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Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:56 am
by Kendrick
you mean that Jesus died to awaken you so you shall may live to be perfect like him; that you now have the Mind of Christ to embrace the you that was lost and now is found and walk by every word of God; knowing that to those who have more, more will be given; and this is good news for everyone?

Wow, what is this? Is this The Way, or is this what i'm reading as from other contributers as the 'Churchianity of Forever Followers'??

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:40 pm
by August

Firstly, if I offended you I humbly apologise. It is impossible to get tone and body language across in a non-verbal fashion, and it is not my intention to insult you. As a student of theology, I am truly interested to know what rational thought processes led you to believe that the Bible is not 100% true. You believe in an almighty Creator, and knowledge of that Creator comes from what is God's special revelation to us, the Bible. Don't you think that the Bible may be 100% true, and that it is just our interpretation or understanding that is lacking?

I'm really trying to understand what parts you say are not true, and why you say that. Surely you can't expect to come to a public discussion board and expect that your stated beliefs in this regard will not raise curiosity? The only way I can really understand how you arrived at your conclusions is to understand your thinking in depth, and not just add my interpretation to your statements.

If you have already posted the extent of what you believe led you to the point you are, I am sorry, I just don't get it, and maybe it's because I'm trying to ask for something that you cannot describe in words, or because I lack the insight into your life.

I also know that no two people can believe in exactly the same way, since we are all unique human beings, with unique relationships. There are some basic beliefs though, that has to be consistent, like the belief in an almighty Creator who made Himself know to us through His general and special revelations. I totally respect your right to that unique belief and relationship.

If you still believe that you have nothing more to add, so be it, and again I'm sorry if I offended you.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:14 am
by Kendrick

Life is based on experience and understanding. St Paul speaks of being childish in faith and then mature.

So for the moment you say you take the Bible as 100% true, but you will find some prophets greater than others and as you become one you will read where the spirit is willing and the mind a little weak. Jesus was at times exasperated with his followers and said you must live like him and rely on the spirit that willl reveal these things to you.

To quote the Bible where it is wrong is not to quote the wider truth, for it's intent was to free a people from slavery to a people who served "God", and through the ages each prophet revealed more, so worldly ritual could be discarded. And finally you are left with you and God.

You are naked, and not ashamed. There is no Jew or Christian.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:30 am
by August
Kendrick, please explain further, I don't know what you are trying to say.

It looks like you also believe the Bible contains lies?

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:45 am
by seedling
Hi August,

You didn't offend me. I just didn't understand what more you wanted me to say, I thought I explained how I felt and what I saw and backed it up to the best of my ability. You say that you may be asking something that I cannot describe in words and I think I did do my best to describe how I feel in words as far as I am able to at this point. I can post link after link, and authority after authority. But after a while it will be my highly educated and respected authority against yours when the things we speak of are a matter of revelation that an uneducated illiterate fisherman can understand.

"You believe in an almighty Creator, and knowledge of that Creator comes from what is God's special revelation to us, the Bible. Don't you think that the Bible may be 100% true, and that it is just our interpretation or understanding that is lacking?"

I don't think God's special revelation to us is the bible. It's a good guidemap. I think God's special revelation to us is in the spirit. And that is something I can't converse so much about right now because I don't totally understand it ... or maybe I do but I can't put it into words yet. But I think his "special revelation" to us may be this "spirit" IN us. The spirit that can reveal all things to us through our limited minds. I believe the words on a page in a book can be a catalyst to revelation. I know my understanding is lacking and maybe my interpretation is lacking, but the bible is lacking, too. The people who wrote the bible back then are just like me, no different. They wrote about their thoughts and experiences and what was in their spirit to the best of their ability. They only went so far. But if we are attuned to it, the spirit of Life is always showing us something, it never stops, it keeps building upon the things that are revealed. It keeps going higher and higher and deeper and deeper keeps growing. The Old Testament is the spiritual experiences and the history of a race of people … the Jews. I mean, I love alot of what is written there ... the prayers, hopes, yearnings for God ... I have them too, I am human, so I can relate. But I think man basically looks at God as a very powerful being, but in the image of a MAN ... having the same emotions, anger, pleasure, revenge …this is the way we try to understand Him. And we can still be very superstitious, and worship God superstitiously, even though we are Christians. I have seen this in myself and in others. "Lord, if you want me to go to the market today, give me a sign" … then I get a warm fuzzy feeling and interpret this as yes, the Lord wants me to go to the market today, or a bird lights upon my windowsill and I interpret this in whatever I feel the Lord is trying to communicate with me. I don't know, for me, now, that is superstition … he did speak to me that way once … but I don't think it was Him doing the speaking outwardly… it was my heart speaking to me, trying to get information outwardly when when I should have been getting it from within me … It's like He's saying to me … Hey, I'm in here, silly! But not in the way you think. His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways. Who can comprehend the Creator? I don't dare anymore.

