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Re: My issue with religon

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:24 am
by PaulSacramento
When WE push someone away from Christ, WE are that stumbling block.
Whether it be a believer with doubts or a skeptic with a question or even an atheist with an agenda.
I've been on other sites, sites for atheists, sites for skeptice even sites for those recovering from a "christian cult" and wanting to find their way back to Christ and I can say that WE tend to be the stumbling blocks far more than non-christians do.

Re: My issue with religon

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:44 pm
by Mitzy
Blood wrote:I'm not sure I truley understand Jlay. I know a few christians very well, and I've known them through their "transition" to become christians. I see no difference in them, when I ask them about christ I swear they turn into the pope and give me a speech on how great christ is and how loving he is. If christ is so great, and his love so overwhelming, why does this not cause them to depart from their past lives and change them anew. They should at least struggle in my mind with sin, but yet they do not. Maybe I do not know a battle in their head when they do something, but their christianity does not show through their actions.
When I ask them why they believe god is real, they explain a feeling they say they cannot explain, that is not proof to me! They do not react to this feeling!
Some christians say they "are not real christians", and i'm sure if you said that to their face they would turn into the pope again and spew out how much they love jesus.

I even asked them about basic theology and their answer is always basically just jesus!

Q: Why is the bible true in your mind
A: Jesus

Q: Were adam and eve real
A: Jesus is all that matters

Q: What about the exodus, did it really occur, some acheologist believe it was not
A: I don't know I don't care, maybe it was a story to teach us a lesson. Jesus is all that matters.

What they seem to miss is that this does not convicince me, and this seems like blind faith to me. Why not challange their faith? Do research?

And just to add on, Kind of off topic question, but why do you personally believe that your god is real, and that jesus truley existed?
First I think you need to know that there are a lot of uneducated Christians out there. I know many that to me appear to be blindly following and never asking questions. I think Christians need to study the Bible and know why they believe. Yes Jesus is what matters and his message and him dying for us is important and it is a feeling that one has but then how are we suppose to go out and save souls when we do not know anything? The problem also is no pastor or sunday school teacher is perfect some may take things out of context and the Bible does teach for us to study the word of God. With that being said there are scientific evidence and historical geoligical evidence out there that is for Biblical events.

About Christians not living a Christian lifestyle, that is really hard to talk about. Nobody is perfect but we are suppose to strive for it and be Christ-like. I know a lot of real Christians that are good loving people who live a good Christian lifestyle and have a great love for Jesus and want to do what is right by him. Another thing you have to understand is that the devil attacks the weak Christians. He doesn't attack the strong ones that can fight back and he already has non believers but he attacks the weak. By saying that I mean the weak Christians who lack in faith and have struggles with sin Satan will tempt them and tempt them and keep trying to put them in bad situations to get the weak to give in to their sinful desires. So even though they may believe Satan makes extremely difficult for them to follow.

Re: My issue with religon

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:19 pm
by jon510
PaulSacramento wrote:When WE push someone away from Christ, WE are that stumbling block.
Whether it be a believer with doubts or a skeptic with a question or even an atheist with an agenda.
I've been on other sites, sites for atheists, sites for skeptice even sites for those recovering from a "christian cult" and wanting to find their way back to Christ and I can say that WE tend to be the stumbling blocks far more than non-christians do.
Sad but true. I've experienced the same kind of thing. Christ came and preached the truth, grace, not the law can save us. But the bulk of Christianity holds to dogma and rituals propped up by denominations. Preaching grace on the one hand and requiring adherence to doctrine (law) on the other. My wife would say churches are notorious for "shooting their wounded."

Re: My issue with religon

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:44 am
by PaulSacramento
jon510 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:When WE push someone away from Christ, WE are that stumbling block.
Whether it be a believer with doubts or a skeptic with a question or even an atheist with an agenda.
I've been on other sites, sites for atheists, sites for skeptice even sites for those recovering from a "christian cult" and wanting to find their way back to Christ and I can say that WE tend to be the stumbling blocks far more than non-christians do.
Sad but true. I've experienced the same kind of thing. Christ came and preached the truth, grace, not the law can save us. But the bulk of Christianity holds to dogma and rituals propped up by denominations. Preaching grace on the one hand and requiring adherence to doctrine (law) on the other. My wife would say churches are notorious for "shooting their wounded."
Its not a case of either / or though.
We must fine the correct medium.
Everything can NOT be permissable of course, but we also must be aware of WHAT is driving people away from Christianity and then honestly see if WE are correct in that and if not, we MUST correct that.
It is a HUGE responsibility to evangilse the world for Christ and if WE push people away because of incorrect interpreation we will have MUCH to answer for.

Re: My issue with religon

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:18 am
by BavarianWheels
PaulSacramento wrote:It is a HUGE responsibility to evangilse the world for Christ and if WE push people away because of incorrect interpreation we will have MUCH to answer for.
I would agree, however TO ME it is best ( and I don't always approach it this way either ) to evangelize in the manner that Christ did/does. He does not force himself upon anyone but is there to help in their time of need.

The problem is that I see ( and more so in the Adventist Church ) is that we believe that evangelism is to change some person from sin AND THEN baptize them. We try to teach them and enforce upon them that first they need to quit smoking or drinking, to stop partying...whatever the "big sins" are ( as we see them anyway ). We tend to flip Christ's manner around and enforce a change first. Christ was first and foremost a hand of help or a shoulder to lean on. Evangelism should be primarily a helping hand to people and/or community. Our actions will always speak louder than our words.

Re: My issue with religon

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:34 am
by PaulSacramento
BavarianWheels wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:It is a HUGE responsibility to evangilse the world for Christ and if WE push people away because of incorrect interpreation we will have MUCH to answer for.
I would agree, however TO ME it is best ( and I don't always approach it this way either ) to evangelize in the manner that Christ did/does. He does not force himself upon anyone but is there to help in their time of need.

The problem is that I see ( and more so in the Adventist Church ) is that we believe that evangelism is to change some person from sin AND THEN baptize them. We try to teach them and enforce upon them that first they need to quit smoking or drinking, to stop partying...whatever the "big sins" are ( as we see them anyway ). We tend to flip Christ's manner around and enforce a change first. Christ was first and foremost a hand of help or a shoulder to lean on. Evangelism should be primarily a helping hand to people and/or community. Our actions will always speak louder than our words.
To lead by example as Christ did, yes I agree 100%.