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Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:34 pm
by Storyteller
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: It is not an excuse,it is you with the excuse to not believe in God and I bet you have a list of excuses too.

I know some fundie Christians think that believing in the Christian god is kind of a binding default position everyone is expected to adhere to, and that to not believe in him one must come up with some kind of an excuse. But let me ask you, do you find it necessary to excuse yourself from believing in the Zoroastrianism god Ahura Mazda? How about Hinduism's Krishna? I sure don't, just as I don't find it necessary to excuse my disbelief in the god of Abraham. Your god is hardly any better than any of the others. In fact, considering some of the dastardly things he is said to have done, I'd put him below some of the others.
One Headline. For you.
AND . . . . . . . . . . . ?

sorry :oops:

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:37 pm
by Kurieuo
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: It is not an excuse,it is you with the excuse to not believe in God and I bet you have a list of excuses too.

I know some fundie Christians think that believing in the Christian god is kind of a binding default position everyone is expected to adhere to, and that to not believe in him one must come up with some kind of an excuse. But let me ask you, do you find it necessary to excuse yourself from believing in the Zoroastrianism god Ahura Mazda? How about Hinduism's Krishna? I sure don't, just as I don't find it necessary to excuse my disbelief in the god of Abraham. Your god is hardly any better than any of the others. In fact, considering some of the dastardly things he is said to have done, I'd put him below some of the others.
This shows a lack of understanding of what/who God is.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:39 pm
by IceMobster
Audacity wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Hi Audacity :)

Tell me where it says anywhere that you are condemned for not finding.
But isn't this what finding the truth is all about, to find it so as to avoid being condemned to hell?
As for the Sunday School question of why anything exists at all.... you dismiss it, why? Surely that is the first question to ask?
First of all, what is there to say about it? Contemporarily, either one proposes that its a result of the Big bang, or one contends it's god's wish. After that, what? The topic is dead. Secondly, it's irrelevant to the issue here, and I don't want to take the thread of track.
Audacity wrote:See my reply to Storyteller, above.
You answered the "how?", now ask yourself "why?"
Or is your existence irrelevant, as well?
In that case, why don't you kill yourself?

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:42 pm
by RickD
Here Audacity.

Read this

Then come back and see us.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:49 pm
by Kurieuo
Audacity, just some advice.

Fwiw, if you want to be treated with respect and entertained in proper discussion, then treat others here like friends.
No Christian here is out to really attack you or the like. There is no reason to show contempt for people here.

I can only speak for myself. We wouldn't agree with much, but your approach in what little dealing I had with you, isn't going to make people respond well to you, if at all. If you're going to waste your time on a board like this, then I'm sure some part of your would like to dialogue, so I'd really recommend treating people here more as your friend.

You know I've covered questions like yours half a dozen times on this board.
I'm normally more than happy to provide a response, but I don't respond well to arrogance unless there is more of a friendship on the side and understanding of some sort that it's just the debate if you will.

If you want to think me and other Christians as all idiots, then how about you do update your name to Idiodicy for continuing trying to communicate to us? Or you could just leave. Or you could just try changing tune a little.
Of course, you can just ignore me too. I'll be of to Sunday school now anyway (yes, on a Wednesday!)

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:52 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: It is not an excuse,it is you with the excuse to not believe in God and I bet you have a list of excuses too.

I know some fundie Christians think that believing in the Christian god is kind of a binding default position everyone is expected to adhere to, and that to not believe in him one must come up with some kind of an excuse. But let me ask you, do you find it necessary to excuse yourself from believing in the Zoroastrianism god Ahura Mazda? How about Hinduism's Krishna? I sure don't, just as I don't find it necessary to excuse my disbelief in the god of Abraham. Your god is hardly any better than any of the others. In fact, considering some of the dastardly things he is said to have done, I'd put him below some of the others.
One Headline. For you.
AND . . . . . . . . . . . ?

All false religions teach works for savation just like the other religions you bring up.Not knowing about religions is not an excuse to reject Christ.Christ offers us a gift of salvation that he paid for in full,no other God you can bring up did,which is why they are taught that they must do works,live a certian way,follow these rules,etc all false religions teach these things but not Christianity. Salvation is a gift from God to you through Jesus that a person just accepts and recieves by faith.

