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Re: miscarriage

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:03 pm
by Nessa
If death is good then why wasn't it in God's original plan.. why did it only come through sin.

Sin and death... evil and death are very much tied together,

To me evil is everything God is not. Everything that goes against good.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:07 pm
by Nessa
I see everything either being good or evil. Cos I don't see God leaving us with any other option.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:49 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
I care about what atheists think.
well that's good... me too except for their pesky anti god rhetoric, that's the POV i was referring to here: "if you even care about their POV." when i said I don't care what they's their POV... Love the sinner hate the sin... words to live by...
I care if some misguided Christian tells an atheist who has just been through one "God created your miscarriage, hope you feel better soon.."
This story was meant to be heard in a closed forum where the participants should be mature enough understand the difference between a story and a real time real life situation where only a callous, unkind,hateful wretch of a person would introduce such a subject at that time. It wouldn't even have crossed my mind .... can you say the same, since; " hope you feel better soon.." sure feels like an attempt to rub it in...
If death is not evil then what <else> is it? Good? ---> yes
Choose life the bible says.. and choose what is good.. don't choose death and evil... <----- (the wages of SIN are DEATH.)
it's right there. the verse is talking about the wages of sin are death,. spiritual and eventually physical death... they gave you the answer right at the end of the verse.... it's not so much about the final death as it is about how that death will be attained, through sin or good ? But it's still death, either way... there are no choices here, on the if, only on the how... and when.
Doesn't sound much like a good reward...
not the way you word it... sounds like someone waiting for hell.

Maybe the doctors who commite abortions are really just doing a kind act.
Never, in this universe or the next will you hear me say abortion is an act of kindness.... never ... perhaps your thoughts, not mine, never mine.
The baby is just so 'new and uncorrupted' why keep them from going back to a God

You talk here as if there's some choice involved. miscarriage is the expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently, especially spontaneously or as the result of accident. This poor child is dead...
of loveinstead of two parents who don't want them and a life of possible defects if they have any...
. what you're talking about now, here, sounds like consenting adults terminating their pregnancy, abortion... we sure have come a long way off topic.
Can you please show me where in the bible it says Death is a good thing ...
No, in fact I won't, but here a bunch of promises by God to us that would never take place without our human deaths. Stay if you want, as for me I move forward. .Revelation 14:13 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 Isaiah 57:1-2 Revelation 21:4 2 Corinthians 5:8
... and we should choose it
again with the choices stuff... we have no choice, we all die, some at very young age, some older, mysteriously or not, death is inevitable,not a choice.
If death is good then why wasn't it in God's original plan.. why did it only come through sin.
who says death is not in God's plan ? It did come through sin but He knew that would happen so, if He knew, it has to be a part of the original plan; from the omniscience of God.
Sin and death... evil and death are very much tied together,
agreed, but how does this have anything to do with topic of miscarriage ? Sin and death and Evil and Death are not first on my list of thoughts when this kind of event transpires. in fact i feel a lot of empathy, concern sorrow and love for all involved with the tragedy, not sin evil and death...
To me evil is everything God is not. Everything that goes against good.
and to me it's just evil is not God... so we're pretty close there ... finally ...
I see everything either being good or evil. Cos I don't see God leaving us with any other option.
black and white works, i prefer technicolor. So many shades in difference that count.
Cos I see God leaving us with many other options ... it's your life, use your imagination cos you're allowed to.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:12 pm
by neo-x
Nessa wrote:this seems like such an unfair thing almost like God plays dice.

some get none...some get several...some cant have kids at all...while how many abortions go on...
I sometimes think, God does play dice. I can eat a kfc and 5000 kids die of hunger in a country alone in a day. How is that even remotely fair? Far worse is, can I help someone and don't? The wrongs I saw and didn't do anything. That scares me more.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:13 pm
by neo-x
Nessa wrote:I see everything either being good or evil. Cos I don't see God leaving us with any other option.
I also used to believe that, but there is plenty of gray, I found.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:22 am
by neo-x
what happened here?

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:24 am
by Philip
Looks like DS deleted some of his posts.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:55 am
by RickD
Philip wrote:Looks like DS deleted some of his posts.
That would be true, except for the fact that DS is a she, not a he. Her name is Nessa, she's from New Zealand, and she has a fancy for sheep.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:34 am
by Philip
Oops - a SHE "he" is! Allllllllrrrrrrrrrriiiiggggggggggghhhhhhhtttttyyyyyyyy, then!

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:47 am
by RickD
I told her that a screen name with David in it, might cause someone to think that she is a he. That's why I just try to call her Nessa.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:21 pm
by Nessa
There is just no way to discretly delete posts is there?!...arrrrghhhhh

I just didnt like the way my posts were going as they werent keeping in line with the original intent of the thread. To just share and care :donotbesad:

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:30 pm
by RickD
All set Nessa. I deleted your 4 posts that were nothing but periods.

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:51 pm
by Philip
I told her that a screen name with David in it, might cause someone to think that she is a he. That's why I just try to call her Nessa.
Hey, if we can get bombarded with media reports about a "former" Bruce - "was" a he, now's a "she"... :roll: She can name herself ANYTHING she so desires! :mrgreen:

Er, we don't have any rules in place to cover Avatar transexuals, DO we? :shock:

Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:21 pm
by RickD
Philip wrote:
I told her that a screen name with David in it, might cause someone to think that she is a he. That's why I just try to call her Nessa.
Hey, if we can get bombarded with media reports about a "former" Bruce - "was" a he, now's a "she"... :roll: She can name herself ANYTHING she so desires! :mrgreen:

Er, we don't have any rules in place to cover Avatar transexuals, DO we? :shock:
I'm not responding to that. Your post is clearly offensive.



Re: miscarriage

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:04 pm
by Nessa
i always call our a cat a he even though shes a she....i think it goes waaaay beyond not being an animal person..... :econfused: