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Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:35 am
by spartanII
DannyM wrote:
spartanII wrote:
DannyM wrote:
spartanII wrote:What is a monkey gaining then, is it just responding to it's environment? Sorry if i'm pressing you with hard question, I think too deep sometimes and worry too much
You're not pushing me hard at all. I'm trying to figure out why you are asking certain questions. Are you trying to find out if monkeys have access to the laws of logic?
I guess. It's very confusing to me.
Why is it confusing?
Everything man, everything. About half of my mind is concerned with the Christian God, the other half is wanting to go back in time... see how creation really happened, the true story, then die and see what the afterlife is like. I know that sounds so weird and so "un Christain," and maybe i'm asking too much from the Christian train of thought but I'm so confused Danny, the more i look into what atheist say the more I start remembering a few legit questions they asked and try to find an adequate answer for "a problem," in the Christian system. Why would an all knowing God even create things like the Neanderthals/Cro Magnons or the early Homo Sapiens, creatures that look remotely similar to us for us to point out our relations to them? If He did he could at least say something in the Bible about it but we don't get anything like verses that are like "and there were many before you that looked like you but you were special/ a new creation."
I don't understand "all knowledge comes from God," did this apply to them? Where does the bs in evolution end because it seems like it ends somewhere. it stops dead in it's tracks when we talk about problems with natural worldview/materialism, and things like that but why would it go on for 4.1 billion years and stop about 50,000 years ago for the rise of us? And sometimes I'll try to read something by Hugh Ross or any of those guys and in one chapter of a book he talks about evolution but all he has to say about it is "if it's true," and then mentions how "depressing," it would be if it is true. That really isn't evidence against it. Just appeal to emotion. Sorry if I sound like a train wreck and a lost soul, ever since my friend became an atheist I've been trying to disprove some things he asked, while i have the majority of it down, the big white elephant in the room, Evolution, bothers me so much. It seems so against God's character.... I know WLC would say something like "Well God isn't limited on resources or time," but I thought our God was all knowing....couldn't He not make any vestigial organs for us to question, any similar looking humanoids, no chromosome similarities between us and apes.... It would be so comforting to grow up in a world where creation matched up perfectly with how the Bible says it but it seems like everything in this world is just so confusing. Yes, I believe in God, the Christian God, but I want to kill this doubt inside of me so badly.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:09 am
by RickD
spartanII wrote:
DannyM wrote:
spartanII wrote:
DannyM wrote:
spartanII wrote:What is a monkey gaining then, is it just responding to it's environment? Sorry if i'm pressing you with hard question, I think too deep sometimes and worry too much
You're not pushing me hard at all. I'm trying to figure out why you are asking certain questions. Are you trying to find out if monkeys have access to the laws of logic?
I guess. It's very confusing to me.
Why is it confusing?
Everything man, everything. About half of my mind is concerned with the Christian God, the other half is wanting to go back in time... see how creation really happened, the true story, then die and see what the afterlife is like. I know that sounds so weird and so "un Christain," and maybe i'm asking too much from the Christian train of thought but I'm so confused Danny, the more i look into what atheist say the more I start remembering a few legit questions they asked and try to find an adequate answer for "a problem," in the Christian system. Why would an all knowing God even create things like the Neanderthals/Cro Magnons or the early Homo Sapiens, creatures that look remotely similar to us for us to point out our relations to them? If He did he could at least say something in the Bible about it but we don't get anything like verses that are like "and there were many before you that looked like you but you were special/ a new creation."
I don't understand "all knowledge comes from God," did this apply to them? Where does the bs in evolution end because it seems like it ends somewhere. it stops dead in it's tracks when we talk about problems with natural worldview/materialism, and things like that but why would it go on for 4.1 billion years and stop about 50,000 years ago for the rise of us? And sometimes I'll try to read something by Hugh Ross or any of those guys and in one chapter of a book he talks about evolution but all he has to say about it is "if it's true," and then mentions how "depressing," it would be if it is true. That really isn't evidence against it. Just appeal to emotion. Sorry if I sound like a train wreck and a lost soul, ever since my friend became an atheist I've been trying to disprove some things he asked, while i have the majority of it down, the big white elephant in the room, Evolution, bothers me so much. It seems so against God's character.... I know WLC would say something like "Well God isn't limited on resources or time," but I thought our God was all knowing....couldn't He not make any vestigial organs for us to question, any similar looking humanoids, no chromosome similarities between us and apes.... It would be so comforting to grow up in a world where creation matched up perfectly with how the Bible says it but it seems like everything in this world is just so confusing. Yes, I believe in God, the Christian God, but I want to kill this doubt inside of me so badly.
spartanII, It sounds like you're struggling with something more than what you're saying here. It almost sounds like some kind of oppression. Maybe demonic in nature. You seem so brought down by something that I can't see as that big of an issue, normally. Have you really prayed earnestly for God's guidance on this?

