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Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:54 pm
by Canuckster1127
I have to say, I feel a little badly for Eric whom, if he is indeed sincere in his represented belief, must feel like he's being mocked. It's somewhat inescapable that when a position is taken that is so off the wall and contrary to common knowledge and observation, that demands are made for equal respect of differing positions based apparently on the grounds that the individuals holding them deserve respect. I tend not to agree with that. I think we should err on the side of charity and respect but there are positions that are so contrary to the established norms that in one sense the kindest thing we can do is treat the position with the disdain it merits and not get caught up in the contrarianism and conspiracy theories that are out there the are beyond belief. Yes, it's good to be reminded that many things today that are taken as knowledge seemed radical in their time and against the established norm. This is not such an example. This is a stereotype from 500 years ago and more of a time when the established church of its time had power in secular realms and attempted to use that power to squelch those ideas that some felt were a threat to their religious world-view. In the case of Galileo, it's probably good to be reminded that things in that situation weren't as cut and try as that past history is sometimes represented. There was more acceptance and support for Galileo's (and others) findings. There were also a great deal of internal politics at play.

Anyway, Eric, I'm sorry for my part in this and I hope you aren't terribly offended. The fact is, at least in my observation and experience, there are more trolls from different positions trying to imitate that rare belief set in an attempt to mock Christians in general, than there are actual sincere supportors of such a posistion. Unfortunately, across the internet, it's hard to make the distinction completely fairly or accurately.

You're welcome to post your views and interact here. I can't promise your position will be respected but if you're sincere, you're welcome to be a part.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:41 am
by zacchaeus
Okay... lets be honest and to be honest I must say

Flat Earth-Spherical Earth


What is the issue and why... has absolutely nothing to really do with nothing. Sure, we should maybe care about creation but we need to care more about its Creator. Be it Flat-Spherical or in different it doesn't matter. What we do know is that GOD created EARTH... A EARTH... OUR EARTH... EARTH we live on. It don't say God created the Flat earth and on such and such day it was flat... and it was good. Nor vise verse!!! God created the Heavens and the Earth... Wonder if Heaven is Flat or Spherical??? LOL!!!


Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:49 am
by DannyM
Eric wrote:And again refer to ... pic=1324.0 for answers to the majority of your questions
Hi Eric,

I apologise for the level of mockery you have received here, and wish I’d taken an interest in this thread before now. I’m sure many think they’re just having a bit of fun, but this is extremely unbecoming of professed Christians. I hope you are not put off from this board, and I want to assure you that your beliefs are welcomed here.

I would urge everyone here to look back at this thread and how your little ’joke’ may have affected Eric. No one needs that level of mockery aimed at them or their beliefs, especially when they are a newcomer to our board.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:39 am
by RickD
DannyM wrote:
Eric wrote:And again refer to ... pic=1324.0 for answers to the majority of your questions
Hi Eric,

I apologise for the level of mockery you have received here, and wish I’d taken an interest in this thread before now. I’m sure many think they’re just having a bit of fun, but this is extremely unbecoming of professed Christians. I hope you are not put off from this board, and I want to assure you that your beliefs are welcomed here.

I would urge everyone here to look back at this thread and how your little ’joke’ may have affected Eric. No one needs that level of mockery aimed at them or their beliefs, especially when they are a newcomer to our board.
Danny, I can't believe you are serious. Have you looked at the flat earth website, that Eric posted? They have heard every logical reason why a flat earth is not possible. And for every reason they can't refute(which is most), they chalk it up to a conspiracy. Danny, clearly this is an issue of something so ridiculous, that I believe it doesn't even merit a serious response. If it were my 12 year old son asking me about a flat earth, I would seriously speak to him about it. But, when
seemingly intelligent adults persist in a belief this ludicrous, your comments, while well intentioned, are almost as
ridiculous as a flat earth. Actually, in this case, I'd have loved to see the Danny I know, with your wit and intelligence, adding to our little round earth conspiracy party.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:49 am
by DannyM
RickD wrote:Danny, I can't believe you are serious. Have you looked at the flat earth website, that Eric posted? They have heard every logical reason why a flat earth is not possible. And for every reason they can't refute(which is most), they chalk it up to a conspiracy. Danny, clearly this is an issue of something so ridiculous, that I believe it doesn't even merit a serious response. If it were my 12 year old son asking me about a flat earth, I would seriously speak to him about it. But, when
seemingly intelligent adults persist in a belief this ludicrous, your comments, while well intentioned, are almost as
ridiculous as a flat earth. Actually, in this case, I'd have loved to see the Danny I know, with your wit and intelligence, adding to our little round earth conspiracy party.
My only concern is a brand new poster's (seemingly honest) beliefs being ridiculed. Just made me feel quite uncomfortable reading the thread.