You know I never could quite totally belief that the bible was the complete and literal word of God. I always had a hard time with this concept but tried to push my doubts down deep. It's not something I ever dared voice, though. Because the people at church and their experts were more knowledgeable and spiritual than me. So I had to be wrong. It's not that I think the bible isn't valuable and doesn't contain much truth ... but that truth is limited to the cultural expressions of the people that wrote the bible. The sacrifice and slaughter of a perfect lamb or animal (didn't many ancient people sacrifice to their "gods" in different ways? The Asians have their statues of Buddha and put fruit and food in front of it, the ancient Incas sacrificed a young, beautiful virgin (lucky her) and culture after culture, sacrifice after sacrifice, ad infinitum, to make the Big Guy happy) and the laws and all the things that "God" required the Jews to do ... maybe at the beginning they were just common sense things for life back then, like draining all the blood, or not eating pork or keeping a menstruating woman in a tent for her time, circumcision, the offerings at the alter, all those things in Levitius and Deuteronomy that make your head spin. Then the Jews hung onto them for dear life because they identified who they were … the "Chosen Ones." The Pharisees were the keepers of the flame. Then Jesus comes along and turns everything upside down! I kinda felt sorry for the Jews because they sincerely believed that their religion beliefs and rituals were from "God" …and in a limited sense, I think they were ... But then Jesus abolishes all this ... he finds a lost sheep on the sabbath and cures a withered hand, raises people from the dead demonstration that hanging onto these rituals can fly right in the face of love ... He said he came not to abolish the ten commandements, but to fulfil them and that we must worship the Creator in spirit and reality.

"I'm really trying to understand what parts you say are not true, and why you say that. Surely you can't expect to come to a public discussion board and expect that your stated beliefs in this regard will not raise curiosity? The only way I can really understand how you arrived at your conclusions is to understand your thinking in depth, and not just add my interpretation to your statements."

August, I can't tell you specifically what parts I think are true and what parts aren't … it's just when I read them, I am starting to read between the lines. It's not like I'm doubting … but I'm beginning to see the bible in a new way. When it finally dawned on me that studying and knowing every verse in the bible didn't necessarily make me a better person (and I'm not saying not to read the bible here), and that I had a spirit in me that could think and experience "outside" the parameters of the bible, I felt like I had been set free. I can get manna from the bible, not necessarily from the written word, the literal sentence but from the "rhema" of the written word, the essence of the idea expressed … the spirit. It's like … either take what people wrote thousands of years ago and conform my experience to IT and make all my spiritual experiences work within it's parameters, or trust the spirit that the Creator put inside of me (and inside of every human) and let it discern the spirits and the words, and be free to question and explore. God gave ME a mind and a heart and a spirit … why should I put my absolute faith in men writing their experiences thousands of years ago and put their experiences above my own? I can appreciate theirs and learn from them … but having my own makes me whole.

One thing I realized, actually a long time ago … I realized that if I actually saw a miracle … say I saw someone walking on water or turning water into wine. I would be very impressed to be sure. But I realized that seeing that or believing that does not change ME … I am still the same rotten person I always was, trying to put on pretty new clothes and make-up. So believing in miracles and fire from heaven, and Jonah in the belly of the whale etc. does nothing for me. But when Jesus says something like "love your neighbor" or "take care of the log in your own eye and then you can remove the splinter in your brother's eye" and my heart is open to this and I truly see it, I believe that is the miracle that will change people. And I have faith in that.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:13 pm
by Kendrick

A lie is it to deceive. Whether is is to bring a person to belief it is still deception because it brings a person to shallow belief that can be taken away just as quickly as it comes.