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:27 am
by DannyM
spartanII wrote:Why would an all knowing God even create things like the Neanderthals/Cro Magnons or the early Homo Sapiens, creatures that look remotely similar to us for us to point out our relations to them? If He did he could at least say something in the Bible about it but we don't get anything like verses that are like "and there were many before you that looked like you but you were special/ a new creation."
Why would Neanderthals necessarily be mentioned in the Bible?

As I say, only humans have the ability to obtain knowledge.
I don't understand "all knowledge comes from God," did this apply to them?
Meaningful knowledge would be beyond the grasp of non-human beings, so the question doesn’t apply.
Where does the bs in evolution end because it seems like it ends somewhere. it stops dead in it's tracks when we talk about problems with natural worldview/materialism, and things like that but why would it go on for 4.1 billion years and stop about 50,000 years ago for the rise of us?

Evolutionary theory makes a lot of assumptions, so I wouldn't get worked up about it. Presuppositions, philosophy, it’s all mixed together.
And sometimes I'll try to read something by Hugh Ross or any of those guys and in one chapter of a book he talks about evolution but all he has to say about it is "if it's true," and then mentions how "depressing," it would be if it is true. That really isn't evidence against it. Just appeal to emotion.
Wait. Ross does this? It wouldn’t take a chapter for Ross to say, “If it were true, it would be depressing.” What book are you talking about?
Sorry if I sound like a train wreck and a lost soul, ever since my friend became an atheist I've been trying to disprove some things he asked, while i have the majority of it down, the big white elephant in the room, Evolution, bothers me so much.
Don’t be sorry, mate. If I were you I’d get your friend to explain what he means by evolution, Spartan. Also, look into the Cambrian Explosion and the the problems it poses for Darwinian evolution.

Darwinian evolution

Part 1 ... ution-myth

Part 2 ... fic-theory

Part 3 ... biogenesis

Part 4 ... oevolution

Part 5 ... conclusion

Here’s a snip:
Not only does the theory of evolution meet the criteria of a creation myth, but also it fails to meet a critical criterion of a scientific theory: it cannot be falsified. For a theory to be considered scientific, it must be possible to devise a controlled test such that a negative result proves the theory false. But no such test exists for evolution because it is based on unrepeatable, once-in-a-lifetime random occurrences that can therefore “explain” anything.

Even apparently strong circumstantial evidence against macroevolution-by-random-mutations is readily dismissed. The symbiotic nature of grossly dissimilar life-forms is an example. Why should fruits and vegetables have a taste and smell that appeal to animals and humans, even though plants and animals are believed to have followed totally separate evolutionary pathways? This difficulty caused evolutionary zoologist Pierre-Paul Grassé to comment:

“[According to] the Darwinian theory … a single plant, a single animal would require thousands and thousands of lucky, appropriate events. Thus, miracles would become the rule: events with an infinitesimal probability could not fail to occur… . There is no law against daydreaming, but science must not indulge in it.”

