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Re: YEC Cult Characteristics?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:07 pm
by jlay
RickD wrote: They like to conflate OEC and TE, just like AIG.
But does that make them a cult?
Now, jlay, you and I have discussed this before, and if I remember correctly, you said that while you don't agree with OEC/Progressive Creationism, you don't think it "causes the entire theological foundations of Christianity to crumble".
Sure, but that is not the topic of the thread. The topic is CULT characteristics. I've made it clear in the past, I am not an apologists for Ham, AIG or any other group for that matter. I have problems with several of their positions. I blatantly disagree with others. That is not the point. The speaker on the video is making the case (poorly) that AIG and some other YECers exhibit behavior equated to Heaven's Gate and other extreme groups. He hasn't made that case at all. He spends all his time arguing talking points such as the meaning of yom, or death before the fall. But none of that makes AIG a cult. None of those topics have ANYTHING to do with the case he attempts to make. It is a smoke screen.
Canuckster1127 wrote:The fact is that the 5 characteristic of cult-like activity that this police officer has been trained in are demonstrated pretty clearly and the irony is that those complaining about it are having a discussion about it on an OEC board where such exchanges are permitted and encouraged while the topics of conversation on their boards don't allow such exchanges, which come to think about it, ties right in with those characteristics.
I addressed the five points and showed the obvious weeknesses. I don't see anything 'clearly' demonstrated, other than confirming your disdain for AIG. The case is NOT whether this guy agrees with you. And, the case is not whether he presents some solid arguments against certain AIG positions. He does. But, AIG holding an incorrect position (which they may) doesn't make them a cult. Are they stock piling weapons? No. Building an isolated compound for communal living? No. Are they trying to establish an exclusive membership or coerce people to join their group?

Here is a list of cult characteristics.
And another that is linked to the FBI
Sounds to me like this guy cherry picked five characteristics to the exclusion of MANY others. And even those five are highly disputable.

So, let's just say that Hovind is an A-hole and be done with it.

Re: YEC Cult Characteristics?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:17 pm
by Canuckster1127
We agree on Hovind. Maybe he'll make parole and can dispute it later.

Ham, in my opinion in moving in that same direction. If nothing else, he's certainly defecating in his own nest as far as other YECs go and it appears he's solidifying his "market share" in the YEC homeschooling market and believes he's above accountibility to others.

I've agreed that there's some overstatement in the presentation. I don't believe that all YECs are cultists or cult-like. Ham however is moving in that direction in my opinion. He's left a trail of power-plays, lawsuits and straight out arrogance and it's my opinion that he's heading for a fall in the not too distant future.