Re: Does God have faith in you?
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:33 am
How could we not be made up of YHWH? Romans 11:36 is a start
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." (Psalm 19:1)
Not really. From thought to form.Something can come from someone and not be a part of them
mallz,Mallz wrote:Sounds like it, but not what I'm putting forward.Sounds like pantheism. Me no likey pantheism.
Think of it this way (and show me if I'm wrong), our bodies are made up many things, materials, right? What are those materials made up of? What are atoms and particles made up of? Elohim created everything, right? And everything is sustained by Him, right? If we are not made up of God, if we are not 'inside' Him and living 'in and through' Him, then what could we possibly be made up of? And where could we possibly be? Colossians 1:17 <-snippet example
Arg... We are not God. But we come from Him and are made up of what is in Him. We do not have His divinity or nature. Our bodies are His as everything existing is. We are sustained by Him through food and spiritual nourishment. Our relationship with Him is purely relational. Everything else is from Him, sustained by Him and goes to Him. What do we have to offer except our persons?
PANTHEISMMallz wrote:Not really. From thought to form.Something can come from someone and not be a part of them
Still, I'm not saying that. I'm not equating the eternal person-hoods of YHWH with creation. I am saying existence, everything itself is a part of Him.I think you're confusing the idea that God created all and sustains all, with the idea that everything He created, is Him.
Something can come from someone and not be a part of them
Not really. From thought to form.
I'm saying what is underlined but going beyond to the mechanics of reality. We are made up of Him from thought to form. But we are separate from Him and not divine like Him.God is everywhere, but He is not everything. Yes, God is “present” inside a tree and inside a person, but that does not make that tree or person God. Pantheism is not at all a biblical belief.
Well i will think about sending you a present and then send you one.Mallz wrote:Not really. From thought to form.Something can come from someone and not be a part of them
But does it..?P.S the present comes from me