This emphasizes evolution’s myth like character. Mathematician/ philosopher Wolfgang Smith adds:

“The doctrine of evolution has swept the world, not on the strength of its scientific merits, but precisely in its capacity as a Gnostic myth. It affirms, in effect, that living beings created themselves, which is, in essence, a metaphysical claim… . evolutionism is in truth a metaphysical doctrine decked out in scientific garb.”

As a result, some scientists are beginning to view Darwinism in the same way others view religion. After all, it has a prophet (Charles Darwin), a priesthood, and a secret body of knowledge. Science historian Marjorie Grene says, “It is as a religion of science that Darwinism chiefly held, and holds, men’s minds… . Darwinian theory has itself become an orthodoxy preached by its adherents with religious fervor, and doubted, they feel, only by a few muddlers imperfect in scientific faith.”

Evolutionary biologist Lynn Margulis believes “neo-Darwinism will ultimately be viewed as only ‘a minor twentieth-century religious sect within the sprawling religious persuasion of Anglo-Saxon biology.’”

Grassé observes, “Chance becomes a sort of providence, which, under the cover of atheism, is not named but which is secretly worshipped.”5 He feels the “duty (of biologists) is to destroy the myth of evolution … to think about the weaknesses of the interpretations and extrapolations that theoreticians put forward or lay down as established truths.”
Hope this helps

God bless

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:37 pm
by spartanII
RickD wrote:

spartanII, It sounds like you're struggling with something more than what you're saying here. It almost sounds like some kind of oppression. Maybe demonic in nature. You seem so brought down by something that I can't see as that big of an issue, normally. Have you really prayed earnestly for God's guidance on this?[/quote][/quote]

Yes, and I don't think it's demonic... I just think it's over-thinking things. I didn't come on the forum or deal with apologetics for like 3 weeks to cool off...I became obsessed and it was all i could think about , sitting on my bed at night for about 4 hours straight, trying to go to bed but can't. These are big big questions..and yes I've tried but it seems like white noise...I used to feel a connection with God but nowadays it's very very hard... I know part of my connection is my fault, I deal with lust and it's been on a high for like a year straight now so while i'm in the stage I feel unworthy of even going to God and asking Him for guidance, but while i'm not in that stage I feel concerned about my faith, and want answers. A lot of them are very good but then a few times an atheist will ask a legit question (they have a few) and it'll bug me. But it's okay, if you could pray for me I'd appreciate it.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:50 pm
by RickD
spartanII wrote:
RickD wrote:

spartanII, It sounds like you're struggling with something more than what you're saying here. It almost sounds like some kind of oppression. Maybe demonic in nature. You seem so brought down by something that I can't see as that big of an issue, normally. Have you really prayed earnestly for God's guidance on this?
Yes, and I don't think it's demonic... I just think it's over-thinking things. I didn't come on the forum or deal with apologetics for like 3 weeks to cool off...I became obsessed and it was all i could think about , sitting on my bed at night for about 4 hours straight, trying to go to bed but can't. These are big big questions..and yes I've tried but it seems like white noise...I used to feel a connection with God but nowadays it's very very hard... I know part of my connection is my fault, I deal with lust and it's been on a high for like a year straight now so while i'm in the stage I feel unworthy of even going to God and asking Him for guidance, but while i'm not in that stage I feel concerned about my faith, and want answers. A lot of them are very good but then a few times an atheist will ask a legit question (they have a few) and it'll bug me. But it's okay, if you could pray for me I'd appreciate it.
None of us is worthy, so don't let that kind of thinking get you down. Maybe you need some "alone time" with God. Try making some time to be in the bible, and to pray somewhere quiet. Maybe take a break from debating atheists for a while. Seek God's guidance. Maybe He wants you somewhere else for now. There are a few things that I have questions about, as well. i prayed about them, and I didn't get any answer to what I was questioning. So, I left it for God, and didn't dwell on the unanswered questions. God will answer them in His own time, if it is His will.
I'll absolutely pray for you as the Lord leads me.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:26 am
by spartanII
From what I remember logic presupposes reason. We humans (homo sapien sapiens) are the only ones to grasp this caliber of reason/logic? Before us were others (Neanderthals/Homo Erectus) less knowledgeable? Did they have logic 0.5? I'm not trying to play games either. If an evolutionist asked me this question I wouldn't know what to say...

