Philip wrote:
I see it that the Jesus story cannot be tested, so is in no way subject to falsification.
Any version of the flood story can be put to the test. It always fails.
NO, pure rationalism or naturalism can explain the the events of Noah, the ark, the animals, the eradication of all humans of the time period - WHATEVER/WHENEVER that time was. But add in an all-powerful God to that equation, and it explains HOW any of it is possible, because the everyday/cyclical things were superseded, with so many elements of Noah's story. From his advanced and great age during the building the ark, his provided ability to collect the animals of the area, the "mother of all rainstorms," ALL of that is ridiculous UNLESS there is an all powerful God for what would otherwise be an impossible fairy tale.
and immensely powerful ETERNAL things must have existed, AS IF SUCH THINGS DID NOT/AND WERE NOT ETERNAL, then otherwise there would be no universe. So, Audie and others insist there was something with unfathomable abilities, intelligence and untold power, that explains the universe. The only problem is, what they speculate on is - wait for it... IS NOT testable/ not FALSIFIABLE!. Many times Audie has finally admitted that 1) she has no idea how or why the universe formed so awesomely, on such a grand scale, and she's admitted 2) that no science can give us the answers as to whether what she believes is even possible - especially as she doesn't know what that could possibly be. And WHATEVER that Great "Mechanism" was, it functioned in amazing God-like ways.
All scientists are amazed at both how the universe began and how it continues to function with great specificity. And while non-theists are amazed at what they see, theists, especially Christians, are just as amazed. So, whatever THAT thing was, the Mechanism that caused the universe, NO science can discern what that was, or how it did this. But the fact that non-theists cannot falsify or test what they think MIGHT be possible, does not concern them - just as long as one doesn't start up with any of this silly "God talk." And assertions of Western thinking vs. Eastern thinking (see, mysticism), or "clueless/simple" binary thinking," are anything but scientific. So, if you are going to be so critical towards theists because they can't prove something, when neither can a non-theist, when it comes to the origins of the universe, then don't be so hypocritical with a superior, sarcastically dismissive attitude. Wild speculation, upon which there is no ability to apply the scientific method to replicating, testing, falsifying - well, just don't call it science, because it is NOT - however couched in spouting speculative theories filled with scientific-sounding JARGON that, in reality, proves nothing.
Note of course that I have never and would never say anything as spiteful and full of crap about you or anyone else here, as you do about me. I expect someone would modulate me right out of here if I did.
As for me criticizing "theists" you guys criticize eachother all the time, but whhhooo let a outsider to it? We have people here, in a forum with the name science, making statements about matters that involve science that are just bonkers. If what you want is a closed circle of sycophants who just agree with eachother and say yes yes to any stupidity, then why dont you just
close membership?
Regardless of your dreadful style, lets check for content.
Ah, but Audie DOE believe in the inexplicable and non-falsifiable teachings that 1) there is no God necessary, and 2) that evermore sophisticated "randomness" or rather some incredibly intelligent..
A good example of how you have to lie about me to think of something to criticize. Shame on you.
What else..
I said any version (should have added some qualifier like "reasonable" or,
"coherent") version of the "flood story" always fails if it is put to the test.
You respond with a long rather hysterical personal attack, that appears to say that if I cant answer the deepest mysteries of the universe, then i have nothing to say about the 'flood".
I do see a lot of what you called, yes,
Wild speculation, upon which there is no ability to apply the scientific method to replicating, testing, falsifying - well, just don't call it science, because it is NOT - concerning this "flood".
You wont see it from me; any such claim is another lie about me.
I sort of thought the idea of this forum involved the words "evidence" and "science' but the real thing seems to get a reaction like holding a garlic wrapped cross up to a werewolf. Note the blowback from my simple statement, and your utter inability to address it.
The "world wide" version (speaking of
hysterical ) is so wildly absurd, so childish that it is really shocking to see an adult promoting it.
Why no evidence?
Them jargon-jargon scientists pretend the dont see it.
Or they interpret it thro' an "evolution perspective". Or they are all part of the world wide conspiracy against god. Satan runs it.
Or its because god cleaned up all the evidence and gave us embedded age.
Where is all the water? Oh, "hydroplate" or, the wind wafted it to Neptune
where it shines today as a warning beacon against incoming rogue angels.
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get (from) people who insist on biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
And your discursive attack on me is the kind of foolishness we get from people with indefensible ideas. The very intensity of it hints broadly at the desperation of one bitterly clinging to the indefensible and the absurd.
So tell me, gentle modulator, what "version' of the flood, in what geographical area and at what date you choose as Truth, and let us see what sort of evidence you can provide. "Evidence for god from science"?
My guess as to your response? Zero of substance, probably some threat.