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Post by kateliz »

I've got to make this quick. I had just written a little longer reply here but stepped on my dog's tail and appartently closed the window and lost it! Ugh! No, Judah, I'm okay with posting my pic(s) now, but I'm insecure in other things. Anyway, I was going to try to hook that scanner up today, but alas, I'm not working today, and that's where this infamous scanner is! Maybe next week; tomorrow I'm heading up north for the weekend. Sorry! I'll diligently try to do this thing when I get back, seeing as how I'm with-holding even a moderator's pic from you all! Oh, the pressure's so great I think I might burst! No, I'll get it done... sometime! :wink:
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Post by Judah »

Kate, you're a hoot! :D
The image of you stepping on your dog's tail thereby closing the window and losing your post is almost as good as a photo itself. :P
Possibly bursting on top of that puts it all into glorious technocolour as well. :lol:
Have fun up north (where your scanner isn't). 8)
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Post by ochotseat »

dear katliz
are you scared to show us what you look like?

Kate, if it is just wrinkles, ultra thin hair, and a wart on your nose, then that's easily fixed.
Post your pic here and I'll Photoshop it for you!
Geez Louis. So I couldn't get to the scanner,( that I apparently now need to install on a new computer,) last week, and then this week I totally forgot about the whole thing. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year! I just haven't had the equipment in front of me!
Next year, huh? :roll: No one's going to mock it if that's what you are thinking.
Still Stalling Kate
Sounds like it. You don't need to own a scanner to put it up here, Kate. Major pharmacies and copy stores offer scanner services for a small fee. If you're resistant to paying to scan something, public libraries and school computer rooms offer free scanner use. Oh, and there's always relatives, friends, and acquaintances.
Kate, congratulations on your correct spelling of labour. Well done.
Guess labor was a letter too short. :P
Did you know, you could always deal with your insecurities by posting in a progressive fashion... one body part at a time. That's easy done. Today, place sole of right foot on scanner. Press scanner button. Tomorrow, place left elbow on scanner. Press scanner button. The next day... etc, etc.
Oh well. You could always do that in fantasy only until you get to your face, and then you should be thoroughly de-sensitized into the process.
(Just trying to be helpful).
Let's see if she takes you up on it. :) I suggest you do it, Kate, especially since I've been waiting to do mine. It seems like none of the board chicks are interested in posting theirs yet. :o
Does this mean we won't be seeing who the infamous Fel or Kur is anytime soon? :lol:
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Post by kateliz »

Okay I'm back on. Twice in one day! Two posts a day! Wow, that must be a record for me! :wink: No, let me settle this: I am no longer self-conscious about posting my pic. I've found decent pictures so I'm good.

I wondered about public scanner use, but figured I'd use the one I thought would be so convienient to use. We'll see. Next week will be a goal for me. Only one thing, and no one here will believe me, I'm sure of that...

I'm not sure where the pictures are! :oops:

I'm pretty sure I left them at the Nanny House while the girls and I went to the pool, and was going to try to scan them after we got back. Upon arriving back I was informed I'd have to install the scanner on a new computer and so I left, (I wasn't working that day and didn't want to hang around when I thought I'd be back the next day.) :o

Soooo......... I'll have to do a treasure hunt! 8) I realized that today and... none of you are going to believe me! So be it! I can take the heat! Fire away!

But next week is my goal.
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Post by Judah »

ochotseat wrote:It seems like none of the board chicks are interested in posting theirs yet. :o

Well ocho, since I'm not fond of being called a chick anyway, I am mildly tempted to forgive you for your oversight. I'll wait for your stuttered account for yourself first, though. :P

Kate, this is getting very suspenseful.
It will soon require a box of jaffas and a double chocolate icecream cone as I settle in for the rest of the entertainment. :D
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Post by Felgar »

kateliz wrote:Only one thing, and no one here will believe me, I'm sure of that...

