Ryan, if it matters...HappyFlappyDeist wrote:-Historicity of christ existing
-existence of records possibly indicating a factual resurrection
-S&D existing from outside reading instigated by a separate topic here.
-The historicity of exodus and judges
-I do have a drastically changed view of islam
-Compatibility of the christian God and modern science (outside listening)
I'm a little curious about what caused you to more actively seek at this point in your life.
But, unlike some others here, I see the path you are on seems to be going in one direction.
I'm always reminded of the spiritual journeys we all take, kind of like in The Pilgrim's Progress (if you've ever read that).
You probably don't see it, but I really do feel that you're heading the right way. It's just a matter of time.
And when you arrive, I pray that you'll let us all know.
As for doubt. There is nothing wrong with doubting.
The key is having a healthy skepticism, not just of the position being considered but also the position we would otherwise hold.
At the same time, FL is right that some things just won't be evidently seen until the cloud is removed.
I doubt he means this as an insult, or in the same sense as Mormons. Keep in mind he was once non-Christian.
I saw the same thing with my wife also who could not see the truth.
And then John Newton's song Amazing Grace: "Was blind, but now I see."
This common refrain is evidenced over and over again through Christian conversion.
There is kind of a chicken and egg scenario with Christianity, and coming to belief in Christ.
We can't force ourselves to belief, but at the same time to see the full truth we need to believe.
Which comes first? It's a Christian debate that has happened for centuries -- whether God elects us to be saved, or whether we choose God.
We are certainly to seek Him out, and by that, rationally pursuing God is a main tool.
As well as trying to experience God through churches or the like -- wherever you think you might find Him.
But then, at the same time, God needs to respond and reveal Himself to us.
So it seems to me seeking truth leads you to a knowledge of God, but it won't get you fully there.
Perhaps this is the where the element of "faith" comes in. I'm not sure it's necessarily a blind leap.
Something mystical happens. It's hard to put into words. Hard to describe the experience, but you will know.
God comes in and fills in the chasm that we must cross to belief.
It happened to my wife in an instant. The transforming and belief was instant. You could see it -- I saw it happen.
It was strange. It makes my hair stand up on end just remembering the moment God made her heart melt.
We can't get all the way to God so at some point He reveals himself to us.
And it is in that moment of completion a newborn faith in Christ is born.
So I encourage to just continue seeking out God, and the truth.
Christ said, he was the way, the truth and the life.
If true, then truth leads you a little closer to Christ and will ultimately help set you free.