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Re: Aliens

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:52 pm
by melanie
Hi SeekingSanctuary
Great to meet you :)
Thats just my interpretation, and it is just that an interpretation. I would never expect that because I interpret something in one particular way that others should have to. With my comment previously regarding ''person'' I made a comment ''are you aware of that?'' I was being facetious as this comment was made previously to me. An argumentative stand to take, the irony isn't lost on me. Our Father has already pulled me up on that, there was really no need on my behalf, I am working hard on my spirit, the worldly side of me is quite the smartass, it really doesn't serve me well, but i'm learning :)

Re: Aliens

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:54 pm
by B. W.
melanie wrote:Hi SeekingSanctuary
Great to meet you :)
Thats just my interpretation, and it is just that an interpretation. I would never expect that because I interpret something in one particular way that others should have to. With my comment previously regarding ''person'' I made a comment ''are you aware of that?'' I was being facetious as this comment was made previously to me. An argumentative stand to take, the irony isn't lost on me. Our Father has already pulled me up on that, there was really no need on my behalf, I am working hard on my spirit, the worldly side of me is quite the smartass, it really doesn't serve me well, but i'm learning :)
Ho Melanine,

Notice also that Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth and as a HE and not an IT.

John 16:13-16, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. 16 "A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go to the Father." NKJV

Read John 16:7,8,9,10,12,13 as well too.

This is important and not a question of semantics concerning how one individual defines person verses opinions on person-hood. We now live in a day and age where offending another is how to define morality of evil. Another sign of this age is another brand of morality that states, that's just your interpretation/opinion/etc... and therefore usually the person making that statement is saying their view is the dominate one and that is viewed as great good and taken as superior morality so much so that no one can know truth, as all is merely relative . This is a sign of great pride.

One thing the Orthodox Christian doctrine of the Divine Trinity certainly does is that it exposes that kind of pride in people. God chose to reveal himself in truth about himself; he cannot lie, and reveals himself in his triune being to us. That is simply how it is. There is a reason for this as YHWH revealed to Moses in Exodus 33:18-23. You can read all about it there.

God is Spirit with intelligence and reason and therefore meets the requirement of being a Person. God is not an IT – the Father is not an It, nor is the Son and nor is the Spirit and It. Jesus did not speak of the Holy Spirit as an It (John 14:26). Therefore what is good enough for Jesus should be good enough for you. If not, then in the words of Apollo 13 -' Houston we have a problem '- apply here.

Can you at see Jesus' word on this matter or not?

One last aside note, the folks responding to you will be using the word Person when discussing the triune nature of God's oneness so please realize this and accept it as not being wrong calling God a person.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 7:40 am
by melanie
Wow, really?? This is ridiculous.
Do you read with your eyes closed, your mind or just your reasoning???
"so please realize this and accept it as not being wrong calling God a person" I will reiterate what I have previously now stated a number of times but I will take it slow and make it clear, YOU CAN BELIEVE WHATEVER YOU LIKE, CALL GOD A PERSON, IT IS NOT WRONG I suggest you go back and read what I have written but this time put your arrogance aside and have some insight. I made it VERY clear that there was no rights or wrong. I would never expect as I have stated for anyone to substitute my opinion for their own, so know this, no amount of your dogmatic churchianity will replace my opinion for yours. I DO NOT care what the Orthodox doctrine says, I care about what My Father says and what scripture tell me. God is MY FATHER, his power, strength, love and compassion and my belief and love for HIM is the most integral, central part of my being, if I choose to refer to him as a divine spiritual being and My Father and you refer to him as a person, HE does not care, and neither should you. We have now gone round the merry-go-round again, This is a prime example of what I was speaking of. There is no right or wrong, we essentially believe the same thing, leave it at that. Argument for argument's sake is not a road Our Father wants either of us to walk down.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:22 am
by PaulSacramento
melanie wrote:This is how WE define a person.
Exactly who are you referring to when you say the collective WE?? This forum?, The board moderators on here? Your Church? Or do you just like to refer to yourself in the plural?
I care not for WE or the developers of the Trinity doctrine opinion when it concerns my spirituality and My Father. Any doctrine written by man I take with a grain of salt. I do not and will not refer to either The Holy Spirit or My Father as person, if you choose to then that's great for you but I regard them in my spiritual walk with much more Divinity.
Yes RickD I believe in the Holy Trinity The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit. To deny the trinity is to deny the true power of our Divine Father.
I have seen and witnessed Christians argue till they are all hot and flustered and angered over such things and other theological debates. I have when I was younger got involved then as I got older and wiser I would just walk away. Everybody just wanted to be right, regardless. They would exhaust their sciptures with underlines and tagged pages then those on the opposing side would do the same, there would be bible quotes flying all over the place. Nobody wanted the truth they just wanted to be RIGHT. They wanted to win the argument, they wanted to give themselves their very own little spiritual pat on the back.
In their quest to be RIGHT they lost focus on what is actually really important. The Almighty does not care!!!!! Let me repeat that again, our heavenly Father does not care!!! Am I right because I choose to not refer to God and the Holy Spirit as a person but rather Divine Spiritual Beings NO , are you right becasue you choose to use the word person NO, I am wrong because I used Itself NO, are you wrong because you would use Himself NO. My point is Our Father does not want us arguing over such things. It is very important to believe in THE TRINITY but we already know that because scripture tells us, these other pointless debates are just that pointless. Whlist believers are arguing over such things, exhausting their energies, wasting their time, Satan has his hand in all wordly matters, the church, politics, media, movies, music, every wordly "side'' Lucifer is controlling and Christians are so busy trying to be right and focusing their energies on matters that The Almighty does not care about. It is our humility, love and compassion he cares about. On our judgment day it is the way in which firstly we loved HIM and secondly we loved every single person we came across that we will be judged on, HE is not going to pull out a thesaurus and scold us on our improper use of our vocabulary, he is going to examine our hearts and what lies therein.
The "we" was the dictionary.
I thought that was clear when I posted the dictionary definition...

