
Discussion for Christian perspectives on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, and so forth.
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Post by kateliz »

Boy, never seen someone try to make responses to multiple threads all on one!
Sounds like you didn't even care that he said he had no concern about our laws or country.
I've said to him what I've needed to on that. It might sound to you like I didn't care, but I did and do. Are you upset that I'm getting on your case more than on his in these threads? I guess you might say that I see hate for another Christian as more important than disrespect for governmental laws.
Just because you said your father may had been in the same situation does not mean all drifters are alike.
Did I say that all homeless people are alike? Must have missed another of my own posts! I thought I said that he told me what he told me. I didn't even call it fact or state that I believed the same.

Do you enjoy slamming people just to slam them? It seems like you are hurtling all that you can at me to satisfy your own sick pleasure. Why attack me on things I didn't even say? You're inventing things to attack me on, and it's getting a little tiring.
I've noticed that you haven't revisited the death penalty thread either, because your anti-death penalty statements were wrong.
How many people are you going to jump on for not continuing that thread? Do you want us to keep posting there untill we agree with you or something? Oh, no, I get it! You're trying to declare victory over that thread because the rest of us lost interest! :roll: Go on, take the trophy! But it doesn't mean anything because the race was over before you "won". You can keep your hunk of metal. That's just fine with me.

And what? No comment on my making fun of your name? I was trying to offer an olive branch in that post and you're blowing me off! Fine then, we'll stick to arrows. (Reference to the American eagle holding those in his claws.)
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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote: Are you upset that I'm getting on your case more than on his in these threads?
Could it be for personal reasons?
kateliz wrote: I guess you might say that I see hate for another Christian as more important than disrespect for governmental laws.

You mean your hate? PS and I were debating the role of laws, but you seem to think it was a personal issue. :lol:
kateliz wrote: Why attack me on things

Stop bringing up irrelevant and dead topics then.

kateliz wrote: I was trying to offer an olive branch in that post

Post it.
kateliz wrote: and you're blowing me off!
Notice who's the one trying to criticize whatever she can find. Yes, we've noticed it. :roll:
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Post by kateliz »

I wish there was an emoticon for smiling with a raised eyebrow!
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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote:I wish there was an emoticon for smiling with a raised eyebrow!
Post what you claim, or change the subject.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i've made my decision regarding marijuana. i believe it should be legalized/decriminalized.

1) it is not more harmful than alcohol which is legal; if we take into account crimes committed by individuals under the influence of alchohol, and the fact that alcohol is the number one gateway drug. the main harmful effects of marijuana are: amotivational syndrome/depression (not too different than alcohol)
2) it has medicinal benefits
3) the majority of our prisons house minorities which commit drug related crimes (e.g. possession/sale of). many of these crimes involve marijuana. most whites commit aggressive crimes (e.g. murder). it is easier to get out of prison for murder than for drug-related crimes. sounds like discrimination to me. we need more space in our prisons for the real crimes. legalizing/decriminalizing marijuana would clear up our prisons and stop the destruction of so many lives.
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Post by ochotseat »

Prodigal Son wrote:i've made my decision regarding marijuana. i believe it should be legalized/decriminalized.
And I posted scientific and political evidence why it isn't, but it didn't get through to you. That's the reason why people like you who support certain things are different from the ruling class.
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Post by kateliz »

the ruling class
Do you mean the majority by that?
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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote:Do you mean the majority by that?
Maybe that too. It's unbelievable that a so-called fundamentalist Christian can support such a thing like doing drugs or allowing tramps to do whatever they wish.
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Post by kateliz »

He doesn't support prostitution, and I believe only medical uses for marijuana.

He's understandably trying to be practical with regards to legalizing them.
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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote:He understandably trying to be practical with regards to legalizing them.
Legalizing it in any way is impractical.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

people like you...
what does that mean exactly?
posted scientific and political evidence...
mounds more to support marijuana. fundamentalist christian can support such a thing like doing drugs or allowing tramps to do whatever they wish.
first of all, i never have said anything about being a fundamentalist anything. secondly, i have never supported prostitutes doing "whatever they wish". thirdly, the only drugs i support are marijuana and alcohol and for good reasons.
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Post by ochotseat »

Prodigal Son wrote: what does that mean exactly?
Take a shot at it.
for good reasons
Most people don't agree with you, so if you want it legalized that badly, move to Amsterdam.
There's a reason why the AMA is against it. Think about it. :roll:
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Post by sandy_mcd »

ochotseat wrote:
Prodigal Son wrote:i've made my decision regarding marijuana. i believe it should be legalized/decriminalized.
And I posted scientific and political evidence why it isn't, but it didn't get through to you. That's the reason why people like you who support certain things are different from the ruling class.
I asked before (Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:22 am) for this evidence since I can't seem to find the post you refer to. Since I am still waiting and others are asking, could you please repost ?

thank you
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Post by ochotseat »

sandy_mcd wrote: I asked before (Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:22 am) for this evidence since I can't seem to find the post you refer to. Since I am still waiting and others are asking, could you please repost ?

thank you
It's on page 2, which also has Jerickson's reply to you, which you conveniently ignored. Since anyone can go look at it, I don't feel the need to repost something for anybody who can't find things for themselves.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

no, i don't think so. you said tell me, what did you mean. don't be scared.
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