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Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:41 am
by crochet1949
The movie / Tom Cruse / based on a future concept that a crime could be detected Before it happened and the person arrested or detained Before the fact? Nope. Thought police? It would take a mind reader -- technowledgy developed by people Won't be perfect / fool-proof.

Yes, a translation of that Would be helpful.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:44 am
by B. W.
ultimate777 wrote:I think there can be great value in impossible hypothetical questions. I think they can help you decide what is really most important to yourself and to others. They can help stimulate your mind so it can help you in more "practical" things.
How one responds to hypothetical questions can tell volumes about one's character. Especially if someone tries to change the hypotheticals.

But I could be all wrong, its happened before. What do you think?

Anyhow here is one for you, also:

Suppose you could go back in time to just before the war and kill Hitler, but you would go to Hell when you die, otherwise
you go to heaven for sure if you just stay here?

From the historical record of Hitlers time in Vienna he was exposed to many christian groups as well as religious cults too.

He was witnessed too. He rejected the gospel of his own free moral will. He immersed himself in the occult and hate and became what he did by his own choice despite gospel message.

He was an abused child, beaten and verbally abused. Hate passed on to him from proceeding generation. Jesus came to set us free from spreading it around. Reject Christ, one will keep the dung alive in life.

A better question would not be: Kill baby Hitler and go to Hell but rather why God did not wipe out all humanity in Genesis 6:1-10... so I ask, "why God did not wipe out all humanity in Genesis chapter Six?"

None of us deserve to have our names in the book of Life, not one of us.

In this, you will find your answer, ultimate777.

Even if their was one who killed Hitler as a baby, that person does not deserve heaven, same as you, ultimate777.

Have you consider that?

In this, I am thankful the gospel of God's grace is proclaimed and many come to Christ and are transformed out of d-mn-ng darkness into his life granting light.

None of deserves salvation, no not one...

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:59 am
by crochet1949
Some times hypothetical situation questions Don't work cause they aren't based on a realistic situation.

And the difference between 'killing' and 'murder' was brought up. Like in war-time --the idea is to Stop the enemy from advancing on your group and destroying or torturing your people. But, you know how many guys are 'ruined for life' suffer from PTSD because of that? And there are people who try to claim being a pacifist? They don't believe in killing Period. They used to flee to Canada to get out of going to war.
If I kill a person in self-defense -- I'd have to have a weapon in my hand in order to do that. Or hit him hard enough to stop him. It's a very traumatic event taking place and That will affect me in a negative way.
Maybe preventing a suicide would be possible.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 10:07 am
by Storyteller
Just wanna say I liked those posts because they made/make me think.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:15 am
by Philip
King David and Moses were murderers - David, indirectly but by his authority - and for the most evil of reasons (lust of another's wife - as if HOW many wives were not enough already???!!!).

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 12:09 pm
by ultimate777
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote: Storyteller,

Don't be a hero. Save yourself. Every man for himself. Women and children to the lifeboats!

I suspect you were being sarcastic but I was being serious. Deadly serious. To pretend I feel otherwise might fool you, but it would't fool God, would it? To compare earthly death with hell is stupid at best.
It's a nice thing to say, but that's just not how it works. You are responsible for your own choices. And so is everybody else.

You can no more go to hell, and have everyone else go to heaven, than take the pain away from your child when he's sick, and give it to yourself.

It's great if you care about others enough to say that though. The apostle Paul said something similar in Romans 9.

And of course I was teasing Storyteller.
My gosh, the trouble with SOME Christians is the are so darned slippery. You ask them a question and they change it around, or say something profound they know you already know, and goodness knows what else. I wonder how well they know what they are doing?
Could you translate that to understandable English for us simpletons please? :scratch:
You and a lot of others often don't seem to like some of my questions, so giving evasive and/or irrelevant answers is the way you handle that.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 12:13 pm
by RickD
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
I suspect you were being sarcastic but I was being serious. Deadly serious. To pretend I feel otherwise might fool you, but it would't fool God, would it? To compare earthly death with hell is stupid at best.
It's a nice thing to say, but that's just not how it works. You are responsible for your own choices. And so is everybody else.

You can no more go to hell, and have everyone else go to heaven, than take the pain away from your child when he's sick, and give it to yourself.

It's great if you care about others enough to say that though. The apostle Paul said something similar in Romans 9.