Like what 1/137 said

---First one is about gorilla Koko which "speaks fluent sign language and not only still laments the death of her mother 30 years later but also says she plans on teaching her children sign language." Or chimpanz Santino which "on many mornings, calmly gathers rocks into a pile, waits until the zoo opens, and then uses them to dispel the crowd of gawkers surrounding his enclosure." So these two animals can plan and think and IMO reason. She also scored a 90 on an IQ test out of 100 ---

If they can do that, do they have access to the laws of logic and reasoning?
I guess i'm just confused on the order of things and terms.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:28 am
by jlay
Why would an all knowing God even create things like the Neanderthals/Cro Magnons or the early Homo Sapiens, creatures that look remotely similar to us for us to point out our relations to them?
Ultimately, I agree. I have done some in-depth study on this, and even had a lengthy post at one time on this forum. I can assure you that these things aren't as settled as many would claim to be.

I agree that evolution seems contrary to God. And evolution (molecules to man) is unproven and unprovable.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:31 pm
by Byblos
jlay wrote:I agree that evolution seems contrary to God. And evolution (molecules to man) is unproven and unprovable.
Evolution unproven, perhaps; unprovable, I don't know about that; contrary to God, I don't think so.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:36 pm
by jlay

I said it 'seems.' My perspective is that it is contrary. I agree that evolution being true doesn't negate a theistic god. I just don't see it at all being consistent or in line with Christian Theism.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:11 pm
by Byblos
jlay wrote:Byb,

I said it 'seems.' My perspective is that it is contrary. I agree that evolution being true doesn't negate a theistic god. I just don't see it at all being consistent or in line with Christian Theism.
I realize that's what you meant. I just don't know why you would hold to such a position. What is it about evolution that makes it inconsistent with Christian theism? (knowing there are many Christian theists who obviously would disagree with you).

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:22 pm
by B. W.
spartanII wrote:...Everything man, everything. About half of my mind is concerned with the Christian God, the other half is wanting to go back in time... see how creation really happened, the true story, then die and see what the afterlife is like. I know that sounds so weird and so "un Christain," and maybe i'm asking too much from the Christian train of thought but I'm so confused Danny, the more i look into what atheist say the more I start remembering a few legit questions they asked and try to find an adequate answer for "a problem," in the Christian system. Why would an all knowing God even create things like the Neanderthals/Cro Magnons or the early Homo Sapiens, creatures that look remotely similar to us for us to point out our relations to them? If He did he could at least say something in the Bible about it but we don't get anything like verses that are like "and there were many before you that looked like you but you were special/ a new creation."

I don't understand "all knowledge comes from God," did this apply to them? Where does the bs in evolution end because it seems like it ends somewhere. it stops dead in it's tracks when we talk about problems with natural worldview/materialism, and things like that but why would it go on for 4.1 billion years and stop about 50,000 years ago for the rise of us? And sometimes I'll try to read something by Hugh Ross or any of those guys and in one chapter of a book he talks about evolution but all he has to say about it is "if it's true," and then mentions how "depressing," it would be if it is true. That really isn't evidence against it. Just appeal to emotion. Sorry if I sound like a train wreck and a lost soul, ever since my friend became an atheist I've been trying to disprove some things he asked, while i have the majority of it down, the big white elephant in the room, Evolution, bothers me so much. It seems so against God's character.... I know WLC would say something like "Well God isn't limited on resources or time," but I thought our God was all knowing....couldn't He not make any vestigial organs for us to question, any similar looking humanoids, no chromosome similarities between us and apes.... It would be so comforting to grow up in a world where creation matched up perfectly with how the Bible says it but it seems like everything in this world is just so confusing. Yes, I believe in God, the Christian God, but I want to kill this doubt inside of me so badly.
Eccl 7:12, "For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it." NKJV

SpartanII. how's your life??

