Contradictions in the Scriptures

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Post by Felgar »

August wrote:Your assumptions are all over the place, and logically and Scripturally inconsistent. If you choose to use Scripture as the logical basis for your position, you cannot choose to be selective. All of it comprises the revelation of God, not just the parts that you wish.
Just wanted to point out that while reading through this discussion I was thinking the exact same thing. You can't form the foundation of an argument on the very thing that you later attempt to deny/discredit.
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Post by Phix »

Just wanted to point out that while reading through this discussion I was thinking the exact same thing. You can't form the foundation of an argument on the very thing that you later attempt to deny/discredit.Phix
I do not attempt to discredit God or Jesus; I simply offer a new way to view the two. There are very valuable principles illustrated in the Bible. What I am against are the traditions of men and ceremonies of men maintained by the church. Even the Bible, through the words of Jesus, is against this. If you have a problem with what I said or what I am saying now it is likely because you make no distinction between the institution and the philosophy. I am a follow of the Holy Spirit, the Christ, in order to become more obedient to God, this is the important thing. I could not care less about singing hyms, reciting scripture as a group without understanding it's meaning, or sunday's service. My service is my entire life, everyday.
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Post by bizzt »

Phix wrote:
Just wanted to point out that while reading through this discussion I was thinking the exact same thing. You can't form the foundation of an argument on the very thing that you later attempt to deny/discredit.Phix
I do not attempt to discredit God or Jesus; I simply offer a new way to view the two. There are very valuable principles illustrated in the Bible. What I am against are the traditions of men and ceremonies of men maintained by the church. Even the Bible, through the words of Jesus, is against this. If you have a problem with what I said or what I am saying now it is likely because you make no distinction between the institution and the philosophy. I am a follow of the Holy Spirit, the Christ, in order to become more obedient to God, this is the important thing. I could not care less about singing hyms, reciting scripture as a group without understanding it's meaning, or sunday's service. My service is my entire life, everyday.
But just what you said goes against the Very Teachings of God... It says in Psalms that Sings Hymns and Dancing brings Joy onto the Lord. I will agree I do not want Scripture recited without knowing the Full Understanding BUT if I recite Scripture to my Son who is 10 weeks old will that not Benefit him? Sunday's Service is For Believers to Come together as a whole and to worship God. The Bible tells us Even Jesus did so as he went to the Sabbath every Saturday.
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Post by SUGAAAAA »

do any of you know of a site that refutes these supposed bible contradictions? ... tions.html

I know people have responded to infidels, but not sure where. specifically, this "contradiction":

I and my Father are one. (John 10:30)

Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. (John 14:28 )
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Post by Jac3510 »

That's hardly a contradiction . . . a theological paradox, sure. But if you want to go that route, how about John 1:1 saying that Jesus is God, but we also have God talking to Jesus His baptism, and yet, we also have the Shema . . . monotheism, there is only one God.

It's all answered by the Trinity. The Son voluntarily submitted to the Father, emptying Himself as per Phil 2:5-11. While on earth, the Father was greater than Jesus. Once the Kenosis was reversed, they once again became coequal.

But, none of that negates the central unity of the Father with the Son. Why? Because the Son didn't stop being God when He took on human form. As the Son is One with God, it doesn't matter if He has taken on humanity or not . . . He is still a Trinitarian Being.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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