And of course I was teasing Storyteller.
My gosh, the trouble with SOME Christians is the are so darned slippery. You ask them a question and they change it around, or say something profound they know you already know, and goodness knows what else. I wonder how well they know what they are doing?
Could you translate that to understandable English for us simpletons please? :scratch:
You and a lot of others often don't seem to like some of my questions, so giving evasive and/or irrelevant answers is the way you handle that.
Instead of assuming I'm lying, you could take me at my word that I just didn't understand what you meant.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 12:24 pm
by ultimate777
crochet1949 wrote:The movie / Tom Cruse / based on a future concept that a crime could be detected Before it happened and the person arrested or detained Before the fact? Nope. Thought police? It would take a mind reader -- technowledgy developed by people Won't be perfect / fool-proof.

Yes, a translation of that Would be helpful.


Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 12:32 pm
by ultimate777
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote: It's a nice thing to say, but that's just not how it works. You are responsible for your own choices. And so is everybody else.

You can no more go to hell, and have everyone else go to heaven, than take the pain away from your child when he's sick, and give it to yourself.

It's great if you care about others enough to say that though. The apostle Paul said something similar in Romans 9.

And of course I was teasing Storyteller.
My gosh, the trouble with SOME Christians is the are so darned slippery. You ask them a question and they change it around, or say something profound they know you already know, and goodness knows what else. I wonder how well they know what they are doing?
Could you translate that to understandable English for us simpletons please? :scratch:
You and a lot of others often don't seem to like some of my questions, so giving evasive and/or irrelevant answers is the way you handle that.
Instead of assuming I'm lying, you could take me at my word that I just didn't understand what you meant.
If you think I was accusing you of lying you completely misunderstood. Start over. Read my previous answer, read your next question next, then my answer. I was translating my previous answer so you could hopefully understand it.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 12:39 pm
by RickD
Ok. Then what question did I evade?

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:29 am
by ultimate777
Storyteller wrote:Just wanna say I liked those posts because they made/make me think.
You seem to "get it" more than anybody else so far. So "effing" what if the hypothetical can't really happen for Biblical or any other reasons? It can help you be honest about your values, and no telling what else to "cut the re-bop" (see "Streetcar Named Desire"') and take it head on.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:59 am
by ultimate777
RickD wrote:Ok. Then what question did I evade?
Ok, since everybody else seems to want to change my question then I'll change it a little. Would you be willing of your own free will to spend eternity in hell if it was neccessary to accomplish anything you could think of even for the good of humanity?( Not exactly "The Devil and Daniel Webster is it, or is it? :esmile: )

I don't give a darn whether you can or not only whether you would if you could.

In case you ask, I have guts enough to say I would not. (Do I need to explain that?)

I heard Dietrich Bonhoeffer had another answer to my origional question. That's largely why I started this.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 11:01 am
by RickD
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:Ok. Then what question did I evade?
Ok, since everybody else seems to want to change my question then I'll change it a little. Would you be willing of your own free will to spend eternity in hell if it was neccessary to accomplish anything you could think of even for the good of humanity?( Not exactly "The Devil and Daniel Webster is it, or is it? :esmile: )

I don't give a darn whether you can or not only whether you would if you could.

In case you ask, I have guts enough to say I would not. (Do I need to explain that?)

I heard Dietrich Bonhoeffer had another answer to my origional question. That's largely why I started this.
No. I wouldn't. I have no problem admitting that. Because nothing in this temporary life, outweighs eternity.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:03 pm
by ultimate777
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:Ok. Then what question did I evade?
Ok, since everybody else seems to want to change my question then I'll change it a little. Would you be willing of your own free will to spend eternity in hell if it was neccessary to accomplish anything you could think of even for the good of humanity?( Not exactly "The Devil and Daniel Webster is it, or is it? :esmile: )

I don't give a darn whether you can or not only whether you would if you could.

In case you ask, I have guts enough to say I would not. (Do I need to explain that?)

I heard Dietrich Bonhoeffer had another answer to my origional question. That's largely why I started this.
No. I wouldn't. I have no problem admitting that. Because nothing in this temporary life, outweighs eternity.
I guess I made this too complicated for starters. I'm glad you have the guts, too.

Re: Kill Hitler and go to Hell

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:22 pm
by RickD
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:
RickD wrote:Ok. Then what question did I evade?
Ok, since everybody else seems to want to change my question then I'll change it a little. Would you be willing of your own free will to spend eternity in hell if it was neccessary to accomplish anything you could think of even for the good of humanity?( Not exactly "The Devil and Daniel Webster is it, or is it? :esmile: )

I don't give a darn whether you can or not only whether you would if you could.

In case you ask, I have guts enough to say I would not. (Do I need to explain that?)

I heard Dietrich Bonhoeffer had another answer to my origional question. That's largely why I started this.
No. I wouldn't. I have no problem admitting that. Because nothing in this temporary life, outweighs eternity.
I guess I made this too complicated for starters. I'm glad you have the guts, too.
It's a hypothetical, remember? No guts are needed.