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Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:59 pm
by RickD
Who called Ron Paul an anti-semite?
Many who don't like him.
I called him anti-Israel; there is a difference. He's also into economic protectionism, A.K.A. isolationism.
I don't think he's anti-Israel, either. He's anti foreign funding, towards all countries. Spend our money to fix our country, not give our taxes to rich people in other countries. What evidence do you have to support your assertion that he's an isolationist, FL?
Why would you not vote for over twenty years? What's with that? Were you locked up? Sedated? Married to the TV?
I've been locked in a cabin in the woods for the last 20 years. No electricity, no nothin, but livin off the fat of the land. I didn't even know what a telephone was, up until a few years ago. Yup, jus me an my banjo.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:13 pm
by RickD
Here's a video from a few years back, where Ron Paul talks about the difference between an isolationist, and a non interventionist. ... ata_player
FL, all you have to do, is google "is Ron Paul an isolationist", and you'll see he's not. Any other misrepresentations you want to bandy about?

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:04 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:Here's a video from a few years back, where Ron Paul talks about the difference between an isolationist, and a non interventionist. ... ata_player
FL, all you have to do, is google "is Ron Paul an isolationist", and you'll see he's not. Any other misrepresentations you want to bandy about?
I'm impressed! This is really important to you! I'll have a look at the video after I answer your previous post, then I'll get back to you with my impressions.
RickD wrote:I don't think [Ron Paul is] anti-Israel, either. He's anti foreign funding, towards all countries. Spend our money to fix our country, not give our taxes to rich people in other countries. What evidence do you have to support your assertion that he's an isolationist, FL?
1. Didn't you see the videos Gman posted where Ron Paul says that Israel created its problems (Hamas, Hizbollah etc?). In any event, blessing Israel is always a better idea, it says so in your Bible.
2. I think your country is broke. Broke as in broken, and broke as in no money, and the pit is very deep indeed. I do agree that giving money to the UN (33% of that body's funding comes from the USA, a country vilified at the UN) and to Egypt (a soon-to-be new enemy of Israel) and the Palestinian Authority (which uses it to fund terrorism and build trust funds for officials), and so on and on, is bad investing. The money saved on these bad investments could be used re-build America, and to feed Americans, one-in-six of whom is living below the poverty line. Cutting off Israel, however, would be a very bad investment.
3. Ron Paul as an isolationist: as I looked into this, I realized that there is little evidence on the internet that Paul is an isolationist, at least nothing that is spelled out so clearly. Then I noticed that I was looking at articles originating in the USA. These tend to portray him as a free-market type who would do away with all tariffs. I get most of my news in French, from TV5, a worldwide French-language CNN-type of news, and from Al-Jazeera/English, and from French-language newsmagazines and newspapers. These portray Paul as isolationist because of his foreign policy.
RickD wrote:I've been locked in a cabin in the woods for the last 20 years. No electricity, no nothin, but livin off the fat of the land. I didn't even know what a telephone was, up until a few years ago. Yup, jus me an my banjo
A cabin in the woods? like Henry David Thoreau?! How come he bacame a wacko-pinko-commie-tree-hugger after his experience and you became a vile-libertarian-ugly-capitalist who doesn't vote?


Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:50 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
OK, I watched the video you linked to and a lot of others about Ron Paul. I like the guy. I think he's honest and has integrity. I don't like that he thinks America caused 9/11 (indirectly) or that he thinks Israel gave birth to its terrorists, but I understand where he's coming from and I understand that there is not much room in a 3-to-5 minute video clip to fully explain his ideas. I like the fact that he honestly calls America ''broke'' and that she can't afford all she's involved in, let alone her silly healthcare-for-everyone. However, such honesty will never get him elected. He needs a Yes We Can! slogan to put Americans to sleep. he Isolationist? Yes, in respect to political intervention. No, Ron Paul is not an economic protectionist. At least that is what he says. I tend to believe he's honest...but the world isn't and - like it or not - politics and economy are tied tightly.

But...Ron Paul's toast.

Do you think the LDS Church will make Romney a Gawd if he becomes Prezidint? Maybe they'll even give him his own planet?

And, why don't you vote?


Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:56 pm
by RickD
1. Didn't you see the videos Gman posted where Ron Paul says that Israel created its problems (Hamas, Hizbollah etc?). In any event, blessing Israel is always a better idea, it says so in your Bible.
I don't disagree with his point in that video. The same could be said for the US helping the vile dictator Sadam Hussein be who he is. The US funded and armed Iraq in their war against Iran, because it benefitted the US's special interests. And if giving at least 4 times the money to Muslim countries that want to destroy Israel, is blessing Israel, then I don't know what to tell you.
And, why don't you vote?
I haven't voted in a while, because the candidate that I supported back in the early 90's, turned out to be someone completely different than I thought. He had no chance at all to even be nominated, but I felt I was voting my conscience. I found out some pretty bad stuff about him. At least deplorable info, from my pov. I haven't had a candidate who I could vote for in good conscience. I'm not one to vote the lesser of two evils.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:36 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote: And if giving at least 4 times the money to Muslim countries that want to destroy Israel, is blessing Israel, then I don't know what to tell you.
Blessing Israel goes beyond money. It is the goodwill of the USA towards Israel, the prayers American citizens for Israel, the visits to Israel by US citizens...all these - and more - are blessings. Doubt me? consider this: what American in his right mind wants to visit Syria? or Pakistan?