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:41 pm
by kls
jlay wrote:Byb,

I said it 'seems.' My perspective is that it is contrary. I agree that evolution being true doesn't negate a theistic god. I just don't see it at all being consistent or in line with Christian Theism.

I actually see it being very in line with Christianity. I tend to believe that we are designed in god image, AKA thinking machines, if we take it from the prospective of our creations, it may help to understand how evolution not only is consistent with the concept of a Christian god, but it would be a testament to his elegance. To me the greatest designs that humans create and that God creates are ones built upon simplicity and elegance. Why do we humans find such elegance in simplicity? Very complex systems that are built on foundations of simplicity layered on top of each other are some of the most amazing creations to behold, they are so easy to understand, but we are still able to add layers and layers that do more and more complex things.

Let take the computer, the closest thing that we have invented to man. It is a primitive thinking machine, what is more amazing about the computer is not that it thinks on a primitive level, but that all though boils down to either 0 or 1, true or false, if we look at Babbage machine (the first computational machine) as the original life form it helps to understand how things evolve, that core principal of Boolean logic, true or false has been the foundation for almost 100 years. The iPhone while not resembling the first computer forms relies on the very same basic elegant principals as the first machines, from vacuum tubes to transistors, the property of how computational machines work at the most basic level has not changed. Now imagine that one day an ancestor of that computational linage becomes self aware. It becomes for all intents and purposes a free willed thinking machine. Does that not set it apart from the rest, does that not some how make it special. It is an event horizon, while it is the same building blocks as it's ancestors, it is by all definitions not the same thing.

Now imagine that we had far more capacity for creativity, lets imagine that that capacity is infinite, not only could we maintain elegance, but within that elegance we could write logic so that it evolves itself. That is far more elegant than anything that we have created, through the basic organic building blocks of chemistry (which are far more basic than the vacuum tube or the transistor) God designed a machine that was not only more elegant than our thinking machines but was able to improve upon itself. The elegance of evolution is one of the things that brought me, a devout Agnostic into believing that it had to be by design, it is most certainly a system of information and logic very similar to our own computers. The fact that at a certain point God separated the same thing (DNA machines) into one with an eternal free willed spirit is testimony to the fact that god can out of the same make difference. That is a very elegant design.

There are a lot of problems with trying to use the creation stories which where directed, to not only help us, but also men of a different time to explain how God built it. The most obvious that we should remember is there is no beginning or end to God, he exist outside of the constraints of time, so we have to ask ourselves why would he constrain himself to time if he exists outside of it. He created the laws of physics and I believe that everything he does in our universe is done via them, event the miracles, but I believe that he uses them in the manner that we use a hammer as a tool. Not as a container.

If it is not reviled in the bible and it does not contradict the bible then they are not matters of consequential faith. Science and knowledge is gods greatest gift to man, and if we reveal truths about the nature of God in the course of human history all the better, I believe god delights in it, as much as we delight in our children discovering how to solve a math problem on their own. God delights in knowledge, so long as we ground it in his word. If it directly contradicts the word we should be suspect, but we should understand the argument so that we can be suspect from a position of knowledge, but there is very little concerning scientific matters that are spelled out in the bible and the ones that are are consistent with what we know about the world we live in.

With the creation story, we do know that animals where created first, if the accounts of creation stated that man where created first, then we would have an issue, because either science is wrong or the bible is wrong. As it sits the only item that is truly at issue in biblical creation is the 7 man days being, applied to god. But we have direct word from god that 1000 years are like a day and a day is like 1000 years. Which basically means time is irrelevant to god, and then we go back to creation and we know that we should put little emphasis on the time, because god directly informed us that time is irrelevant. It could very well have been 7 acts that took place. There is some contention as to why he would need to rest, if they where not consecutive, but he could have rested as an example being a leader means leading by example which is everything that Jesus taught, the point being it is not critical, because the bible does not say anything for or against it, armed with what we know from the bible we can say for sure that it is possible and if science proves it and it does not contradict the bible than we should accept that truth.

