RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by neo-x »

Audie wrote:
neo-x wrote:
Audie wrote:Interesting, neo, that I see it exactly the same way other than that I find the existence of any god to be rather on the hypothetical side.

Assertions of certain knowledge about God, or anything else for that matter seem to me no more than displays of vanity.

(which is said to be Satan's favourite vice)
And I can respect that. You don't have to just believe in God because it's just logical (no one believes ib the Christian god for being just logical) or has to be. It has to be more than that. God is a personal experience. That is what debates like these usually forget.

Other than that we agree.
Not that I think "God" is logical but personal experience wise, should that come
along, it would make all the difference.
I agree with you again. And that experience varies.
A q. I ask myself: IF someone, thro' logic perfected, powerful scientific instruments or any other means detected that there IS a god..

Then what? I mean, that is cool and amazing and no doubt of profound importance, but what is one to do about it? What response if any is called for?
I know. that way there is no real connection, what are you to do about it. There is supposed to be a personal relationship with God, and the Christian God is, as I believe, a personal one, not just a logical being which must therefore be accepted.

So I respect the doubt you have or the uncertainty or the certainty that there is probably no God(s). It's a valid and healthy objection. Nothing wrong with that.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by PaulSacramento »

I am not sure where it became an "either / or" situation with God.
God can choose to intervene OR NOT in His creation.
There is no reason why God would intervene OR no reason why He shouldn't.

Like our own bodies that have so much on "autopilot", why not the universe?

As for humans being special, well, why NOT?
There could be countless other sentient species in the universe or NOT, it wouldn't change the uniqueness of humanity.
There are over 9000 species of birds but a peregrine falcon is still unique among them.

The simple fact that of ALL the living organism on this planet that only humans are doing what we are doing now, should speak volumes also.
We have thoughts above and beyond not only the instinctive and intellectual BUT thoughts that TRANSCEND them.

Humans are special and are unique BUt we are NOT the center of anything, God is.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Philip »

Neo: Life didn't appear instantly Phil. Yes elements did when they fused in the big bang and later among stars. And for the idea of incredible precision, try the quantum level, at that place even the laws of physics get bent and crazy unpredictable things happen.
Unpredictable to WHOM???!!! Certainly not to God. But what you mostly see is phenomenal consistency, if with variations withing locked parameters.
Philip: And it is absurd to think God kick-started a universe He didn't precisely design and control the end results of - even IF He first created things that were designed to operate as programmed, and not with constant intervention.
Neo: Not at all, it just depends on how do you perceive God that he might or might not do. Really to me this constant trying on your side to insert God at interventions, really undermines God in my opinion. It makes him petty and really not a good planner at all. It shows that he didn't foresee enough so that he'd have to intervene later to fix things or add a touch here or there. Really that is what irks me. I do not see God as that at all.
Neo, you are speaking as if we are talking about a HUMAN planner, or one that must "do" constant maintenance. A God Who can speak a universe into existence does not need to worry about nuts, bolts and processes - as they are controlled by His spoken word - as for whatever the details require, per His desires and purposes. HOWEVER, you can bet that the universe that occurred is precisely what He desired, minus the sin. But allowing the sin was necessary for free will. But He planned for that as well. Again, your idea of "poor PLANNING" suggests formulation of responses to something He has UNanticipated. As God is all-knowing and all-powerful, those constraints do not shackle Him. There could never have been a moment He didn't know ALL of what HE would once day do, or ALL of what we would, or of any other thing or event.
Philip: Either God set a process in motion that He PLANNED for but ONE unique creature, amongst millions of others, whom He would communicate and interact with, and one day come to die for. OR, He created things that "just happened" to culminate in man. The Bible clearly asserts the former!
Neo: It also clearly asserts that everything was made in six days right there on page one of that same Bible, but obviously you don't accept it when it comes to that so not sure what you are doing...cherry picking I guess?
Neo, you well know that you should not take a literal interpretation of all of Scripture. But you choose to do so of the Creation accounts. You know the reasonable potential for their other possible meanings, and you know there are many Bible scholars who would agree that it is a mistake to assume a literal meaning of the time issue, OR that the relevant Creation passages are even speaking to things in a scientific way. So, a pretty dumb thing to assert - or at least a very narrow way of viewing it.
Philip: Either God set a process in motion that He PLANNED for but ONE unique creature, amongst millions of others
Neo: Phil take a telescope sometimes and look out in the universe, to observe the vastness that exists out there is a humbling experience. This self-congratulatory notion of being the center of everything is strange to me.
Neo, first place, I am agnostic on whether or not God has created other beings in THIS universe. I am only speaking of the EARTH. God addressed Scripture to human beings living on planet earth - THAT is the context I am referencing. And there is only once creature remotely like us on earth. And I DO believe there MIGHT be other life or beings elsewhere. It may be that they are so far away, that we will never encounter, know of, or even communicate with them - meaning that IF they exist, this is why Scripture doesn't reference it. But as God is the Author of THIS universe, how any others might exist, either independently or totally unconnected or that we are not related to (per a multiverse, etc.). Also, I most certainly do NOT take a limited view of God's creation! But man on earth, as a spiritual creature made by God, we most certainly are unique in how we reflect capabilities and characteristics of God. But as for limitations, God has NONE.

