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Re: Yeah, Mr. Hawking passed away, and...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:09 pm
by Philip
As opposed to a rational disbelief, as he claims, it looks instead as if Hawking had an emotional, angry reasoning behind his rejection of God.

But to echo K on building relationship and conversations that might be used by God to bring people to faith - or at least to sow some seeds that might one day germinate, I can't recommend the following book enough!

Image ... ref=sr_1_1

Re: Yeah, Mr. Hawking passed away, and...

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:49 am
by LittleHamster
Philip wrote: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:09 pm As opposed to a rational disbelief, as he claims, it looks instead as if Hawking had an emotional, angry reasoning behind his rejection of God.

But to echo K on building relationship and conversations that might be used by God to bring people to faith - or at least to sow some seeds that might one day germinate, I can't recommend the following book enough! ... ref=sr_1_1

Apart from reading that book, what's the best way to bring people to faith / plant a seed ?

(i) Tell it to 'em Straight....Bang ! - Downside: They may think you are some kind of Christian nut case/ fanatic,

(ii) Be more subtle and discuss it, ask questions and get a feel for where they're at - Downside: they may get sus and think you are trying to probe into their private life,

(iii) Be extremely subtle, drop a hint here and there, take you're time about the whole thing - Downside: May take too long and not get a clear message imprinted in their psyche,

(iv) Try a bit of humor now and then - Downside: They might not take it seriously and think its all a joke,

(v) Be deadly serious about what you're saying - Downside: They might think you're some kind of freakish cult dude trying to trap their next victim,

(vi) Dazzle them with spiritual super-stories ! - Downside: There's a chance you may put them off the subject forever or even distract them from the original intended purpose.

(vii) Become a Master Evangelizer, take cue's from the Holy Spirit, treat each person according to their current situation / circumstances, use impeccable timing, then STRIKE when the iron's hot, SPEAK the right words at the right moment and Kaboom !!!!! Saved ! - Downside: None, Delivers the best results with no deleterious side-effects.

Re: Yeah, Mr. Hawking passed away, and...

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:06 am
by PaulSacramento
Fear of hell CAN NOT be the driving force to bring someone to God.
Sounds too much like a "ends justifies the means" view.

Re: Yeah, Mr. Hawking passed away, and...

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:05 am
by Philip
One can desire to avoid hell - can even fear it. But that's only a motivation to avoid something terrible. However, it can be a catalyst that motivates one to seek and consider God, and learning about Him and beginning to love and desire Him. But as for fear ALONE? No, that won't save anyone!

Re: Yeah, Mr. Hawking passed away, and...

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:07 pm
by 1over137

Pray to God to give you wisdom.

Well, Bible tells us to be example to others as we live our daily life.
So you live your daily life bravely with all the burdens along the way and people watch you.
You never know what this can cause in others. Leave it to God. Amd if you are to approach people, pray for wisdom.

Re: Yeah, Mr. Hawking passed away, and...

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 4:48 pm
by LittleHamster
1over137 wrote: Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:07 pm @hamster

Pray to God to give you wisdom.

Well, Bible tells us to be example to others as we live our daily life.
So you live your daily life bravely with all the burdens along the way and people watch you.
You never know what this can cause in others. Leave it to God. Amd if you are to approach people, pray for wisdom.

Thanks Ms. 1over137. My previous post was more of a speculative exercise that anything else. But I can say for certain that I can talk for hours to someone and get nowhere. Then I can literally blink at someone without saying a word and then they receive the HS! It's our God who does all the work and he alone decides who gets the gift and at what time in their life they should receive it. I'm just a hamster utensil - not much wisdom but more like a voice of one squeaking in the wilderness :-)