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Re: To congregate or not... Rick'Dee's

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:04 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
1over137 wrote: :shakehand: :boxfight: :fighting: :bowing:
Nice...I will create situations where I'll need them.

FL :bowing:

Re: To congregate or not... Rick'Dee's

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:19 pm
by Kurieuo
RickD wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
RickD wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:FORGET CHURCH

Go to a Messianic synagogue with your new Shelby! Think of the rumble the engine will make when you pull into the parking lot filled with VWs and Camrys and other sissymobiles!

FL :driving:
Shelby is my girlfriend. I couldn't very well take her and my wife! That would be awkward!
A perfect example of what happens when Christians fall away from church!
They start thinking objektophilia is alright. y[-o<

I think I know you well enough to know you're joking about falling away from church. You are joking, right?
:lol: yeah, I'm joking. You likely never really went to a church in the first place so how could you fall away?

Sorry. Just can't help myself sometimes. y>:D<

Re: To congregate or not... Rick'Dee's

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:04 pm
by SeekingSanctuary
Kurieuo wrote:
RickD wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
RickD wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:FORGET CHURCH

Go to a Messianic synagogue with your new Shelby! Think of the rumble the engine will make when you pull into the parking lot filled with VWs and Camrys and other sissymobiles!

FL :driving:
Shelby is my girlfriend. I couldn't very well take her and my wife! That would be awkward!
A perfect example of what happens when Christians fall away from church!
They start thinking objektophilia is alright. y[-o<

I think I know you well enough to know you're joking about falling away from church. You are joking, right?
:lol: yeah, I'm joking. You likely never really went to a church in the first place so how could you fall away?

Sorry. Just can't help myself sometimes. y>:D<
Its funny, I always thought he went once and never left. Just lives upstairs talking to statues and ringing the bell. :)

I guess if I'm going to post I should say something on topic. Let's see....

I go most sundays but I feel like its more out of habit than religiously lately. I can't help but think not going might be better then going in the wrong way.

Re: To congregate or not... Rick'Dee's

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:20 pm
by Kurieuo
Actually, I just thought of one good reason to perhaps be motivated to attend a church.

We are representatives of God and as such are to set an example to those around us.
Not going to church can be a stumbling block for some, incur criticisms from non-Christians.
Muslims for example, might find it hard to fathom how Christians can be so "free" with their conduct.

Yes, we are not to be under the yoke, and we are free in Christ. That will remain a stumbling block for many who just don't understand.
And we should not act out of what others think. But, if what I do is a stumbling block to another then that should make me pause.

Those who do not see church are necessary or something the like should understand how this is perceived by others.
Not attending a church will be seen by many -- Christian and non-Christian alike -- as just following a religion or form of Christianity of our own making.
Our not fitting in also projects an image that we think many in a church are wrong. So how can a non-Christian possibly work out what is right and wrong?

Others will simply just see not attending a church as meaning one is not loving God. I.e., my good 'ol mother in law who is Catholic.
She knows I have strong Christian beliefs, but she also doesn't understand how one can't go to church because that is where she feels God.

Now I'm not saying that this must change someone's mind who isn't attending a church.
But as a Christian we should always be reflective upon our conduct and whether we are being good representatives of Christ.
Out of love for Christ and others, not obligation.

Re: To congregate or not... Rick'Dee's

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:19 am
by theophilus
Kurieuo wrote:We are representatives of God and as such are to set an example to those around us.
This reminds me of a story I once heard. An old woman who was very hard of hearing attended church regularly even though her hearing was so bad she couldn't understand what the pastor was saying when he delivered his sermon. When a friend asked he why she bothered going if she couldn't hear the sermon, she replied, "I go to church so everyone will know whose side I'm on."