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Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:20 am
by Byblos
edwardmurphy wrote:
Byblos wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:
Byblos wrote:Get your history straight Ed.
My point was that if he was running around performing legitimate, undeniable, gimmick-free miracles then they wouldn't have killed him in the first place. Killing a fake messiah to protect your job is no big deal, but killing the real messiah? The actual son of your actual god? Were the Jews exceptionally stupid?
Your point is meaningless. It goes against the historical account. It's like arguing Alexander the Great was a mythical figure or an alien from outer space. You can argue it all day long but it will remain devoid of any basis in history and reality.
What historical accounts? I've never heard of a single contemporary historical account of any of those events, apart from the Bible. Everything I'm aware of is 50-200 years removed. The only tangible evidence I've ever seen that Jesus might have performed miracles is the spread of Christianity, but by that metric every prophet with a following, from Mohamed to Joseph Smith to L. Ron Hubbard, is the real deal.
Of course I dispute the period range but even if granted for the sake of the argument, if 50 to 200 years does not constitute a historical account then might I suggest that you abandon ALL history because the reliable accounts seem to be written at least 50 years after the fact. And this is in the modern age.

Besides which, on what basis do you discount the Bible itself as a historical account?

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:58 am
by B. W.
edwardmurphy wrote:
Storyteller wrote:To be fair though Ken, are they really likely to admit that?

Are you kidding? If you kill a guy and he comes back from the dead to say that you were wrong to do it but he forgives you that's going to make an impression. If he was really wandering around the Levant magically curing diseases, walking on water, resurrecting dead people, and shrugging off crucifixion it would be reasonable to expect him to gain an immediate, gigantic, fanatical following. I'm as skeptical as they come, but I'd damn sure accept Jesus's claim of divinity after watching him conjure a bakery and a school of fish out of thin air or bring a corpse back to life. Normal people can't do that now and they couldn't do it then either. Anybody who can is completely unique, amazing, and kind of terrifying.

For that matter, if he was really performing magic all over the place the Jewish priests wouldn't have doubted his claim and had him crucified. Someone who really, truly, literally had magical superpowers would have inspired awe and amazement in everyone he saw wherever he went. If I'm understanding things correctly the rabbis basically said "This guy can do actual magic and he says he's the son of our god, but he's obviously full of crap so we'd better have him killed to protect the status quo." That's ridiculous. What they'd have actually done is screamed "HOLY CRAP, GOD'S HERE!" and hit their knees.

Remember, the Christian position (at least as I understand it) is that god is the only god. All of those other gods weren't real. Those Roman and Greek and Egyptian priests were worshiping empty thrones, so they didn't have any real magic. But Jesus was the real deal. The only real deal. As far as I know he was the first legitimate miracle man since the OT and he could prove it.

So yes, they'd have admitted it. They wouldn't have had a choice. Christianity would have spread like wildfire.
Storyteller wrote:You may not believe Christ did indeed rise from the dead but you have to admit there is some evidence that it may be true.
People who have been dead for days don't come back to life. If they did then the miracle wouldn't have been a miracle and Jesus doing it wouldn't have mattered. So no, I personally don't believe that it may be true.
Storyteller wrote:You may not believe that Christ rose again but the shroud is pretty hard to ignore. I know a lot of people have claimed it`s a fake, why won`t the church allow tests if it`s real, why won`t the church validate it`s authenticity, all that stuff but there is at least, the suggestion, that Christ existed (very few people doubt that) so where is His body? Why does the shroud match with so many details?
Wasn't the shroud found to be a forgery from the Late Middle Ages or something? You know, back when every church needed to have a hunk of a saint on display? So if you didn't have Paul's shinbone, John's left thumb, George's testicle, or a tooth from the lion that disemboweled Ringo then you wouldn't get any pilgrims or donations, so you'd be stuck in a dark, crappy little chapel when everyone else was getting a massive Gothic wonder-church?
Ed nothing you say has any value....

What is your history?