Let me go further, as I have before, on our uniqueness, or the earth. In addition to there MIGHT be other beings in our universe (or not), if we think of our universe as being but ONE "story" God has authored, how many more might there likely be? God is ETERNAL/has always existed. He doesn't change. He clearly delights in creating and restoring. He is always active - whether in the spiritual realm or in this one. Are we to think God didn't create before OUR universe began? WHY???!!! He may well have been creating other universes and stories, for eternity past? And why NOT? Do they still exist? Does He still have a purpose for them? Are they any OTHER dimensions and spiritual realms? Are we the ONLY beings in a physical realm? Who knows? Maybe? Maybe NOT! Nothing God might have done, of beauty, glory and wonder, would surprise me. But I sure don't think the Father, Son and Spirit sat around doing nothing for eternity past, all the while just dreaming about the day they would create their ultimate creation: MAN! How narcissistic are we to think THAT? Nonetheless, we most certainly are the zenith of His creations HERE - there is only one specie like us!
Neo: That was the same thing people thought when they thought that everything revolved around the earth precisely because they thought they were the one special creature.
See the above! Oh, and please inform me of ANY other creatures on EARTH as unique as man, with God-like qualities!
Neo: God made us here and here the Armageddon is happening and here the new Jerusalem is going to be, on this Earth, as you said, it clearly asserts everything is here...so why do you need 200 billion galaxies, trillions and trillions of uncountable stars and planets out there? what was God thinking when he made them?
I don't know what He was thinking. But that doesn't change the fact that MAN is the ultimate creature He created ON EARTH! Which is my reference. And that doesn't take away from untold galaxies or whatever else. It's just a fact. As for how many books/universes God has ALSO authored - as in how many "books" might be on God's bookcase, or as for how many BOOKCASES He has, no number would surprise me, because He is unlimited in ability as to what He can or has done, AND He's been the same God with the same characteristics, abilities, and sensibilities, for all of eternity past. That's a LONG (infinite amount of) "time!"
Neo: If god would have intervened, the universe would have looked really different because there would be form and function and purpose. If you look now the Andromeda galaxy is racing towards our milky way, it's on a collision course. Is that an oversight by God? Or that's part of the perfect plan, the incredible precision? Because his unique creature is going to be obliterated in what would ensue. I am not sure what kind of plan is that. I really don't.
God has purpose in whatever He creates. Scripture tells us that earth will not go on as it always has, but that there will be a merging of a New Heaven and restored earth. I really don't see why you seem to think God's "plan" doesn't know certain things or has flaws, or whatever. Either He is in control or not. Either you believe what Scripture says about the end of OUR time or not. God IS the science - that is, the science being how He has made things to work, for their purposes, for their specific times for which He made them.
Neo: Like Jac said earlier, you can't have it both ways. You want God to intervene but you also want and affirm automated processes happening just the same.
God's VOICE and will IS the automation, the adjusting, all-knowing, all-anticipating, the control - ALL of that is ONE with God! Asserting these are nuances of God "doing" things, though referenced as if God were a man, is silly. He is not! He also transcends and is not impacted by TIME. But He chooses to also interact with our world and us in REAL-time, while also knowing the end results.
Neo: So what is it? Is God a poor planner?...or I can say that he created the way any thinking wise being would create, automating things so that nature balances itself out so that everything has a start and end. E.g an earth that looks like a paradise but has devastating earthquakes and meteor impacts as well? Supernovas and birthing stars to black holes. A universe following the laws of physics on its own and shaping itself out of chaos into order and along the way we happened (God would obviously know about since he knows all). That is why there is so much out there, it has to be that way. Nothing else makes sense at all.
Neo, I'm not really sure from where you are coming at things. But I know you appear to not believe key parts of Scripture as they are written. Some of that appears to come from your literal reading of Genesis portions that were not necessarily meant to be taken so - or that may well not even have been addressing the SCIENTIFIC understandings of the Creation. If not, there's not much to say to you. You appear to believe in some type of unknown, scientific mysticism, in which God has set the clocks and just watches things develop, but not in a specific way. But anyone thinking that God hasn't total control over how things turn out, or that man is some quirk of time and chance - really, there is NO chance with God. Because that means He could be surprised. That would mean He could put into motion things He hasn't the ability to control, or doesn't desire to - both of which are totally contradicted by Scripture. So God maintaining control makes him a "poor planner?" How absurd!
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Philip »

Paul: I am not sure where it became an "either / or" situation with God.
God can choose to intervene OR NOT in His creation.
There is no reason why God would intervene OR no reason why He shouldn't.
BOOM! Exactly!