Belief can be external but more important it has to be internal. The food without has to be consumed and life giving.

Daniel 3:16 "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, "Nebuchadnezzar, we don't need to give you an answer to this question. 17 If the God we serve exists, then He can rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He can rescue us from the power of you, the king. 18 But even if He does not rescue us, we want you as king to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up."

This attitude of faith, in knowing and doing what is right, even if God does not save you, is living by the spirit of truth.

Now consider Mark 16:15-20 "And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
"And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;
"they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will be no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

This scripture, was added in later Bible versions, and for me does not ring true to be Jesus' words but those of an excitable evangelical follower. It is a lie by this deception of authorship.

You should know this is true for Jesus as we have the better quotes of what he said and can understand the person he is. He spoke from, and to, the heart. So if you know Jesus you can spot this a mile off.

If you want evidence, watch the Christian Evangelists getting your money through healing and tongues.

This text is for the ego and the cult of Churchianity to follow. It doesn't make the Bible bad, just be aware of the spirit within you testifying to what is wishful and what is true and you'll realise human hands were at work selecting the text for you to see and the texts excluded from your copy of the 'Bible'. Seek and you will find.

If the followers of Christ were perfect and each generation like Jesus we would not need to be handed an imperfect book but observe people of The Way as shining examples.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:00 pm
by Deborah
If the followers of Christ were perfect and each generation like Jesus we would not need to be handed an imperfect book but observe people of The Way as shining examples.
We are not perfect, the bible is not a book it is an Anthology of 66 books.
It's purpose is to guide us, and God even set himself as our example to live by. In your oppinion it is imperfect, yet in the opinion of many others your oppinion about the Bible is incorrect. the object is to come to some understanding of the word of god. And to god that you can't take someone elses point of view on a topic, you can discuss what the topic means to you. Scriptures are like personal messages from God,
each person may get something different out of it.

an example

Scripture from Matt 10:27
What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops.

If I am not hearing Him in the darkness, what will I speak in the light? If I am not hearing Him whisper in my ear, what will I proclaim on the housetops?

What a great word! This scripture reminds me not only to talk to God in prayer, but to also hear him in prayer. that is equally important!

Jesus, help me to hear you today. I want to be still that I may hear Your marching orders for my day, for my week, for my life. Speak Lord, your servant is listening!

From that same scripture what do you get out of it?
you can not get an understanding for the word of God if your not listening for it!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:17 pm
by August

I see the issue here, I think.

You seem to follow this logic:
Man is fallible, man wrote the Bible, therefore the Bible is fallible.

My contention is:
God is perfect, His revelation is perfect, the Bible is His revelation, therefore the Bible is perfect.

I agree that without our spirit experiencing God, we can never understand what God wants us to understand, as you say.

However, was it not for the Bible, you would have no idea that there was a God that sent His son to die for our sins. You would not understand the context of the crucifixion, nor the wonder of God's creation.

Before you can know God, you must know about God. God's general revelation is His creation, including you and your soul. God chose to reveal His laws, thinking, emotions and the underlying message of spirituality and spiritual growth that you stress in a verbal fashion to us, and that is contained in the Bible. One cannot test the validity of a spiritual experience without the Bible, the most spectaculer encounters are void without the verbal explanation carrying intellectual context.

Since the words of the Bible were "breathed by God" (2 Tim 3:16), it is the only objective and explicit revelation by God, and it is impossible to look to God without looking to His revelation. No other source of information about God is more precise, accurate and comprehensive.

The Bible acts as an organic whole, with the golden thread of Jesus's ancestry running right through it. The content of the Bible was so much more than what the writers' natural intelligence could conceive. The human element you seem so worried about is indeed present, but serves only to show that God exercised total control over the writers' lives. When the time came, their backgrounds and personalities were perfectly suited to what God wanted them to write.

