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Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:19 am
by Nessa
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Prostitution is a perversion of God's original intent for men and women. An analogy may help: if you load your car's interior - seats and trunk - with firewood and begin deliveries to your customers, you are perverting the car designer's intent.

There are many verses on marriage in the Bible. None say that a marriage has to be before an official of some sort. A succinct verse might be Exodus 22:16,17.

Say jane and.michael were both virgins.when they met and decided to commite themselves to each other for life without getting legally married, would they be sinning? Say they both died in old age still together.

You bring up some interesting points re: scripture.
Is the legal part of marriage 'just a piece of paper' to God?

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:10 am
by Storyteller
The ONLY thing I would ever leave my marraige is if it was abusive, really abusive.
Hubbs isn't a Christian (yet) so it is sometimes difficult but our differing beliefs are not a reason to divorce, God obviously has a plan, especially as I hadnt found Christ before marrying, and we didnt marry in church as we thought it would be hypocritical.
Hubbs and I have faced a lot of challenges, we came very, very close to splitting when I had an affair but we are still together, and strong.
Things did get physical in the past but never to the point either of us would consider divorce.

What if my hubbs doesnt come theo Christ? I have. It just means I can show him Christianity in the flesh.

So as a Christian married to a non believer, who found Christ after marraige, do I see myself married in the eyes of God? Absolutely. Til death do us part.

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:49 am
by Philip
Story, is your husband antagonistic to Christianity, just indifferent, or whatever?

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 12:29 pm
by Storyteller
Indifferent really. He believes in God but he isnt convinced that Christ was anything more than a good example of how to live.

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 12:38 pm
by crochet1949
Biblical marriage -- God created it -- has given everyone guidelines to follow -- it's up to the individual as to how they choose to follow them.

Every culture has customs they follow to signify the joining of two people in marriage and into society as a Couple.

People enter into marriage for So many reasons -- some stay together and some don't.

Non-Christians are just as married as Christians are -- if one spouse Does accept Christ and the other chooses to leave as a result -- the married partner is Not required to go after and try to get that person back. But if the non-Christian spouse chooses to Stay, then the believing spouse Can and Should try to live a life with their spouse that attracts them To Christ.

We All have choices to make --some Hard choices to make at times -- people get married for the Wrong reasons and it works out -- others get married for all the Right reasons and 'life' Still happens and they split up.

So -- divorce or Not to divorce -- even As Christians -- get counseling -- Talk -- what happened and Why. Be willing to learn and go on. No one is perfect. The only person I can change is Me. Not my spouse. If divorce happens it happens -- life Does go on.

Too many people treat marriage like going steady.

My daughter has been through two divorces -- it has Not been 'pretty'. She's doing better now.

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:35 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Nessa wrote: Say jane and.michael were both virgins.when they met and decided to commite themselves to each other for life without getting legally married, would they be sinning? Say they both died in old age still together.

You bring up some interesting points re: scripture.
Is the legal part of marriage 'just a piece of paper' to God?
Say Jane and Michael were two Roman Catholic virgins on a desert island with no priest to marry them. They decide to commit themselves to each other with God as their only witness...but the diocese doesn't know about their commitment and can't submit the relevant paperwork to the local jurisdiction. Now, ask yourself these questions:

1: Are they legally married?
2: Are they biblically married?

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:39 pm
by Nessa
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Nessa wrote: Say jane and.michael were both virgins.when they met and decided to commite themselves to each other for life without getting legally married, would they be sinning? Say they both died in old age still together.

You bring up some interesting points re: scripture.
Is the legal part of marriage 'just a piece of paper' to God?
Say Jane and Michael were two Roman Catholic virgins on a desert island with no priest to marry them. They decide to commit themselves to each other with God as their only witness...but the diocese doesn't know about their commitment and can't submit the relevant paperwork to the local jurisdiction. Now, ask yourself these questions:

1: Are they legally married?
2: Are they biblically married?
In Gods eyes,.I would say they are.biblically married.

