I was suprised to see the emails alerting me that these old threads are still active.
I've posted here maybe once or twice in the last, what, year or so. But after reading this revived thread again am thinking an online Christian community would be nice to have in my life again. Much has happened since I regularly posted, (obsessively is more like it,) but the one most pertaining to this thread is that God got me married.
I should write of how that happened elsewhere, (quite the story and covered in God's fingerprints,) but it has caused more questions to arise in my mind regarding gender roles.
You know what's funny-- after I got married, (just seven months ago,) I took such a strong stance on being submissive that my husband had to rightfully point out I didn't take initiative as often as I should've. lol And that was the result of my trying to encourage him to step into his leadership role, (which needed a lot of work.) He was first way too passive, then I was way too passive, then he got a little too controlling, but now we must be balanced okay because that's not a problem anymore.
Now I think we just nudge eachother back into balance.
We figured that one out just fine, but another issue has just come up and I really don't know what to do about it. My husband and I haven't gotten too serious about studying spiritual things in a while as individuals, but God's been putting a fire under my butt about it lately and getting me all riled up. My husband, however, is most interested in his gaming hobby. I've already been digging into stuff a little, but his own interest seems pretty dead even though he agrees we should get into it again. If he is to be the spiritual leader in the marriage, how can I help get him to pick up that responsibility without taking it into my own hands first?
Nevermind. He just came in and I showed him this post. We now have a "study date" tomorrow.
"We'll start tomorrow," he said. Works for me! Gee, isn't marriage easy?
Hmm. And that just taught me something: I shouldn't go online to get help with my marriage as long as it's healthy, (and I praise God it is.) If I simply told him that concern of mine he'd have stepped up to the plate. Doh! *smacks forehead*
Presenting a concern about leadership isn't necessarily taking on the role yourself. Silly me for thinking that.
Thank you, Judah, for the link to that gender role site. I will bookmark it and make much use of it, I imagine. I still haven't figured this stuff out.
I have several books on Christian gender roles and relationships, but they never once mentioned this women teaching men question. Well, I s'pose I do have "Plymouth Brethren" books which include their view that women shouldn't say a word in "church" and should wear some form of headcovering. Those are the only issues on how they hold their meetings that I'm not so sure about, (unless they've changed in recent years.) And actually, this question has been bugging me lately because I'm considering visiting a local assembly with my husband. God led me to leave the last church I was in, which He led me to, but now I'm once again without one. I intend to answer this question soon because of my growing interest in visiting an assembly. I will look into it myself, but of course any input here would help. Should the head-covering part of this question be made into another thread?