. It's the meaning and content which we must filter from our minds - much is ok, but an awful lot is NOT. God gave us a brain to discern with - let's use it! And let's be clear, what is the biggest difference between non-Christian artists and Christian ones? Christians are SAVED! And, of course, hopefully, Christians listen to and obey the Holy Spirit within, to give them judgment about what art and influences they create. But throwing out all of a band's music just because some of it is inappropriate? That is unnecessary. Use your God-given filter! We do that for all matter of other things - why not for music and art as well?

Re: Christianity and secular music

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:09 pm
by Seraph
CallMeDave wrote:I used to like the Doors and grew up on their songs. Since i became a devoted Follower of Christ , I came to understand the reality of their music and Keith Morrison their Leader ... so I have no place for their music or influence in my life anymore. Now i see them as one of many Bands that were led astray by the occult, satanic influence, esoteric experiences, and promotion of immorality. Certainly anti-christian .
I assume you mean Jim Morrison. I don't see anything specifically anti-Christian about the Doors really. Jim Morrision had a troubled personal life that lead to him dying early on in his life sure, but he wasn't satanic or anything that would make the music unfit for a Christian to listen to.

Yes they used psychadelics, as was common with bands from the 60s and 70s, but if you're going to limit your music selection to artists who have no imperfection in their lives, you must not listen to any music at all.

Re: Christianity and secular music

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:55 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Yes they used psychadelics, as was common with bands from the 60s and 70s, but if you're going to limit your music selection to artists who have no imperfection in their lives, you must not listen to any music at all.
So according to Dave I shouldn't play at church because I was imperfect in my youth and did some nasty stuff and I am pretty sure I am still not perfect in all areas of my life.


Re: Christianity and secular music

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:46 am
by CallMeDave
So according to Dave I shouldn't play at church because I was imperfect in my youth and did some nasty stuff and I am pretty sure I am still not perfect in all areas of my life.


You dont have to be perfected in all areas of your life in order to be a Christian .... its a growth Walk once youve decided to make Christ your King , Saviour, and Lord of your life.... but as time goes on in your Christian Walk there should be some definite signs of coming out of the World , its philosophies , ideologies which includes inappropriate / immoral / occultic / impure / profane music and lyrics. , just as the Bible commands us to do for you cannot love both God and the World at the same time. There is p lenty of God honoring, uplifting, music bands today without making bands like the Doors who are of the World something you hold high. Many Christians decide to toss out their old collection of worldly music which promotes drugs, getting drunk, sexual immorality, degradation of women , the occult, et al...

Everything ive said here is based on you already being a dedicated Bible Believing Born Again Christian ; if you arent at that point yet in your life then this reply doesnt apply to you.

Re: Christianity and secular music

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:57 am
by CallMeDave
Seraph wrote:
CallMeDave wrote:I used to like the Doors and grew up on their songs. Since i became a devoted Follower of Christ , I came to understand the reality of their music and Keith Morrison their Leader ... so I have no place for their music or influence in my life anymore. Now i see them as one of many Bands that were led astray by the occult, satanic influence, esoteric experiences, and promotion of immorality. Certainly anti-christian .
I assume you mean Jim Morrison. I don't see anything specifically anti-Christian about the Doors really. Jim Morrision had a troubled personal life that lead to him dying early on in his life sure, but he wasn't satanic or anything that would make the music unfit for a Christian to listen to.

Yes they used psychadelics, as was common with bands from the 60s and 70s, but if you're going to limit your music selection to artists who have no imperfection in their lives, you must not listen to any music at all.
Sorry, i did mean Jim Morrison (not Keith) . If you do an investigation on the Doors and Jim Morrison, youll find they experimented with the Occult, did many illegal drugs while writing and performing songs ... all of which were satanic based. If you have an interest in Rock Bands from that era, there is a superb video available from called The Dangers of Rock Music which exposes dozens of Bands from the 1960's thru the end of the milennium including how anti-christian they were (are) . For myself, I have decided to be scrutinizing of what music i listen to and limit it mostly to Christian with some selective 1960's and 1970's music...but primarily I enjoy listening to praise and worship music that glorifies God and the wonderful salvation that i have .