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Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:02 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Murray wrote:maybe I should move to switzerland, Seems like everything is chill over there.
You won't find a better country in the world than Switzerland. None, zip, nada.
DannyM wrote: I’m a democrat at heart. Not a capital D democrat, of course. But a democrat nonetheless.
So you vote Labour? Stnking Communist! Sorry to hear that,


Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:21 am
by DannyM
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
DannyM wrote: I’m a democrat at heart. Not a capital D democrat, of course. But a democrat nonetheless.
So you vote Labour? Stnking Communist! Sorry to hear that,
Not in this life, Brother FL

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:58 am
by Byblos
DannyM wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
DannyM wrote: I’m a democrat at heart. Not a capital D democrat, of course. But a democrat nonetheless.
So you vote Labour? Stnking Communist! Sorry to hear that,
Not in this life, Brother FL
Obama's in trouble next year that's for sure.

I live in New York's 9th congressional district which is heavily democrat (a ratio of 3 to 1) and hasn't sent a republican congressman to Washington since 1923. My conservative vote is usually wasted, until yesterday that is, Bob Turner (R) defeated Weprin (D) by a margin of 8%. That's a clear referendum to get Obama out of the White House.

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:31 am
by RickD
I really can't see a scenario where Obama gets reelected. But then, I didn't see a scenario where he was going to be president the first time. y#-o

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:11 pm
by Murray
Obama is out.....

he has a 38% approval rating and subtract the 6% who actually disaprove but won't say it because you will get called a RaACiSt and you have a pretty ugly approval rating right there.

Perry for President :D

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:34 pm
by Philip
Obama is out.....
Well, that looks quite possible, but the keys are going to be will the disenfranchised independents abandon him in sufficient numbers (looks like it) and will those who traditionally oppose Republicans be motivated enough to come out to the polls in large numbers (that's questionable). Thing is, although a lot of traditional Democratic voters are very upset with Obama - especially those extremely liberal - the question is who else are they gonna vote for? The Republican side has become ever more conservative (I happen to be glad for that), so traditional Democrats, even those very upset with Obama, have no other choice.

What I have great hope in is the rise of minority conservatives - I like Cain very much (perhaps now only as VP, president when he's ready). I want to see some black true conservatives become governors and/or president - I think the right persons could truly change some minds in the minority communities about (truly) compassionate conservatism (and NOT George W's kind). I grew up in the South, during desegregation. From 7th grade through 12th I was a white minority at a 80% black school. I've worked shoulder to shoulder with a lot of black people and have had close black friends. My church is about 20% African American. I've seen the good and bad in all races.

I can tell you that, at least in the South, most black people - particularly OLDER ones, are very socially conservative. Their basic values line up well with conservative ones. But between our often prejudiced society (yes, there's plenty of black prejudice, too), and resistant white Republicans who truly don't understand or care that there are some minorities and poor and disadvantaged people (of all races) who truly need and deserve public assistance (yet the RIGHT kind of assistance) or that they should welcome and help black conservatives and business people - thus black folks have often felt like they've had no choice but to vote for Democrats. And so many liberal black (and white) politicians have lied to them, kept them dependent, have played the race card against Republicans to use them - and, sadly, it's worked. I'd love to see this change, and the rise of minority conservatives is a win-win for us all! I can tell you this, there is a very large percentage of conservative Americans that would elect a solid black conservative in a skinny minute! And as for those courageous black conservatives who have been willing to take hits from their communities, but have nonetheless remained true to their personal conservative values, thinking for themselves - I salute them!

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:39 am
by Murray
Perry/cain would be a great ticket but I think perry will have to pick somebody that urges more support behind him like romney.