The Bible exhibits a perfect coherence, the content displays the unity, organisation and design one would expect from a single divine mind.
I know my understanding is lacking and maybe my interpretation is lacking, but the bible is lacking, too. The people who wrote the bible back then are just like me, no different.
You keep on asserting that the Bible is lacking, but then proceed to apply biblical principles to criticize it. Our knowledge of good and evil, of right and wrong, of truth and lies are revealed to us from the Bible, and made intelligible by our God-given spirit. The one does not work without the other in the Christian faith. You would not be able to level this criticism without having the biblical framework by which to do so. If this is untrue, then please provide a description of how you came to realize the difference between truth and deceipt, without taking anything from Scripture. The question then remains as to which part of the Bible is lacking, as every part of the divine revelation has value to someone, somewhere. Furthermore, my contention is that the Bible is absolute truth, for to deny that is to deny that we can know about God, and know God.
And we can still be very superstitious, and worship God superstitiously, even though we are Christians.
No argument here, we need to continue to search and grow in wisdom.
But not in the way you think. His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways. Who can comprehend the Creator? I don't dare anymore.
The Bible is our only source of specific revelation that can help us comprehend Gods will. I agree that we as mere humans can never fully comprehend the omniscience that is God, but we have insight into Gods mind through His revelation. This is not merely another book, there is plenty of empirical evidence that it is extremely unique, and has many characteristics not found in any other religions writings. I don't intend to quote empirical evidence though, since my belief is noted above.
You know I never could quite totally belief that the bible was the complete and literal word of God. I always had a hard time with this concept but tried to push my doubts down deep. It's not something I ever dared voice, though. Because the people at church and their experts were more knowledgeable and spiritual than me. So I had to be wrong
Firstly, I think we have had enough discourse about your first statement, though it seems slightly contradictory with your earlier statement that you cannot point out where you think the problems are. If you cannot be specific, then your assertion is hard to substantiate.

As for the rest of this paragraph, I already stated in my previous message that no two people can ever believe in exactly the same way, since we are all created unique. Just because people seem more spiritual to you does not mean that God intend for you to believe in the same way that they do. What is more important is how you translate your uniqueness into His service. I do however have to stick with my contention that you cannot fully know God and His purpose for you unless you study scripture, and believe what you read.
Then Jesus comes along and turns everything upside down! I kinda felt sorry for the Jews because they sincerely believed that their religion beliefs and rituals were from "God" …and in a limited sense, I think they were ... But then Jesus abolishes all this ... he finds a lost sheep on the sabbath and cures a withered hand, raises people from the dead demonstration that hanging onto these rituals can fly right in the face of love ... He said he came not to abolish the ten commandements, but to fulfil them and that we must worship the Creator in spirit and reality.
All of this history was what was needed for Isreal to bring forth Jesus, and His coming to do what he did was predicited in great detail throughout the Old Testament. There was no ambiguity, Jesus would come to establish a new covenant, and He did. There were those Isrealites that believed it, that is how Christianity started. That some were blind to it was also foretold. How can we worship the Creator in spirit and reality without knowing Him? How do you know what He wants? How do you know that you must worship Him? How do you know what worship means? All the answers are contained in His revelation, and without it, you would not be able to assert this.
August, I can't tell you specifically what parts I think are true and what parts aren't … it's just when I read them, I am starting to read between the lines. It's not like I'm doubting … but I'm beginning to see the bible in a new way.
If I understand correctly, then you are saying in this paragraph, and the rest which I did not quote, that you are experiencing wisdom that goes beyond the physical meaning of the words. This is what I meant earlier, the combination of scripture and spirit brings wisdom, and if we agree on that, I have no further quarrel with your statement here. I would still emphasize though that without the starting point of the Bible, one would not know to look for the deeper meaning, one would be totally ignorant.
It's like … either take what people wrote thousands of years ago and conform my experience to IT and make all my spiritual experiences work within it's parameters, or trust the spirit that the Creator put inside of me (and inside of every human) and let it discern the spirits and the words, and be free to question and explore.
Maybe it's just me, but again I see a contradiction here. I agree fully with you that God gave all of us a free spirit to question and explore, and he encourages us to do so. However, without the writing of thousands of years ago working to an intelligible conclusion with your spirit, you cannot know this. You would not even be able to compare your experiences to theirs and make a judgement. Of course your unique belief is as valid as theirs, but remember that they were the ones who made it possible for you to believe.
So believing in miracles and fire from heaven, and Jonah in the belly of the whale etc. does nothing for me. But when Jesus says something like "love your neighbor" or "take care of the log in your own eye and then you can remove the splinter in your brother's eye" and my heart is open to this and I truly see it, I believe that is the miracle that will change people. And I have faith in that.
Miracles were done to show unbelievers that God existed. If you already know this, then you are right, you are not the intended audience. However, it may be the very thing that leads an unbeliever to think and come to believe, and as such, should not be dismissed by you as being invalid or untrue. The Bible is Gods revelation to all people, not just to me or you. And we while we don't have the luxury of picking and choosing which parts of scripture are true or valid, we do have the luxury of praying for wisdom as to what it means in our context, our uniqueness and within the service that God has called us to. Without the inspired writings of the NT writers, you would not have the priviledge of knowing that Jesus said these things. of course God is the only one that can work miracles and get people to turn to Him through the working of the Holy Spirit.