Proverbs is very clear on willful ignorance not being gods standard. Not saying that people that question evolution from either side are willfully ignorant, but there are some that use the bible to remain willfully ignorant and refute all scientific knowledge. Which is an impossible position to maintain, we where created in god's image and therefore we can stand in testament to his wonders, we have the capacity to understand some of it, and to refute it not only ignores that reality, but it misses an opportunity to observe and witness the glory of god at a deeper level. When I was an Agnostic, I used to find the order of things fascinating, now guided by gods wisdom, it is absolutely majestic. To know God designed all living things through 4 basic molecules, bares witness to his majesty on such a profound level that just is not gained from reading about stories that took place a long time ago. Seeing God's fingerprint in creation, makes God the living god, which is the most profound reality one can witness and brings about a peace that no human word can describe.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:01 pm
by spartanII
B. W. wrote:
spartanII wrote:...Everything man, everything. About half of my mind is concerned with the Christian God, the other half is wanting to go back in time... see how creation really happened, the true story, then die and see what the afterlife is like. I know that sounds so weird and so "un Christain," and maybe i'm asking too much from the Christian train of thought but I'm so confused Danny, the more i look into what atheist say the more I start remembering a few legit questions they asked and try to find an adequate answer for "a problem," in the Christian system. Why would an all knowing God even create things like the Neanderthals/Cro Magnons or the early Homo Sapiens, creatures that look remotely similar to us for us to point out our relations to them? If He did he could at least say something in the Bible about it but we don't get anything like verses that are like "and there were many before you that looked like you but you were special/ a new creation."

I don't understand "all knowledge comes from God," did this apply to them? Where does the bs in evolution end because it seems like it ends somewhere. it stops dead in it's tracks when we talk about problems with natural worldview/materialism, and things like that but why would it go on for 4.1 billion years and stop about 50,000 years ago for the rise of us? And sometimes I'll try to read something by Hugh Ross or any of those guys and in one chapter of a book he talks about evolution but all he has to say about it is "if it's true," and then mentions how "depressing," it would be if it is true. That really isn't evidence against it. Just appeal to emotion. Sorry if I sound like a train wreck and a lost soul, ever since my friend became an atheist I've been trying to disprove some things he asked, while i have the majority of it down, the big white elephant in the room, Evolution, bothers me so much. It seems so against God's character.... I know WLC would say something like "Well God isn't limited on resources or time," but I thought our God was all knowing....couldn't He not make any vestigial organs for us to question, any similar looking humanoids, no chromosome similarities between us and apes.... It would be so comforting to grow up in a world where creation matched up perfectly with how the Bible says it but it seems like everything in this world is just so confusing. Yes, I believe in God, the Christian God, but I want to kill this doubt inside of me so badly.
Eccl 7:12, "For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it." NKJV

SpartanII. how's your life??
Pretty weird, constantly thinking about these things. Can't get on track at work sometimes... why is it that an all knowing God would put fossils in the ground that are 90% whale yet have vestigial organs that would make it seem like it's transitioning from one form to another, or already has? I don't mean to mock God but how can we call that wise? If Christians took the hot-seat in college academia what would we do with the transitional fossils, what would we say about macro evolution? I think the scary thing about evolution is it just seems careless, like evolution is just mindless, doing it's own'll finally get to 4.1 billion years... It's hard to reconcile that with our Christian God... I know WLC will say something like "well that's only the concern of somebody with limited resources and limited time, God has neither." I know I'm telling the creator what to do but He did a genius job with the cosmos and it's fine tuning, the earth and it's fine tuning, but with life around us we can find flaws... certain elephants don't die out because of old age, they die out because of their teeth falling out... and about that monkey Koko, why is she so smart? I don't understand it...
All praying to God to do will give me some comfort and make me not think about it for very long but it will rise up to the top of my head in a few days and get me obsessed about it, again.