I think the notion that if God used evolution he need not have controlled it's meanderings, as to what it produced, really bothers Neo. If God used evolution, it certainly wasn't a blind or unguided process! And it certainly could not have produced anything other than precisely what God wanted it to! Again, a Being who can speak a universe into existence does not control things as WE think of control. The processes obey the needs and desires of the one Who also controls History. His commands and foreknowledge function as ONE, ALL at once, regardless of how they play out in TIME!
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Philip »

Oops, I think I accidentally edited Paul's post in my commenting on it. Sorry, Paul!
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by PaulSacramento »

Philip wrote:
Paul: I am not sure where it became an "either / or" situation with God.
God can choose to intervene OR NOT in His creation.
There is no reason why God would intervene OR no reason why He shouldn't.
BOOM! Exactly!

I think the notion that if God used evolution he need not have controlled it's meanderings, as to what it produced, really bothers Neo. If God used evolution, it certainly wasn't a blind or unguided process! And it certainly could not have produced anything other than precisely what God wanted it to! Again, a Being who can speak a universe into existence does not control things as WE think of control. The processes obey the needs and desires of the one Who also controls History. His commands and foreknowledge function as ONE, ALL at once, regardless of how they play out in TIME!

See, we get back to the whole "blind and unguided" process.
That seems to be the issue BUT in reality it isn't since evolution is simply this:
Random mutations occur and via a process ( at this stage called natural selection)the mutations deemed beneficial are passed on and MAY eventually develop into a new species.

Nothing is truly unguided and blind, there is no evidence for that in the universe.

Would anybody call our autonomic system "blind and unguided", yet there is no "conscious intervention" on our part.

Point being that even IF evolution was on "autopilot" ( it isn't) that doesn't mean God is not involved ( even if simply to sustain it) or that God could NOT decide to intervene if he chooses to.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Philip wrote:
Paul: I am not sure where it became an "either / or" situation with God.
God can choose to intervene OR NOT in His creation.
There is no reason why God would intervene OR no reason why He shouldn't.
BOOM! Exactly!

I think the notion that if God used evolution he need not have controlled it's meanderings, as to what it produced, really bothers Neo. If God used evolution, it certainly wasn't a blind or unguided process! And it certainly could not have produced anything other than precisely what God wanted it to! Again, a Being who can speak a universe into existence does not control things as WE think of control. The processes obey the needs and desires of the one Who also controls History. His commands and foreknowledge function as ONE, ALL at once, regardless of how they play out in TIME!
I think it really bothers our theists to think there might not be certainties.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Jac3510 »

You know better than to make things up about people, Audie.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by crochet1949 »

God is the One who created with His purpose -- We are the ones who don't know -- unless we read His Word that tells us some of it.

Looking at the human body -- all the systems that work together -- the heart -- brain -- the way that biologically men and women 'fit together' to produce a baby. And someone Discovered DNA -- It's been around just waiting to be discovered. Things like the inner workings of the cell -- the division process. Stuff like that doesn't 'just happen'.

I do see serious problems with evolution -- that stuff just happened to develop like they did. Because - the reality is -- that there's no reason for any of this world To be here. Except that we can see it IS here. Life continues one generation at a time -- so if everything isn't working right the person / animal will die.

How did the 1st heart begin beating and the first set of lungs get to breathing.

Something bigger than 'us' did it.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Jac3510 wrote:You know better than to make things up about people, Audie.
Do you know the difference beteen expressing an opinion expressed
clearly as an opinion, and "making things up"?
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Jac3510 »

I was referring to this.
Audie wrote:I think it really bothers our theists to think there might not be certainties.
If I said, "I think our atheists really are just pissed at God" you would accuse me, probably rightly, of making stuff up.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

crochet1949 wrote:God is the One who created with His purpose -- We are the ones who don't know -- unless we read His Word that tells us some of it.

Looking at the human body -- all the systems that work together -- the heart -- brain -- the way that biologically men and women 'fit together' to produce a baby. And someone Discovered DNA -- It's been around just waiting to be discovered. Things like the inner workings of the cell -- the division process. Stuff like that doesn't 'just happen'.

I do see serious problems with evolution -- that stuff just happened to develop like they did. Because - the reality is -- that there's no reason for any of this world To be here. Except that we can see it IS here. Life continues one generation at a time -- so if everything isn't working right the person / animal will die.

How did the 1st heart begin beating and the first set of lungs get to breathing.

Something bigger than 'us' did it.
What do you think the "first heart" might have looked like? 4 chambers, auricle, dorsal aorta, and all that?

( "something bigger...". You sure? Is that one of those "certainties" that I am said to
have made up about others?
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by RickD »

Looks like Audie is doing her modified version of a gish. Let's call it a min.
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24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

Jac3510 wrote:I was referring to this.
Audie wrote:I think it really bothers our theists to think there might not be certainties.
If I said, "I think our atheists really are just pissed at God" you would accuse me, probably rightly, of making stuff up.
Good work! NowI am a hypocrite. According , that is,

to that noxious lie you made up about what I would do.

What is wrong with you?
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Re: RTB: Serious Problems with Evolution

Post by Audie »

RickD wrote:Looks like Audie is doing her modified version of a gish. Let's call it a min.
If you, like jac, have to try that hard to find fault, why do you
bother? Whats the agenda here?
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