Just like it says in the Bible....

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:36 pm
by Deborah
I know my understanding is lacking and maybe my interpretation is lacking, but the bible is lacking, too. The people who wrote the bible back then are just like me, no different.
I do not agree, the people who wrote the bible were not the same as you and I. Why? because they were inspired by God, If we are inspired by god we can do things we could not usually do. They understood god better than us. Obviously they fully trusted God. When we are inspired do we not do thing better than normally? I know I do, now emagine being inspired by God.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:53 pm
by August

I still don't know what you are talking about.
A lie is it to deceive. Whether is is to bring a person to belief it is still deception because it brings a person to shallow belief that can be taken away just as quickly as it comes.
What are you talking about? Who does this? What do you mean with shallow belief? Who gives and who takes it away?
Belief can be external but more important it has to be internal. The food without has to be consumed and life giving.
What are you talking about? All beliefs are internal. Can you please describe an external belief? Where can I find one? Do you have one I can see?
This attitude of faith, in knowing and doing what is right, even if God does not save you, is living by the spirit of truth.
How do you know this? How do you live by "the spirit of thruth"? Who or what is that? How do you know what is "knowing and doing what is right"?
This scripture, was added in later Bible versions, and for me does not ring true to be Jesus' words but those of an excitable evangelical follower. It is a lie by this deception of authorship.
How do you know this? If this does not ring true for you, does it mean that truth is relative? How can that be? Who committed this "deception of authorship"? This passage is contained in the original manuscripts, do you mean that Mark was out to lie to people?
You should know this is true for Jesus as we have the better quotes of what he said and can understand the person he is. He spoke from, and to, the heart. So if you know Jesus you can spot this a mile off.
How do you know this? Do you claim to have exclusive rights to know what Jesus' quotes were? Were you there when this written? How do you know Jesus never said this? How do you explain other places in Scripture where gifts of the Holy Spirit was proclaimed? Was it all a giant conspiracy? But then who did it, and why?
If you want evidence, watch the Christian Evangelists getting your money through healing and tongues.
I've been watching for 25 years, and I can see no evidence yet. Is there a time limit on this, or do you think I've been mixing with the wrong evangelicals? How do you know this? How do they get my money through "healing and tongues"? What are those? What Christian Evangelicals are you talking about?
This text is for the ego and the cult of Churchianity to follow. It doesn't make the Bible bad, just be aware of the spirit within you testifying to what is wishful and what is true and you'll realise human hands were at work selecting the text for you to see and the texts excluded from your copy of the 'Bible'. Seek and you will find.
What text are you talking about? How do you know this? What is the "ego and cult of Churchianity"? Who were these humans that selected the text for me to see? How do you know that? What "excluded texts" are you talking about? What must I "seek" for? Are you hiding some holy truth that says all of Christianity is a lie, since the Bible is somehow "selected by human hands"? Why don't you show it?
If the followers of Christ were perfect and each generation like Jesus we would not need to be handed an imperfect book but observe people of The Way as shining examples.
What are you talking about? What is the 'imperfect book"? How do you know it? How do you observe "The Way"? What is "The Way"? Who are the people that follows "The Way"?