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:30 am
by PaulSacramento
First off, we ALL wanna be right.
That is human nature.
Even when we say that there is no right ( or wrong) we are expressing our desire to be right about THAT view.
The great paradox of saying that it doesn't matter who is right is that in saying that you are expressing a view that YOU believe to be RIGHT !
As for Satan, he controls nothing BUT influences everything.
Lets not give him more power than he has.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:35 am
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:First off, we ALL wanna be right.
That is human nature.
Even when we say that there is no right ( or wrong) we are expressing our desire to be right about THAT view.
The great paradox of saying that it doesn't matter who is right is that in saying that you are expressing a view that YOU believe to be RIGHT !
As for Satan, he controls nothing BUT influences everything.
Lets not give him more power than he has.

You're wrong! :mrgreen:

And guys, if I've learned anything from being married 17+ years, it's that the woman is always right!

So Melanie, you're right!

She couldn't be more wrong, but let's let her think she's right. Women don't know any better.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:59 am
by melanie
haha funny RickD
But no, everyone doesn't want to be right not if that is irregardless to truth or integrity. It is humilty that allows a person to hear different views and not put their own above another. Selflessness. There are of course some things I beleive I am right about, Like the fact that God exists and is creator but that is true. The holy spirit taught me long ago that everyone's spiritual walk is personal, and to never exhalt yours above another's. The path to our Father is through Jesus, but the path that leads us there is so varied, and as long as that path leads us to HIM it's the right path fo us. It is our Father who doesn't care, as long as we love him with all our heart and mind and soul, then he is our Almighty, call him God, Father, Almighty, YHWH, refer to him as being or person, whatever just love him and do his will. It might be human nature but not Godly nature to have to be right, he is RIGHT without question, and he doesnt care.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:12 am
by melanie
It is relative. When I say my favourite colour is blue and you say blahh green is much better. It is an expression of opinion. No one is assuming that one's opinion is Right or more valid than the other, it is merely an expression of opinion. If we were to walk around thinking we were right all the time it would be arrogant and foolish.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:26 am
by RickD
melanie wrote:It is relative. When I say my favourite colour is blue and you say blahh green is much better. It is an expression of opinion. No one is assuming that one's opinion is Right or more valid than the other, it is merely an expression of opinion. If we were to walk around thinking we were right all the time it would be arrogant and foolish.
Yes, you're absolutely right Melanie!

let's agree with her. Maybe she'll stop carrying on.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:14 am
by Stu
So about those aliens... :p

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:19 pm
by PaulSacramento
Stu wrote:So about those aliens... :p
An alien is a being not of this world.
So, by the definition, angels ( fallen or otherwise) are aliens.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:23 pm
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:
Stu wrote:So about those aliens... :p
An alien is a being not of this world.
So, by the definition, angels ( fallen or otherwise) are aliens.
So are Canadians...

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:51 pm
by B. W.
melanie wrote:Wow, really?? This is ridiculous.
Do you read with your eyes closed, your mind or just your reasoning???
"so please realize this and accept it as not being wrong calling God a person" I will reiterate what I have previously now stated a number of times but I will take it slow and make it clear, YOU CAN BELIEVE WHATEVER YOU LIKE, CALL GOD A PERSON, IT IS NOT WRONG I suggest you go back and read what I have written but this time put your arrogance aside and have some insight. I made it VERY clear that there was no rights or wrong. I would never expect as I have stated for anyone to substitute my opinion for their own, so know this, no amount of your dogmatic churchianity will replace my opinion for yours. I DO NOT care what the Orthodox doctrine says, I care about what My Father says and what scripture tell me. God is MY FATHER, his power, strength, love and compassion and my belief and love for HIM is the most integral, central part of my being, if I choose to refer to him as a divine spiritual being and My Father and you refer to him as a person, HE does not care, and neither should you. We have now gone round the merry-go-round again, This is a prime example of what I was speaking of. There is no right or wrong, we essentially believe the same thing, leave it at that. Argument for argument's sake is not a road Our Father wants either of us to walk down.
So if I am hearing you correctly - Jesus was wrong by calling the Holy Spirit a person - a He...

John 16:13-16, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. 16 "A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go to the Father." NKJV

Read John 14:26 again. I rather listen to to Jesus rather than your opinion on this matter.

John 5:22-23, "For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, 23 that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him." NKJV

So what I am hearing from you is that you do not honor Jesus Christ ... is this correct?

So what is your view on who the Father is?
PS - this thread maybe hijacked for a bit but as for ET, and interdimensional beings, angels, etc and etc, please keep discussing...

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 5:41 pm
by melanie
RickD wrote:
melanie wrote:It is relative. When I say my favourite colour is blue and you say blahh green is much better. It is an expression of opinion. No one is assuming that one's opinion is Right or more valid than the other, it is merely an expression of opinion. If we were to walk around thinking we were right all the time it would be arrogant and foolish.
Yes, you're absolutely right Melanie!

let's agree with her. Maybe she'll stop carrying on.
Do we not have the testicles RickD to pop this one in normal size? That's okay, they are probably the size equivalent to this font :lol:

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 6:01 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
PaulSacramento wrote:An alien is a being not of this world.So, by the definition, angels ( fallen or otherwise) are aliens.
You should not stop taking your medication without your doctor's consent.