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:01 am
by B. W.
edwardmurphy wrote:
Byblos wrote:This is the kind of revisionist fiction one is stuck with when one denies history. :shakehead:
You're welcome to correct my many apparent misconceptions.
What good would it do - you do not listen as well as you are too intellectually lazy to research anything...

Waste of time...

...Since your responses are always :lalala:

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:50 pm
by Philip
Here's a listing of extra-Biblical/secular references to the Historic Jesus: ... fm_ap2.cfm

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:54 am
by Nicki
Philip wrote:Here's a listing of extra-Biblical/secular references to the Historic Jesus: ... fm_ap2.cfm
Awesome; thanks for posting - the references to the darkness when Jesus died were interesting, and Tacitus' statement that after Jesus was executed '...the pernicious superstition was checked for a moment, only to break out once more, not merely in Judea...'

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:49 am
by edwardmurphy
Byblos wrote:Of course I dispute the period range but even if granted for the sake of the argument, if 50 to 200 years does not constitute a historical account then might I suggest that you abandon ALL history because the reliable accounts seem to be written at least 50 years after the fact. And this is in the modern age.
It depends on how much primary source material is available. For example, I'm not going to discount a book about the Holocaust just because it was written in 1995. But the claim that Jesus routinely preformed supernatural acts is an extraordinary claim with no primary source support other than the Bible. (Josephus isn't a primary source, just a guy reporting what he'd heard 30+ years after the fact.)
Byblos wrote:Besides which, on what basis do you discount the Bible itself as a historical account?
I don't completely discount it - I'm aware that there's plenty of accurate history in the Bible - but taking the Bible's word for Jesus's divinity would be like taking some politician's autobiography at face value. Sure, there's going to be some truth in the text, but the fact remains that the author has an agenda other than the unbiased recitation of the facts.
B. W. wrote:What good would it do - you do not listen as well as you are too intellectually lazy to research anything...

Waste of time...
Wow, you have a memory like a goldfish. I could link several pages worth of me doing the research to debunk your ridiculous claims and you ignoring all of it and repeating the same claims. How many times did you link that same "persecution" story about the guy that started a church and then claimed it was a Bible study so he wouldn't have to meet fire code? I think it was five, four of which came after I posted evidence showing that the guy was lying through his teeth.

Waste of time, indeed...
Philip wrote:Here's a listing of extra-Biblical/secular references to the Historic Jesus: ... fm_ap2.cfm
I've seen most of those, although I admit the darkness thing was new to me. The thing is, those sources are pretty good for establishing that Jesus was a real person and that Christians existed and were persecuted, but I don't dispute any of those things. The part that I'm skeptical about isn't that Jesus was an historical figure, it's that he had supernatural powers and was the son of a god. I didn't see any evidence of that in the information you posted.

Regarding the willingness of Christians to sacrifice and even die for their religion, I don't dispute that, but I don't see it as evidence that god exists or that Jesus was his son. The faithful have been dying for their religions for a long time, and they still are, but belief isn't evidence. Or if it is, then perhaps someone could explain why Muslim suicide bombers, who are clearly believers, don't count as evidence of the validity of Islam...?

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:03 am
by Philip
Ed: "Regarding the willingness of Christians to sacrifice and even die for their religion, I don't dispute that, but I don't see it as evidence that god exists or that Jesus was his son. The faithful have been dying for their religions for a long time, and they still are, but belief isn't evidence. Or if it is, then perhaps someone could explain why Muslim suicide bombers, who are clearly believers, don't count as evidence of the validity of Islam...?
Ed, you are correct, the faithful within countless cults HAVE been more than willing to die for false religious beliefs. Yep, the deluded persons who commandered the 9-11 planes clearly willing to die for a lie - of Allah and the virgins awaiting them. But there is a VERY big difference between this and the writers of the Gospels - Jesus' disciples / later Apostles, the Apostle Paul. All but the Apostle John are known to have died terrible deaths for preaching a resurrected Jesus (of course, John preached it as well). And, these incredible people, who changed the world, are clearly no crazy men, as they all wrote or conveyed their accounts in a straight-forward, sober-minded accounts in their writings (which, by the way, did NOT focus on the miraculous - other than the Resurrection). So, great question: What is the difference between people dying for false cult beliefs and those of the Apostles? Because the Apostles ALL KNEW the truth. They either, as they ALL claimed, that they had physically encountered the resurrected Jesus, post-crucifixion, or they did not. But make no mistake, they KNEW the truth.