You make a lot of assertions here, maybe if you answered the questions and provide some proof to back it up we can better understand what you are trying to say.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:51 am
by Kendrick
Hi August,

I will answer you in more detail later but a thought to keep you going...

When I hear the words "People of the Book" then I know those people have lost it.

look around. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Mormoms, and all other religions who have their sacred books and tablets written by God but somehow went missing.

It might show you why Jesus did not write anything down.

A lot of people are inspired by one Holy Book and then they go to another Holy Book.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:05 am
by Felgar
Just wanted to add my two cents to Shirtless' comments, though August is doing a remarkable job and I agree with him fully on this matter.

Shirtless' attitude of seeking God is right on - to listen for God, to understand that the Holy Spirit indwells us, and to be sensitive to that direction. All of that is great and extremely valuable as a Christian. But NONE of this should come at the expense of the validity of the Bible; the two need to work together. Your personal walk with God and His revealed words cannot by definition be in contradiction. If they were, then God would be contradicting Himself - and that is simply not possible.

It all comes down to this: the Bible is our way to ensure that we are actually progressing in our walk with God. Don't forget that Satan is the prince of the world; his purpose is to lie and deceive. Some of those inner truths are bound to come from satan, esspecially given that we are all sinners and that we are constantly imersed in the world - in his domain. By going back to the Bible (and discussing with other Christians) we can know for sure that the things we're being revealed are of God, and not of the devil. The Bible MUST be true for this to work, so that satan who speaks no truth can be detected and rejected.

So the basic reality comes down to this Shirtless, that if you don't have an external source of truth, how can you be certain that what you've come to believe and understand internally is not a deception? I assert that you cannot know. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the simple fact that you are leaning towards the idea that some of God's Word may not be truth, is the VERY evidence that you are actually being led away from God.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:16 am
by Kendrick
August, I am reminded by your questions by the teacher of the Law who came to Jesus at night. I hope I do not leave you empty handed.

What are you talking about? Who does this? What do you mean with shallow belief? Who gives and who takes it away?

Faith can be held on many levels, the most shallow is an amulet, a good luck charm worn around the neck. In times of testing this faith has other lovers.

What are you talking about? All beliefs are internal. Can you please describe an external belief? Where can I find one? Do you have one I can see?

Your faith is external. You believe in the Bible, when really you are the living Bible with every word of God breathed into you.

How do you know this? How do you live by "the spirit of truth"? Who or what is that? How do you know what is "knowing and doing what is right"?

You are teacher of the Book and you do not know this? It is to live "by every word of God" as this is you are made to live by.

How do you know this? If this does not ring true for you, does it mean that truth is relative? How can that be? Who committed this "deception of authorship"? This passage is contained in the original manuscripts, do you mean that Mark was out to lie to people?

Truth is not relative. Some things are hidden and more is revealed, but the truth connects like a rod of steel, and all know each other. Of this scripture I can say 'I do not know you'.
Mark is a compilation of writings. This passage was meant to edify and encourage. It is not literally true, and not written by someone knowing Jesus.

How do you know this? Do you claim to have exclusive rights to know what Jesus' quotes were? Were you there when this written? How do you know Jesus never said this? How do you explain other places in Scripture where gifts of the Holy Spirit was proclaimed? Was it all a giant conspiracy? But then who did it, and why?

Jesus has given us universal rights to know him. Yes, I was there when it was written.

I've been watching for 25 years, and I can see no evidence yet. Is there a time limit on this, or do you think I've been mixing with the wrong evangelicals? How do you know this? How do they get my money through "healing and tongues"? What are those? What Christian Evangelicals are you talking about?

Not all those who say "Lord, Lord" are intent on revealing the kingdom within you but the Kingdom outside of you.

