The theory of evolution has nothing to do with greek philsophy of the nature of the universe.
No I do believe that Darwin borrowed from greek philosophy and it is apart of evolution as life has to always survive the extinction events because of the belief life evolves.
-7 you see evolution science tells us that "since the fathers(primates)died all things have continued as they were from the beginning of the creation"
Where did you get that odd idea? That is no more like evolution than Obama is like the Metro Goldwin lion.
You believe the primates evolved into men based on evolution,you believe life has existed for millions of years and no Gap have happened and I know this is true because when "Snow ball earth" was proposed part of the debate was to make sure life survived it somehow for the sake of evolution and so they found a way to explain that some life survived it so that it could evolve.
but Peter is saying NO! they are ignorant of the old heaven and earth that perished in water.And we are looking for evidence,I realize this goes against evolution
It goes against any science, not the least of it being that you put the conclusion first, then set out to prove it.
I know it does however that is not how science should work you never should go on blind faith to prove it.First you make sure it is demonstrable and this has never been the case for evolution as it has never been demonstrated life evolves and so after 150 years evolution is still faith based science being taught as scientific truth in our society,you know this and you risk losing a career in science if you go against evolution and challenge it.
but it is what the bible tells us and evolution has not been proven or demonstrated scientifically yet it is taught as scientific truth as you know
Nothing is proven in science. I explained that before. To teach ANYTHING is science as "true" is stupid; maybe some is that stupid. Its not "how its taught" tho.
The 2nd law and gravity just off the top of my head have been proven and are demonstrated unlike evolution yet evolution is propped up and made out to be the most proven thing in science.
Nothing is proven in science. I explained that before. To teach ANYTHING is science as "true" is stupid; maybe some is that stupid. Its not "how its taught" tho.
Evolutionists are not right about everything and have misinterpreted the evidence by looking at the evidence in the earth from an evolution perspective.This has caused evolution scientists to be wrong like with the Coelacanth
Nobooy is always right.
I agree. "Let God be true and every man a liar." they said was a transitional fossil proof of evolution only to find that it still exists years later and was not extinct and was not a transitional fossil
For example, none of that is correct, except that the Coelacanth is to be found alive today.
Yes it is and I said earlier that certain life existed in the former world and this world as we can see that certain kinds of life were in both worlds and have not evolved,changed,etc except that most is extinct.
So scientists can be wrong,they are not immune to mistakes and have made them.However we cannot ignore the evidence in the earth and our interpretation must be sound
So why do you ignore the evidence that "gap" and other creationist ideas are so wrong?
I don't fully understand the first part of your question but I think you are asking why do I ignore evidence that doesn't show a Gap and yet other creationist ideas are wrong?I believe the Gap theory is true biblically first based on researching it and praying about it trying to make sure it is right biblically and then I started looking for evidence in science and other places for evidence and although I haven't found it all of it yet and am still looking it is already more provable than evolution is.
However I don't believe science will ever give the bible a fair chance and so I am cautious about casting pearls before swine and am waiting for the right evidence to come along to back up more of it without revealing it all at once too soon.
Also eventhough I disagree with other creation ideas I actually accept some or a lot of what they believe I am not closed off to their ideas and I try to pick some truth out of all of them as you can always learn something new and through the years of researching many different things and reading books about things I wanted to know about I've realized that even a good book that is mostly true can still have some bad info in it and even a bad book with a lot of bad info can still have some truth in it and we can pick out the good stuff and shun the bad and I try to do this.
And lastly I believe that the Gap theory could help somebody win a Nobel prize by refuting evolution with it even if they left God out of it and ignored the fact that it came from reading the bible long before Charles Darwin came along.As I am not a scientist but if the right scientist researched it thoroughly and understood it I believe could find or know about more scientific evidence than I do to back it up.