Maybe I'm going soft in me old age, bro :)

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:02 am
by neo-x
Dear Brothers, in all humbleness let me say that a little fun may not be ill-intentioned at all but I would also advise that he is one against you all. In such it is not fair to treat him like this, no matter how ridiculous his belief is. Is an atheist's belief any different with respect to message of the gospel or when agnostics try to use circular logic to assert that he can't confirm whether a sculpture has a creator. If Eric believes in Christ, he also deserves your love and respect. I am not asking anyone to respect FET but the way this is going, you may be pushing away a brother in Christ. You don't have to accept what he believes but at least you could show moderation. Is a YEC any different as they are utterly unscientific as well. Many of you may have been at some point YEC's and later jumped ship, would you guys like if because of your belief in 6 day creation makes you so ridiculous that you should be mocked the minute you post the first time. I am going to give an applause to Eric for not mocking back or lashing out.

I know and am sure that most of the people are not making fun out of any malice but would you agree with me that Joshua in the O.T would have sounded almost ridiculous by all modern standards when he asked God to stop the moon and the sun. That is utterly un-Scientific by any and all modern standards. If you guys wanna correct him then do so in love and humility. You are not being any different then the crowd which mocks him (as almost everyone is likely to) and that is no way to treat people.

Eric, you are welcome on the board.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:56 am
by RickD
Ok Eric. I've had my fun. I promise I'll do my best to treat your belief of a flat earth, with an open ear, if you are willing to discuss it here. As long as I believe you are sincere.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:15 am
by RickD
All, just remember that this is how Eric introduced himself to us:
Hi I'm Eric.

I am a young earth creationist and FET.

Just started reading around a week ago and thought i'd join up
He introduced himself as a FET. He knew what he was getting into.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:15 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
I agree with all above who have made appologies to Eric. :harp:
What ever happened to Tolerance and Political Corectness? As Christians, we should respect all ideas presented on these boards as deserving serious consideration.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are evil, evil people. Shame on you! Shame, shame, shame.


Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:18 pm
by Canuckster1127
Never said we should respect all ideas equally and even spelled that out. Just don't want to see things move to where Eric or others, assuming they sincerely hold such a position, are driven away. Political correctness has nothing to do with good old fashion manners and concern for others.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:08 pm
by neo-x
I agree with all above who have made appologies to Eric.
What ever happened to Tolerance and Political Corectness? As Christians, we should respect all ideas presented on these boards as deserving serious consideration.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are evil, evil people. Shame on you! Shame, shame, shame.
I did not ask anyone to respect all ideas but I did say, respect the person, especially since you do not know the person. It never hurts.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:19 pm
by DannyM
Yes, courtesy to a new member of the board would be a good start. By “courtesy” I mean not jumping all over a newcomer with mockery. Since I’ve been on this board we’ve regularly taken atheists to task for attempts to mock and ridicule us.

If this is how we do things, why should we consider ourselves any better than the mocking atheist?

As Bart says, it has nothing to do with political correctness, nor is it some wishy-washy pluralism. Attack all you want, but using actual argumentation would be a good idea. After all, isn’t that all we ask of the atheists?

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:01 pm
by kmr
I think that a distinction must be made between figurative language and descriptive language in the bible.

Job 9:6 is followed by Job 26:7-9 . The first says that the earth is suspended on pillars, the second says on nothing, and it is written by the same author in the same book. Why? Perhaps because the first or both are figurative language, not literal.

Isaiah 11:12 may say four corners, but Isaiah 40:18 says the circle of the earth. This is another example of figurative language... four corners, four directions, distant lands, four winds, etc.

Deuteronomy 13:7 is the same as above.

Therefore, you must first distinguish what is figurative and what is not... the "foundation" of the doesn't necessarily mean flat supports, seeing as the earth is also "suspended on nothing". The "four corners" and "one end to another" conflict with "circle of the earth"... four corners is an expression commonly used in the bible to express something vast. And, remember, earth doesn't mean planet (these people didn't know what a planet was, did they?), it means land. One end to another could mean a continent, or could just be another expression of enormity.

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:04 pm
by kmr
Excuse me, Isaiah 40:22 .

Re: Flat Earth Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:13 pm
by Murray
I think it's funny they consider it a theory