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Re: Nonbelievers, what do you hope will come of discussing Christianity (on this board)?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:58 pm
by Kurieuo
Audie wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Audie wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Audie wrote:What is an Audie-wave? Maybe you are thinking Alpha waves? Or, worse, p-waves.

Shake your head, or maybe take deep breaths.

Then Ommmmmm and when philosophy tries to raise its wavy head, grim and importunate as it may be, just let it go, exhale, let it go.

THEN maybe you can grapple with what is important here:

Are you a positive, or negative Schistosomiasisist?

It matters a lot more than most things discussed here.
Ow... my head is starting to hurt. y#-o
I find you and your philosophy here confusing.
If there's a wave that suits you then it's a dumper.

You're just a positive multiuniversist who believes unintelligence caused everything,
including the very intelligent and deeply hurt lady I "see" before me writing here.

I believe I matter, my kids matter and you really matter.
Everything we do, has been done or happens in life matters.
I'd be lying to myself if I said that I could consistently believe nothing really matters.
Therefore it is actually more coherent for me to believe God exists.

Now I dont feel like bantering.
yp**== y@};- y>:D<
Is that something that can be said in words?
Iow, ok, sparring over.
Let's have peace and continue being friends.

Re: Nonbelievers, what do you hope will come of discussing Christianity (on this board)?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:03 am
by patrick
Audie wrote:For sure we come from such different places and are travelling different roads.

What does "spiritual" mean?
It'll take a bit to explain what I really mean, but the simplest way to put it would probably be 'embodied philosophy.'

Carl Jung might be a good example for this. Jung spent a great deal of time trying to interpret various traditions and put those ideas in more universal terms. For instance, he noticed that the alchemist's search for the Philosopher's Stone had strong parallels with the process of self-integration ("individuation") he used to treat his patients. It seems most alchemists used chemical changes and their products as projections of the changes they made within themselves, whether they were aware of it or not. A more modern example would be the Catholic sacrament of changing bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. Insofar as the symbolism of the ritual is embodied (for Jung, the litmus being that it would show up as the metaphors of one's dreams), a similar change is taking place.

Jung, at least for most of his life, considered such matters to be purely psychological, though to Jung calling something "just psychological" would be about as absurd as calling scientific findings "just empirical" -- hence why I find his take to be rather relevant here. I try to neither deflate nor inflate the meaning of a thing, and a lot of what I meant by 'spiritual' includes not just the ideas themselves, but the attitude taken towards those ideas. Though I don't think the Jung example illustrates the whole picture, as he dealt primarily with individuals who felt gripped by neuroses and not so much cultures and the meaning or direction of such -- in other words embodied ??? rather than embodied philosophy.