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Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:50 pm
by Tiffany Dawn
RickD wrote:
There are actual "Christians" that don't believe in Harpazo, There are "Christians" that don't believe in a literal Hell, and there are some that probably don't believe in a real Global Flood.
Tiffany, I have a little secret. But let's keep this between you and me. There might be Christians...I can't believe I'm actually saying this... There might actually be Christians, who don't believe that the days spoken of in Genesis, are actually 24hour days. :esurprised:

Tiffany, you do realize that one can interpret parts of scripture differently than you do, and still be a Christian, saved by the efficacious work of Christ, don't you?
Yeah Rick-I totally believe that for sure-anddddddd I do have a few names for some of them in which I will not reveal at this time, but I know that I have to love them because God made me.
And, if I don't-Well-you know-

However, get this one Rick-

I’m thinking fifteen cubits upward and the mountains being covered-twenty-two and a half feet above the summits of the highest hills. Hmmmm
Now I would say that this language is not consistent with the theory of a partial deluge, if you ask me..

Genesis 7:17-20 states: that the flood was increasing forty days.
Now Rick you know that Forty days is a long time to put up with rain.

AND- The waters rose so high, that the tops of the highest mountains were overflowed more than twenty feet. Hmmmmm- Twenty feet?
When the flood increased, Noah's ark was lifted up, and the waters which broke down every thing else, bore up the ark.

So Yeah-I’m believing in the Global Flood because the Bible said it and that settles it.

Now this is Sent With Love Rick-

Oh Yeah by-the-way I'm still wandering if by any chance we may be kin!
Ummmmm-How close would you be from say Lunenberg?
And one more thing-I have lived in Florida Three Times-Daytona Beach, Clearwater and Palm Harbor.

Ooops, I left some info off-

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:33 am
by RickD
Tiffany wrote:
So Yeah-I’m believing in the Global Flood because the Bible said it and that settles it.
Tiffany, this is from the article that I linked earlier. You do realize that Rich Deem, who wrote the article, is the owner of this site, don't you?

The Bible says the flood was global?
"The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it!" The phrase is a common argument used for those  who call for the "literal reading" of the Bible. I have no complaints against reading the Bible literally. However, many who claim to be literalists apparently do not believe everything the Bible says. Creation passages clearly say that God caused the original global seas to be restricted - never to cover the entire earth again. The Genesis flood passage itself says that the water covered "the entire earth" even though Noah could see the distant mountains, indicating that the "earth" was just the entire land of Mesopotamia.

Rich Deem

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:08 am
by PaulSacramento
Or if people doubt the truth of God's Word that's okay too-Right?
The true WORD of God is Christ, you do know that right?

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:18 am
by PaulSacramento
The word "global flood" does NOT occur in the bible.
That the Hebrew world for "earth" can mean Land ( general and specific geographical points) and even a specific/general people is shown clearly in the OT.
One should always understand the Genre of the book of the bible one is reading.
Some are poetic, some are historical, some are prophetic and some are "stories" and some are parables.
Ancient writers wrote in the way that best conveyed the message they were trying to put out.
When they wrote that Alexander conquered the world or that Rome ruled the world or that the very foundations of the earth shook with the chariots of the egyptians and so forth, they were NOT being literal AND concrete, but conveying a since of what was happening.
While there is evidence to a series of massive floods in the NME area in and around the time of Noah, there is NO evidence for those floods in other areas during those times ( though other areas have suffered horrific floods before and after and since).
There is really no reason to believe that the epic flood was global in the sence that ALL the planet earth was covered in water ( which would require even the Himalayas to be covered), it is quote resonable to believe that ALL THE LAND was covered in water.

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:21 am
by Tiffany Dawn
PaulSacramento wrote:
Or if people doubt the truth of God's Word that's okay too-Right?
The true WORD of God is Christ, you do know that right?
Yes I do know that-But do you know that?

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:45 am
by PaulSacramento
Tiffany Dawn wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
Or if people doubt the truth of God's Word that's okay too-Right?
The true WORD of God is Christ, you do know that right?
Yes I do know that-But do you know that?
Yes, that is why I do NOT view anything OTHER than Christ as THE WORD of God.