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:29 pm
by B. W.
spartanII wrote:...Pretty weird, constantly thinking about these things. Can't get on track at work sometimes... why is it that an all knowing God would put fossils in the ground that are 90% whale yet have vestigial organs that would make it seem like it's transitioning from one form to another, or already has? I don't mean to mock God but how can we call that wise? If Christians took the hot-seat in college academia what would we do with the transitional fossils, what would we say about macro evolution? I think the scary thing about evolution is it just seems careless, like evolution is just mindless, doing it's own'll finally get to 4.1 billion years... It's hard to reconcile that with our Christian God... I know WLC will say something like "well that's only the concern of somebody with limited resources and limited time, God has neither." I know I'm telling the creator what to do but He did a genius job with the cosmos and it's fine tuning, the earth and it's fine tuning, but with life around us we can find flaws... certain elephants don't die out because of old age, they die out because of their teeth falling out... and about that monkey Koko, why is she so smart? I don't understand it...
All praying to God to do will give me some comfort and make me not think about it for very long but it will rise up to the top of my head in a few days and get me obsessed about it, again.
Take a look at these verses again and look at the original word meanings and see what you find...

Doing that will ease your mind because something is lost in the translation from Hebrew to English…

Gen 1:20 Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens."
Gen 1:21 God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.
Gen 1:22 God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."
Gen 1:23 There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.

Gen 1:24 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.
Gen 1:25 God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

Next please note this:

Gen 1:5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

Then note this concerning how earth time started...

Gen 1:14-18, "Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good 19So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.." NASB

You have two types of Days mentioned. The first day - how long was it? You cannot measure it with an earth solar day for the solar day did not exist on the first day...

There is a difference between a narrative’s talking points than a detailed instruction manual...

What is the real reason for your worry?

Re: Answering atheists responses to laws of logic

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:18 pm
by spartanII
B. W. wrote:
spartanII wrote:...Pretty weird, constantly thinking about these things. Can't get on track at work sometimes... why is it that an all knowing God would put fossils in the ground that are 90% whale yet have vestigial organs that would make it seem like it's transitioning from one form to another, or already has? I don't mean to mock God but how can we call that wise? If Christians took the hot-seat in college academia what would we do with the transitional fossils, what would we say about macro evolution? I think the scary thing about evolution is it just seems careless, like evolution is just mindless, doing it's own'll finally get to 4.1 billion years... It's hard to reconcile that with our Christian God... I know WLC will say something like "well that's only the concern of somebody with limited resources and limited time, God has neither." I know I'm telling the creator what to do but He did a genius job with the cosmos and it's fine tuning, the earth and it's fine tuning, but with life around us we can find flaws... certain elephants don't die out because of old age, they die out because of their teeth falling out... and about that monkey Koko, why is she so smart? I don't understand it...
All praying to God to do will give me some comfort and make me not think about it for very long but it will rise up to the top of my head in a few days and get me obsessed about it, again.
Take a look at these verses again and look at the original word meanings and see what you find...

Doing that will ease your mind because something is lost in the translation from Hebrew to English…

Gen 1:20 Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens."
Gen 1:21 God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.
Gen 1:22 God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."
Gen 1:23 There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.

Gen 1:24 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.
Gen 1:25 God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

Next please note this:

Gen 1:5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

Then note this concerning how earth time started...

Gen 1:14-18, "Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good 19So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.." NASB

You have two types of Days mentioned. The first day - how long was it? You cannot measure it with an earth solar day for the solar day did not exist on the first day...

There is a difference between a narrative’s talking points than a detailed instruction manual...

What is the real reason for your worry?
I'm not sure, i get worked up over macro-evolution and the irony of evolution in general. It seems so contradictory to God's character. I think i'll think it over.