Sadly, divestment in Israel by many mainline US churches & banks, a President more interested in Muslims than Israel, and increasing anti-semitism in the USA are all damning your country. The proof is before your eyes in a high jobless rate, increasing poverty & indebtedness and a bleak outlook for the future.


Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:45 pm
by Ivellious
Right, because all our problems are only rooted in the fact that we don't give unconditional love to Israel...So I suppose China's economic dominance is because they love Israel? You can't just blame all your problems on not loving Israel. Heck, Israel doesn't even love Isael...maybe the fat cats in charge should stop hoarding all the wealth and share it with their people, and then they wouldn't be universally hated in the Middle East.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:13 pm
by RickD
Blessing Israel goes beyond money. It is the goodwill of the USA towards Israel, the prayers American citizens for Israel, the visits to Israel by US citizens...all these - and more - are blessings. Doubt me? consider this: what American in his right mind wants to visit Syria? or Pakistan?
Great point, FL. I think individuals, and perhaps churches that feel strongly towards Israel, should bless her. From what I'm reading, Israel itself, doesn't want the US govt's support. Because with support, comes Israel being controlled in some ways by the US. It's almost like Israel has to get the US's approval before they can do anything. Ron Paul wants Israel to be sovereign. Free from not only us funding, but also free from US control.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:22 pm
by wrain62
RickD wrote:
Blessing Israel goes beyond money. It is the goodwill of the USA towards Israel, the prayers American citizens for Israel, the visits to Israel by US citizens...all these - and more - are blessings. Doubt me? consider this: what American in his right mind wants to visit Syria? or Pakistan?
Great point, FL. I think individuals, and perhaps churches that feel strongly towards Israel, should bless her. From what I'm reading, Israel itself, doesn't want the US govt's support. Because with support, comes Israel being controlled in some ways by the US. It's almost like Israel has to get the US's approval before they can do anything. Ron Paul wants Israel to be sovereign. Free from not only us funding, but also free from US control.
I do want to visit Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, or Pakistan one day. I hear Ravi Zacharias made a great apologetics trip there.
Ivellious wrote:Right, because all our problems are only rooted in the fact that we don't give unconditional love to Israel...So I suppose China's economic dominance is because they love Israel? You can't just blame all your problems on not loving Israel. Heck, Israel doesn't even love Isael...maybe the fat cats in charge should stop hoarding all the wealth and share it with their people, and then they wouldn't be universally hated in the Middle East.
We believe God's will has a great place for this country and our reasoning is based on faith. You may think that they are not deserving but our hearts go out for them.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:26 pm
by Ivellious
I'm not saying you shouldn't pray for them or think for them or whatever...But I'm just saying it's ludicrous to blame all the problems in the world on us not giving money to Israel.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:46 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Ivellious wrote:Right, because all our problems are only rooted in the fact that we don't give unconditional love to Israel...So I suppose China's economic dominance is because they love Israel? You can't just blame all your problems on not loving Israel. Heck, Israel doesn't even love Isael...maybe the fat cats in charge should stop hoarding all the wealth and share it with their people, and then they wouldn't be universally hated in the Middle East.
I just love your sarcasm! Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks, as someone once said. You may want to check your heart...

wrain62 wrote:I do want to visit Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, or Pakistan one day. I hear Ravi Zacharias made a great apologetics trip there.
OK...Turkey is still OK for the moment. You may want to take along a few bodyguards as travelling companions in those other countries...


Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:40 pm
by Gman
Ivellious wrote:Right, because all our problems are only rooted in the fact that we don't give unconditional love to Israel...So I suppose China's economic dominance is because they love Israel? You can't just blame all your problems on not loving Israel. Heck, Israel doesn't even love Isael...maybe the fat cats in charge should stop hoarding all the wealth and share it with their people, and then they wouldn't be universally hated in the Middle East.
China, although staying pretty much neutral, has not actually tried to divide the land like the US has.. The relations between China and Israel are not too bad.. Especially recently. ... 375927.htm

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:42 pm
by Gman
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Blessing Israel goes beyond money. It is the goodwill of the USA towards Israel, the prayers American citizens for Israel, the visits to Israel by US citizens...all these - and more - are blessings. Doubt me? consider this: what American in his right mind wants to visit Syria? or Pakistan?

Sadly, divestment in Israel by many mainline US churches & banks, a President more interested in Muslims than Israel, and increasing anti-semitism in the USA are all damning your country. The proof is before your eyes in a high jobless rate, increasing poverty & indebtedness and a bleak outlook for the future.


Thank you FL... At least FL get's it... Agreed! The US will most likely face some strong judgement here unless she repents.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:10 pm
by RickD
Thank you FL... At least FL get's it... Agreed! The US will most likely face some strong judgement here unless she repents.
How do you suggest "she" repent? The US is made up of individuals. Short of everyone coming to Christ, how can the US repent? I'm not sure what you mean here, Gman.

Re: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:28 pm
by Gman
RickD wrote:
Thank you FL... At least FL get's it... Agreed! The US will most likely face some strong judgement here unless she repents.
How do you suggest "she" repent? The US is made up of individuals. Short of everyone coming to Christ, how can the US repent? I'm not sure what you mean here, Gman.
It starts at the top then moves to the bottom.