What text are you talking about? How do you know this? What is the "ego and cult of Churchianity"? Who were these humans that selected the text for me to see? How do you know that? What "excluded texts" are you talking about? What must I "seek" for? Are you hiding some holy truth that says all of Christianity is a lie, since the Bible is somehow "selected by human hands"? Why don't you show it?

The ego-cult of Christianity is Christ Idolatry. A man who would wash your feet and say do likewise does not want this distraction from your purpose, for then no man will ever become as him. They may be Holy or Good-follower men, but not righteous men.

What are you talking about? What is the 'imperfect book"? How do you know it? How do you observe "The Way"? What is "The Way"? Who are the people that follows "The Way"?

No book is perfect, from the print material, translation, interpretation and very application of thoughts into words. Rely solely on the Spirit and enjoy.

You make a lot of assertions here, maybe if you answered the questions and provide some proof to back it up we can better understand what you are trying to say.

You have provided proof enough.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:33 am
by Anonymous
Kendrick wrote:August, I am reminded by your questions by the teacher of the Law who came to Jesus at night. I hope I do not leave you empty handed.

What are you talking about? Who does this? What do you mean with shallow belief? Who gives and who takes it away?

Faith can be held on many levels, the most shallow is an amulet, a good luck charm worn around the neck. In times of testing this faith has other lovers.

What are you talking about? All beliefs are internal. Can you please describe an external belief? Where can I find one? Do you have one I can see?

Your faith is external. You believe in the Bible, when really you are the living Bible with every word of God breathed into you.

How do you know this? How do you live by "the spirit of truth"? Who or what is that? How do you know what is "knowing and doing what is right"?

You are teacher of the Book and you do not know this? It is to live "by every word of God" as this is you are made to live by.

How do you know this? If this does not ring true for you, does it mean that truth is relative? How can that be? Who committed this "deception of authorship"? This passage is contained in the original manuscripts, do you mean that Mark was out to lie to people?

Truth is not relative. Some things are hidden and more is revealed, but the truth connects like a rod of steel, and all know each other. Of this scripture I can say 'I do not know you'.
Mark is a compilation of writings. This passage was meant to edify and encourage. It is not literally true, and not written by someone knowing Jesus.

How do you know this? Do you claim to have exclusive rights to know what Jesus' quotes were? Were you there when this written? How do you know Jesus never said this? How do you explain other places in Scripture where gifts of the Holy Spirit was proclaimed? Was it all a giant conspiracy? But then who did it, and why?

Jesus has given us universal rights to know him. Yes, I was there when it was written.

I've been watching for 25 years, and I can see no evidence yet. Is there a time limit on this, or do you think I've been mixing with the wrong evangelicals? How do you know this? How do they get my money through "healing and tongues"? What are those? What Christian Evangelicals are you talking about?

Not all those who say "Lord, Lord" are intent on revealing the kingdom within you but the Kingdom outside of you.

What text are you talking about? How do you know this? What is the "ego and cult of Churchianity"? Who were these humans that selected the text for me to see? How do you know that? What "excluded texts" are you talking about? What must I "seek" for? Are you hiding some holy truth that says all of Christianity is a lie, since the Bible is somehow "selected by human hands"? Why don't you show it?

The ego-cult of Christianity is Christ Idolatry. A man who would wash your feet and say do likewise does not want this distraction from your purpose, for then no man will ever become as him. They may be Holy or Good-follower men, but not righteous men.

What are you talking about? What is the 'imperfect book"? How do you know it? How do you observe "The Way"? What is "The Way"? Who are the people that follows "The Way"?

No book is perfect, from the print material, translation, interpretation and very application of thoughts into words. Rely solely on the Spirit and enjoy.

You make a lot of assertions here, maybe if you answered the questions and provide some proof to back it up we can better understand what you are trying to say.

You have provided proof enough.
Brian says Kendrick is a crazy person that truely is brainwashed and DOES NOT know what he/she is talking about.
Jesus has given us universal rights to know him. Yes, I was there when it was written.
C-R-A-Z-Y, how were you there when it was written? What is YOUR religion, why don't you ever make sense? What is your point being here?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:28 pm
by Felgar
All I have to say is that if Shirtless doesn't watch it, he'll end up like Kendrick. :)