BUT are we talking exceptions to the rule here?
If we can get legally married, does God expect us too?

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:08 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
If Peter and James are legally married, I would guess that God won't count that to their credit.

If two Christians get legally married, I would guess that God won't count that to their credit either. However, the ceremony itself is a witness and a testament of their commitment to unbelievers in attendance.

I'm not saying that a legal marriage is useless; I'm saying that it is primarily a thing of the world.

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:28 am
by crochet1949
You said 'if Peter and James' were legally married" ----- you are talking about same-sex people getting together?! God ordained one man and one woman -- nothing else is natural. God created egg and sperm for His reasons.

In the United States -- a marriage license is legally necessary to be legally married. Just because something is declared 'legal' does Not mean it's a good idea. Does not mean it's Godly. Does not Make it Godly.

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:55 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
crochet1949 wrote:
In the United States -- a marriage license is legally necessary to be legally married. Just because something is declared 'legal' does Not mean it's a good idea. Does not mean it's Godly. Does not Make it Godly.
It seems that you were not following my conversation with nessa. Go back and read it, then you will understand that I never implied that "legal" equals "moral".

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:03 am
by Philip
You mean, we could have just stood before God, as He is both the Uniter of Christian marriage, as well as the most important Witness, and all of that societal legal schmegal stuff - at least the state marital license and recognition - would have been a largely irrelevant? That is, WE, committing ourselves before God, would have considered ourselves as married, most of our friends would have, and most importantly, GOD would have. NOW you tell me! :roll: Truly, I'm not so sure today I would get a marriage license, as that would be more US recognizing the state's supposed validation of a spiritual union - which is nowadays basically a joke. As LONG AS one makes sure their will is in proper order, etc., who cares about the state? Perhaps, Social Security issues?

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:21 am
by RickD
Philip wrote:You mean, we could have just stood before God, as He is both the Uniter of Christian marriage, as well as the most important Witness, and all of that societal legal schmegal stuff - at least the state marital license and recognition - would have been a largely irrelevant? That is, WE, committing ourselves before God, would have considered ourselves as married, most of our friends would have, and most importantly, GOD would have. NOW you tell me! :roll: Truly, I'm not so sure today I would get a marriage license, as that would be more US recognizing the state's supposed validation of a spiritual union - which is nowadays basically a joke. As LONG AS one makes sure their will is in proper order, etc., who cares about the state? Perhaps, Social Security issues?
I would say the simple answer is that if a married couple wants the benefits that the state allows a legally married couple, then get recognized by the state. Otherwise, don't. But I'm sure there will be plenty of legal issues that will come up if not recognized as legally married by the state.

Not sure if it's really worth making the point.

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 1:26 pm
by crochet1949
To -- Fur ...Lie You were covering a variety of situations -- marriage is between one man and one woman -- a marriage license is required for it to be recognized legally. The physical union -- to be Godly -- is meant for After the wedding -- nowdays Society doesn't care What people do together. Consenting adults Can do pretty much anything they want to. And believers are to obey the laws of the land as long as they don't violate God's laws. It's usually better for Christian people to be good examples and follow the laws and live Godly, moral lives.
Marriage is Both a spiritual and legal union.
There was a couple I'd known a number of years ago -- they Really wanted to be together before the wedding that would have been a couple of weeks later. So -- they had a ceremony by themselves -- stated their vows -- so it was between themselves and God. Then they went ahead and were 'together'. And then were married in the public ceremony. So they Did make it legal.
Somehow -- the concept of 'making a point' by doing something Might take away from the meaning Of what is being 'done'.

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:01 pm
by Nessa
I thought in some cultures, a man could just say 'I divorce you' three times and then they would be divorced? y:-?

'I divorce you! I divorce you! I.....c'mon! Make me that sammich or else!' :shock:

Re: Christianity & Divorce

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:13 pm
by Nessa
crochet1949 wrote:To -- Fur ...Lie
Furlie, y:-?
Could work.