Also of the religions that matter only Jesus who was God in human flesh rose from the dead,they all serve dead god's that did nothing for you and have remained distant,Jesus knows and understand suffering because he suffered too,and far more than any of us do,so he can relate to our pain,unlike any other god can. No other God offers what our God offers and there is more evidence Christianity is true than any other religion also. There is absolutely no evidence atheism is true though,so while you reject evidence Christianity is true,you have absolutely no evidence atheism is true.

You cannot even begin to compete with Christianity based on evidence being an atheist,but you'll deny evidence in order to believe an opinion at best you have no evidence is true. Therefore the smartest decision you could make for yourself is to believe in Jesus and recieve him as your savior and Lord because there is so much more evidence and you have no evidence atheism is true. It is good to know that if and when we die we just go to heaven and our eternal future is assured and secure.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:53 pm
by Storyteller
And I'll carry on trip trapping over the bridge :twisted:

After all, I believe in fairy tales. :shock:

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:59 pm
by Audacity
IceMobster wrote:You answered the "how?", now ask yourself "why?"
Hmmm, no answer. Suppose I should make up some kind of answering contraption or being that I impute with the ability to answer?
Or is your existence irrelevant, as well?

Well, right now my existence is relevant to me, thank you very much. :D
In that case, why don't you kill yourself?
Oh, you mean if I don't happen to find it relevant? Can't do that, I still have about a dozen Burger king coupons I haven't used. AND, the Academy Awards is coming up pretty soon.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:02 pm
by Audacity
abelcainsbrother wrote: All false religions teach works for savation just like the other religions you bring up.Not knowing about religions is not an excuse to reject Christ.Christ offers us a gift of salvation that he paid for in full,no other God you can bring up did,which is why they are taught that they must do works,live a certian way,follow these rules,etc all false religions teach these things but not Christianity. Salvation is a gift from God to you through Jesus that a person just accepts and recieves by faith.

Also of the religions that matter only Jesus who was God in human flesh rose from the dead,they all serve dead god's that did nothing for you and have remained distant,Jesus knows and understand suffering because he suffered too,and far more than any of us do,so he can relate to our pain,unlike any other god can. No other God offers what our God offers and there is more evidence Christianity is true than any other religion also. There is absolutely no evidence atheism is true though,so while you reject evidence Christianity is true,you have absolutely no evidence atheism is true.

You cannot even begin to compete with Christianity based on evidence being an atheist,but you'll deny evidence in order to believe an opinion at best you have no evidence is true. Therefore the smartest decision you could make for yourself is to believe in Jesus and recieve him as your savior and Lord because there is so much more evidence and you have no evidence atheism is true. It is good to know that if and when we die we just go to heaven and our eternal future is assured and secure.
Sorry, but you've really slid of the slopes with this one. Want to have a discussion, then I suggest you get on topic. You'll find it in the first post.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:46 pm
by Audacity
Kurieuo wrote:Audacity, just some advice.

Fwiw, if you want to be treated with respect and entertained in proper discussion, then treat others here like friends.
No Christian here is out to really attack you or the like. There is no reason to show contempt for people here.
No contempt felt or meant, only a lot of frustration with people who find it difficult to stay on topic. I try to answer every question with as much reasonability with which it was asked, and expect the same in return. But more often than not people here don't care to answer questions, or address the topic, but prefer to go off on irrelevant tangents.
I can only speak for myself. We wouldn't agree with much, but your approach in what little dealing I had with you, isn't going to make people respond well to you, if at all. If you're going to waste your time on a board like this, then I'm sure some part of your would like to dialogue, so I'd really recommend treating people here more as your friend.
I'll keep your advice in mind. Thank you..
You know I've covered questions like yours half a dozen times on this board.
I'm normally more than happy to provide a response, but I don't respond well to arrogance unless there is more of a friendship on the side and understanding of some sort that it's just the debate if you will.
I'm sorry my surety comes across as arrogance, but looking at the various posts here I see far more "this is the way it is" types of statements than I've ever made. Most of the time they border on preaching, which is unnecessary and something I can do without.
If you want to think me and other Christians as all idiots, then how about you do update your name to Idiodicy for continuing trying to communicate to us? Or you could just leave. Or you could just try changing tune a little.
Of course, you can just ignore me too. I'll be of to Sunday school now anyway (yes, on a Wednesday!)
Not idiots at all. I don't think of people in those kinds of terms, idiot, stupid, dumb, etc. However, I often do see their failings as debaters, if you will. A frustrating inability to stick to issues, to closely read and consider what is said, and put away prejudices and agendas for the moment. All this being said, I now have a better lay of the land here on
Evidence for God from Science, and will make whatever adjustments are necessary to make things go a bit more smoothly.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:54 pm
by Audacity
abelcainsbrother wrote:
All false religions teach works for savation just like the other religions you bring up.Not knowing about religions is not an excuse to reject Christ.Christ offers us a gift of salvation that he paid for in full,no other God you can bring up did,which is why they are taught that they must do works,live a certian way,follow these rules,etc all false religions teach these things but not Christianity. Salvation is a gift from God to you through Jesus that a person just accepts and recieves by faith.