So, do such sober-minded, conscientious writers, KNOWING the truth, ALL go to their own terrible deaths - and certainly after knowing of what the Romans did to Jesus - do they pointlessly die for a huge lie - one they ALL KNEW to be a lie???!!! WHY? What is their motivation? Note the difference between those broken, terrified, immediately post-crucifixion disciples of Christ, all hiding out, their leader humiliated, tortured, agonizingly killed - knowing well the very same likely awaited themselves, certainly if they didn't stop with all their "Messiah nonsense." Yet, subsequently, they all quickly became exceptionally bold, preaching of the Resurrection immediately afterward. AND, they were quickly joined by large numbers of others, equally risking such a fate. So, the disciples did NOT die for a lie, because they undoubtedly KNEW THE Truth!!! There is no comparison with the loonies in the cults, or the 9-11 hijackers. Because unless they saw a resurrected Christ, they had absolutely NO motivation to risk the same fates as Jesus - and yet, the gladly did so. Else, what would have been their motivation for the risk, immense danger, and continuous persecution? What explains their initial great fear and sorrow, quickly turned to joy and incredible boldness? What explains all those others, also entrenched within 1,600 years of monotheistic teachings, who quickly embraced a man who claimed He was God, given the many horrific potential consequences? Were they ALL loonies, led by people who were crazy enough to perpetuate a lie that would potentially take them all to their own horrible fates - a lie the had to KNOW was a lie???!!! Ridiculous!

NO comparison, Ed, not a bit!

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:16 am
by Philip
I see my last post above was never responded to, showing that the original Apostles most definitely ALL totally knew the Truth Of what they (except John) went to their deaths for - as they definitely knew whether or not they had seen the risen Christ.

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:46 am
by edwardmurphy
Philip wrote:I see my last post above was never responded to, showing that the original Apostles most definitely ALL totally knew the Truth Of what they (except John) went to their deaths for - as they definitely knew whether or not they had seen the risen Christ.
Horsefeathers, Phil. Silence from me can mean lots of things, but usually it just means I got busy and forgot. At the moment I have two sick kids and arguing about religion isn't a priority. I'll get back to you if I get a chance.

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:37 pm
by Philip
Ed, I hope your kids get well soon, I know how stressful that can be.

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:17 am
by edwardmurphy
Philip wrote:Ed, I hope your kids get well soon, I know how stressful that can be.
Thanks much.

They're both fine, but they've had lingering colds for about a month. The older one is in the middle of some sort of developmental thing (so she's not sleeping, so she's cranky and melodramatic), as well as trying to adjust to having a baby sister ("Daddy you put that baby sister named Parker down and hold MEEEE right NOW!"), and working on potty training (so when I get her up in the morning she's naked and Pooh Bear is wearing her wet diaper). Meantime, the baby is congested (sounds like a pug when she breathes), teething (random bouts of screaming and drools like a faucet), and also in the midst of some sort of developmental thing (so only sleeps on somebody's chest and is restless even then). So yeah, everything is fine, but we're all short on time and sleep.

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:14 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:
Philip wrote:Ed, I hope your kids get well soon, I know how stressful that can be.
Thanks much.

They're both fine, but they've had lingering colds for about a month. The older one is in the middle of some sort of developmental thing (so she's not sleeping, so she's cranky and melodramatic), as well as trying to adjust to having a baby sister ("Daddy you put that baby sister named Parker down and hold MEEEE right NOW!"), and working on potty training (so when I get her up in the morning she's naked and Pooh Bear is wearing her wet diaper). Meantime, the baby is congested (sounds like a pug when she breathes), teething (random bouts of screaming and drools like a faucet), and also in the midst of some sort of developmental thing (so only sleeps on somebody's chest and is restless even then). So yeah, everything is fine, but we're all short on time and sleep.
Everything you described about your kids, sounds like my wife on a normal day.