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:04 pm
by Tiffany Dawn
RickD wrote:Tiffany wrote:
So Yeah-I’m believing in the Global Flood because the Bible said it and that settles it.
Tiffany, this is from the article that I linked earlier. You do realize that Rich Deem, who wrote the article, is the owner of this site, don't you?

No, I didn't connect him to being the owner of this site, not that that makes any difference-After all, anybody can open a forum for discussion.
However, what really can disappoint on some of these Christian forum's is they have the propensity to deceive in some area's.
After researching your site a bit more I rather move forward . I will pray for those who have been misled in anyway and let God be the Judge and not me for, I judge myself.
Anyways, I have found on some of these sites it may be better to be a lurker a while before entering said forum.

I hope you guys the Best-

It's been Interesting! :wave:

The Bible says the flood was global?
"The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it!" The phrase is a common argument used for those who call for the "literal reading" of the Bible. I have no complaints against reading the Bible literally. However, many who claim to be literalists apparently do not believe everything the Bible says. Creation passages clearly say that God caused the original global seas to be restricted - never to cover the entire earth again. The Genesis flood passage itself says that the water covered "the entire earth" even though Noah could see the distant mountains, indicating that the "earth" was just the entire land of Mesopotamia.

Rich Deem

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:09 pm
by PaulSacramento
I don't want you to feel that I am laying into you because you view the flood as global, as I said, if a person choose to believe that, fine.
The issue is that beleiving because the "bibel says so", only works IF the bible actually says that ( which is debatable).
Also, one needs to always heed the warnings IN the bible about the bible itself.
Remember that the bible is a collection of Books, not A book, books written and edited by various authors and scribes over the centuries.
The bible has different genres and because of that, not every book is to be viewed the same.
We are warned that the scribes altered the "word of God" by Jeremiah.
We are told to test everything by Paul and reminded by Christ to NOT but our trust (solely) in Man.

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:18 pm
by RickD
No, I didn't connect him to being the owner of this site, not that that makes any difference-After all, anybody can open a forum for discussion.
It makes a difference, in that there are other born-again Christians here, that agree with Rich. Not all Christians take scripture as "concretely", as young earth Christians. Rich's interpretations of scripture, are certainly one, valid, literal interpretation. Answers in Genesis, has one literal interpretation, as well. AIG's interpretation, is their interpretation. It's certainly not equal to scripture itself.
However, what really can disappoint on some of these Christian forum's is they have the propensity to deceive in some area's.
If you have something specific, that you believe is deceitful, then mention it, so we can address your concern. But claiming"The bible says it, I believe it, that settles it", does no good to anyone. Christians here, believe in the bible, as well.
After researching your site a bit more I rather move forward . I will pray for those who have been misled in anyway and let God be the Judge and not me for, I judge myself.
What are you afraid of? The truth? I would hope that you wouldnt be so insecure in your faith, that honest dialogue would threaten you in any way.

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:21 pm
by PaulSacramento
I know many believers that love to discuss and debate religion, as long as everyone agrees with their view.

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:17 am
by Stu
More evidence pointing towards a global flood..
Water and death throes
...So let us summarize: many dinosaurs around the world had been fossilized in an unusual swirling position—opisthotonic pose—for which their immediate underwater burial is almost certainly required. Many dinosaur bones as well as sediments hosting them reveal violent water transport. Would it therefore be unscientific to postulate one big hydraulic catastrophe as the source of all these violent and instant killings? The one the Bible mentions in the book of Genesis …
Entire article here:

Re: This looks interesting and seems to support a global flo

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:55 pm
by dayage
Tiffany said,
Genesis 7:17-20 states: that the flood was increasing forty days.
Now Rick you know that Forty days is a long time to put up with rain.

AND- The waters rose so high, that the tops of the highest mountains were overflowed more than twenty feet. Hmmmmm- Twenty feet?
When the flood increased, Noah's ark was lifted up, and the waters which broke down every thing else, bore up the ark.
Answers In Genesis says that these were "high hills," because mountains formed at the end of the flood.

Here, I go through about 17 different questions from those that believe in a global flood and answer them from a local flood position. ... 0&start=30

Other creation accounts, in the Bible, indicate that after creation day three, you cannot have a global flood and Peter indicates that the flood was not global.