Also of the religions that matter only Jesus who was God in human flesh rose from the dead,they all serve dead god's that did nothing for you and have remained distant,Jesus knows and understand suffering because he suffered too,and far more than any of us do,so he can relate to our pain,unlike any other god can. No other God offers what our God offers and there is more evidence Christianity is true than any other religion also. There is absolutely no evidence atheism is true though,so while you reject evidence Christianity is true,you have absolutely no evidence atheism is true.

You cannot even begin to compete with Christianity based on evidence being an atheist,but you'll deny evidence in order to believe an opinion at best you have no evidence is true. Therefore the smartest decision you could make for yourself is to believe in Jesus and recieve him as your savior and Lord because there is so much more evidence and you have no evidence atheism is true. It is good to know that if and when we die we just go to heaven and our eternal future is assured and secure.
FYI, From now on I won't be responding to preaching. And another FYI, just because I'm not a Christian doesn't mean I'm an atheist. :wink:

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:55 pm
by Storyteller
Doesn't mean you have a point either ;)

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:56 pm
by Storyteller
FYI ;)

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:14 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
All false religions teach works for savation just like the other religions you bring up.Not knowing about religions is not an excuse to reject Christ.Christ offers us a gift of salvation that he paid for in full,no other God you can bring up did,which is why they are taught that they must do works,live a certian way,follow these rules,etc all false religions teach these things but not Christianity. Salvation is a gift from God to you through Jesus that a person just accepts and recieves by faith.

Also of the religions that matter only Jesus who was God in human flesh rose from the dead,they all serve dead god's that did nothing for you and have remained distant,Jesus knows and understand suffering because he suffered too,and far more than any of us do,so he can relate to our pain,unlike any other god can. No other God offers what our God offers and there is more evidence Christianity is true than any other religion also. There is absolutely no evidence atheism is true though,so while you reject evidence Christianity is true,you have absolutely no evidence atheism is true.

You cannot even begin to compete with Christianity based on evidence being an atheist,but you'll deny evidence in order to believe an opinion at best you have no evidence is true. Therefore the smartest decision you could make for yourself is to believe in Jesus and recieve him as your savior and Lord because there is so much more evidence and you have no evidence atheism is true. It is good to know that if and when we die we just go to heaven and our eternal future is assured and secure.
FYI, From now on I won't be responding to preaching. And another FYI, just because I'm not a Christian doesn't mean I'm an atheist. :wink:
OK but you come into a Christian forum and expect not to hear preaching? Sorry but I've already did the apologetics thing and I've realized that the preaching of the Gospel is still the best way to go,for all of the time we've spent using philosophy,trying to correct flawed understandings of the bible,giving evidence only to be ignored,etc we could've simply just preached about Jesus. Nobody had to prove Jesus was real or the bible is true when I heard Jesus being preached and I have never regretted praying the sinners prayer and being saved since that day and regardless of how much you don't like preaching it is the only way people our drawn to Jesus by the Holy Spirit and if you are ever to be saved by Jesus it will apply to you too,because you cannot get saved when you choose to,the Holy Spirit must draw you before anybody can be saved and it only happens with the preaching of the gospel. No more of this giving all kinds of evidence and reasons to believe only to be ignored. Also even if you are not an atheist you still have less evidence than the evidence for Christianity. You sure sound like an atheist but if you are'nt then I apologize.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:40 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Audacity here ya go
You Will Find It There. For you