Hope your kids get better soon. There's not too many things worse than having a sick kid.

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:14 am
by Philip
Ed: They're both fine, but they've had lingering colds for about a month. The older one is in the middle of some sort of developmental thing (so she's not sleeping, so she's cranky and melodramatic), as well as trying to adjust to having a baby sister ("Daddy you put that baby sister named Parker down and hold MEEEE right NOW!"), and working on potty training (so when I get her up in the morning she's naked and Pooh Bear is wearing her wet diaper). Meantime, the baby is congested (sounds like a pug when she breathes), teething (random bouts of screaming and drools like a faucet), and also in the midst of some sort of developmental thing (so only sleeps on somebody's chest and is restless even then). So yeah, everything is fine, but we're all short on time and sleep.
Don't miss those days - they're exhausting. Not to mention it's hard not to catch their colds, etc. Little kids are a young man's game, but I didn't have my first one until I was nearly 41. Another at 46. And after so much time together without kids - well, it was somewhat of a shock. But hope yours are well soon!

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:36 pm
by Storyteller
edwardmurphy wrote:
Philip wrote:Ed, I hope your kids get well soon, I know how stressful that can be.
Thanks much.

They're both fine, but they've had lingering colds for about a month. The older one is in the middle of some sort of developmental thing (so she's not sleeping, so she's cranky and melodramatic), as well as trying to adjust to having a baby sister ("Daddy you put that baby sister named Parker down and hold MEEEE right NOW!"), and working on potty training (so when I get her up in the morning she's naked and Pooh Bear is wearing her wet diaper). Meantime, the baby is congested (sounds like a pug when she breathes), teething (random bouts of screaming and drools like a faucet), and also in the midst of some sort of developmental thing (so only sleeps on somebody's chest and is restless even then). So yeah, everything is fine, but we're all short on time and sleep.
My daughter had colic, on the dot, every night from 7pm til 10.30pm from 3 months to 9 months.
All we could do was comfort her, hold her, worry, and steel ourselves.

You have my deepest sympathy ed, but I gotta say, youre doing a great job.

just as an aside... you should write a book, the way you write is mesmerisingly honest, funny and heartwarming.

Re: What happened when Jesus was crucified?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:40 am
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote:Everything you described about your kids, sounds like my wife on a normal day.
She probably needs a nap.
Philip wrote:Don't miss those days - they're exhausting. Not to mention it's hard not to catch their colds, etc. Little kids are a young man's game, but I didn't have my first one until I was nearly 41. Another at 46. And after so much time together without kids - well, it was somewhat of a shock. But hope yours are well soon!
I think the sweet spot these days is probably about 30. You're old enough to be settled in and to have had lots of experiences, but you can still sneeze without pulling a muscle and function after a few consecutive sleepless nights. Alas, I had the first at 40 and the second at 42, and yeah, they're kicking my ass.

They're actually both doing a lot better (apart from the teething, but that's just getting started), but now Earth has turned against us. Everybody is all happy and full of energy, but it's -10 with a -38 windchill. Oh well. Spring will come.
Storyteller wrote:My daughter had colic, on the dot, every night from 7pm til 10.30pm from 3 months to 9 months.
All we could do was comfort her, hold her, worry, and steel ourselves.
That sucks. We had a couple of months of frequent night terrors. Different malady, but a similar situation - there's nothing you can do but steel your nerves and wait it out. The anticipation was the worst for me. My wife really struggled with the screaming.
Storyteller wrote:just as an aside... you should write a book, the way you write is mesmerisingly honest, funny and heartwarming.
Thank you very much. I've actually heard that a few times before, but I have no idea what I could possibly write about. Still nice to hear.