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Re: Quick answers

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:26 am
by PaulSacramento
neo-x wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:

Do you consider SCP an acceptable view of Creation?

FL y:-?
It is an acceptable view of creation? I don't think so. The best estimate is 13.7 billion years not, 15 billion years (this figure was incorrectly labeled to be to true back in 2006). And if the former (13.7b) is used then you get 5.005 days form SCP, not six days; and even if you use the 15b the resulting number is again 5.475 days. That is not equal to six, 24 hour set periods as schroeder himself put it.. No six days of creation, not to account for the 7th day.

The initial days time when earth formed was only 6 hours increasing there after, even today as we speak, the time of a day increases every century. Not sure how that squares off with SCP?

A common misconception is that since the universe is 13.7 billion light years old, it is also of the same size across. It is not however and its wrong to hold this view. When you calculate the expansion as well, as defined by the space time curvature, one realizes that the size of the universe is not 13.7 b light years across, only its age is.

In reality, because of the expansion, even past the most distant galaxies, is the plasma and the matter we see in it, is not 13.7 billion years away anymore. It is actually at 46 billion light years away now (some would call this the edge, that is the observable universe we know of at 46 billion light years). But there is also a difference between observable universe and universe. The best estimate we have till 2013 was that the diameter of the universe is 93 billion light years. This comes from mapping the cosmic microwave background radiation. And even beyond that if space is still expanding, it is expanding faster then the speed of light, trapping light with it therefore its light does not reach to us anymore.

I don't know how SCP incorporates the above into his view. His view already seems falsified. I am quite sure, if he did incorporate it all, it will mess up his calculations even further.
Perhaps but I think the core of the article has merit int he sense that time is relative and the 6- 24 "hour" periods may have been just that.

Re: Quick answers

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:06 pm
by Mazzy
Philip wrote:
I believe there is no edge because the universal void is infinite, there is no end to universal space, no cosmic edge for the observer to bang their head on. If one took off in a certain direction it would be an infinite trip. Perhaps they would move pass the creation into void but this void would never end.
I would say 1) you have no science to support that and 2) no Scripture. Philosophically, IF God created the universe its void into which it is expanding, then these are defined things with (originally) specific parameters. Now, that's not to say that the void can't flex and expand to accomodate what goes into it.
The problem is, if one is a big banger, one has to have faith that when the universe existed as a singularity, God, Jesus and the angels lived there also

And from where do you get that? One, you don't know WHERE God resided during the period of singularity (Scripture is silent about that). And apparently you aren't considering that 1) God is spirit and 2) that there are likely many other dimensions (both physical and otherwise) besides those we theorize existed before the universe (Big Bang) began.
... there was nothing outside the singularity. Space, nor time existed. Hence God created the universe while residing in the space of tennis ball or smaller. IOW God did not have 'space' for his creation in the beginning, all the angels lived within the singularity, there was no time line for Gods creation of Jesus first, then angels etc.
And where did you get the idea that Jesus is a CREATED Being? And you have no idea of how many previous times and dimensions God created before THIS one. He never had a beginnning! Think He wasn't ALWAYS utilizing His creative abiliites (a key characteristic of God). It is astounding to me that people think God has only been focused on the past 14 billion years, AS IF everything is about US and OUR time. God never changes, which tells me He is always active, creating and guiding - it's just that we don't know and can't see, where, when and what.
Actually, I don't need scripture, all I need is a mind.I think it is ridiculous that a theist believe God, angels and Jesus existed in a singularity that some think was the size of an atom.

It does not matter if one argues if Jesus was created or not. There is NO theist argument that angels were created unless one is from one of those weird faiths like Satanists that believe God is one God of many that existed.

The other thing is that a part of the algorithmic magic that is involved in using redshift for measuring galactic distance is the guesstimated age of the universe, which is flawed.

I may be an old earther, IOW do not believe the earth is 6K years old, but I have no faith in current dating methods as there have been too may revisions. For example SM146 is a universal dater and has been recalibrated to having one third shorter half life than previously thought. That is not just a tweak, that is huge! That means what ever daughter products they were initially measuring got there with many many more rotations of the half life. With that huge difference the best they can come up with is a 1 million year difference in universal dating, which is ridiculous.

Re: Quick answers

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:39 pm
by PaulSacramento
JW's believe that Jesus is a created being by the way.

Heaven is outside our time-space continuum and anything that is applicable here has nothing to do with there.

Re: Quick answers

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:42 am
by Mazzy
PaulSacramento wrote:JW's believe that Jesus is a created being by the way.

Heaven is outside our time-space continuum and anything that is applicable here has nothing to do with there.
That would be your opinion.

My opinion is there was a void in which God created the material universe out of His energy. That assertion happens to be grounded in observed and demonstrated physiscs. Energy can produce matter.