I'm not sure where the pictures are! :oops:
From what I know of you... I believe you Kate! :D
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Post by ochotseat »

Judah wrote: Well ocho, since I'm not fond of being called a chick anyway
It's a term of endearment, and since when are you a female? :lol:
Kate, this is getting very suspenseful.
It sure is. Evidently, the Invisible Woman broke into Kate's home and stepped on her dog's tail while running off with Kate's pictures and scanner. :o
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Post by Judah »

ochotseat wrote:
Judah wrote: Well ocho, since I'm not fond of being called a chick anyway
It's a term of endearment, and since when are you a female? :lol:
Since conception, I believe... when my Dad's "X" contribution merged with my Mum's "X" contribution and the combination was the beginning of me. :P
Several times on this forum I have made reference to having a husband. I don't go much for those same sex marriages, so you'd better believe it. :D
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Post by ochotseat »

Judah wrote: Several times on this forum I have made reference to having a husband. I don't go much for those same sex marriages, so you'd better believe it. :D
Must've missed those posts. Hopefully, in real life, your name isn't so masculine as it is here. :lol:
Where's your pic?
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Post by Judah »

I picked Judah for my username because it is very similar to my real name which is Jude.
And yes, my real name can be either male or female... but it is definitely female in my case.
My photo is on this thread directly after the one of bizzt and his baby.
But just for you, ocho, I'll upload it again. :lol:
Same photo of me, provided again especially for ocho.
Same photo of me, provided again especially for ocho.
Judah.jpg (26.49 KiB) Viewed 3429 times
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Post by ochotseat »

Judah wrote: And yes, my real name can be either male or female... but it is definitely female in my case.
I wonder why some parents name their daughters Johnny or their sons Leslie. Anyway, I think we can all agree that Kate is keeping Fel and I back. :P
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Post by Judah »

ochotseat wrote:I wonder why some parents name their daughters Johnny or their sons Leslie.
My mother was named Leslie after her Godfather.
Leslie is generally considered the masculine spelling whereas Lesley is the feminine form, but since she was named after a male, she got landed with the masculine form.
My m-i-l's middle name was Russell. Her parents had picked out that name thinking she was going to be a boy, and were so set on it that they decided to give it to her anyway. At least they gave her a clearly female first name, though.
There are a large number of names that are used for both genders, and not all have different M/F forms as regards spelling. I agree that it makes it rather confusing.
But in all truth, for a very long time I had never heard my name applied to a male and so I always thought it was perfectly female in the first place.
ochotseat wrote:Anyway, I think we can all agree that Kate is keeping Fel and I back. :P

No, I don't agree at all. :D
Ocho, are you saying that both you and Felgar are allowing Kate to pull your strings for you, that you have given up some of your free will to her?
No, Kate is not keeping either of you back. It is your decision to wait for her that is keeping you both back... and you can redecide on that issue any time you like.
Yep, it is your decisions alone, not Kate at all, keeping you both back! :P
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Post by ochotseat »

Judah wrote: But in all truth, for a very long time I had never heard my name applied to a male and so I always thought it was perfectly female in the first place.
St. Jude and Jude Law aren't male? :o
ochotseat wrote: Yep, it is your decisions alone, not Kate at all, keeping you both back! :P
Don't you know that it was the implicit covenant. :D
Hmm, wonder why PS has been avoiding this thread. :lol:
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Post by Judah »

ochotseat wrote:St. Jude and Jude Law aren't male? :o
Their being male does not change my statement at all.

Implicit covenant !!!
Ocho, you certainly come up with some good answers. :D
But how about acting in good faith - after all, Kate sounds like a pretty genuine type (Felgar claims to believe her) - and stop finding excuses to wriggle out of posting your own photo now? :P
The others who are avoiding this thread (or just lurking here) are probably being very sensible (and cowardly). :wink:

Anyway, do you like my signature? I do. :)
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Post by ochotseat »

Judah wrote: Their being male does not change my statement at all.
Ok, but Jude still sounds more like a male name to me, whereas something like Judy is obviously female. :P
after all, Kate sounds like a pretty genuine type (Felgar claims to believe her)
Oh, you mean the stalling? Is that why he hasn't posted his full pic yet? :lol:
Anyway, do you like my signature? I do. :)
It's not bad, but I prefer something more explicit and to the point like John 3:16. :D
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