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Re: Why is there death and problems...etc

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:52 am
by Gman
jlay wrote:Bingo.

Where did the matter come from?
Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.
Esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Apparently evolutionary theory has it's own creator creator gods as well that being time, chance, matter, or natural selection. It's own faith in the miraculous with it's own creeds and altars. Even Darwin went so far to call evolution "My deity, Natural Selection" (letter by Darwin to Asa Gray (1861).

Re: Why is there death and problems...etc

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:26 pm
by ageofknowledge
There are many reasons why death and problems are permitted to temporarily exist. Some of them satisfactory and others not as much from an emotional perspective anyways. Nobody wants to be taken from a successful person to a poor deformed sick person whose friends are dying. That includes Christians. Trust me on this I know. However, an incident I had yesterday provides some insight.

I was eating lunch in the restaurant of an old Malaysian woman I know who shall remain nameless. She is an idol worshipper who puts out food for idols and prays to them. Recently her first and only husband died. A naval veteran who retired many years ago, he had found her in Malaysia, married her, and brought her to live in the states. She was the only husband this woman had ever known. Neither were ever Christians.

I have always been on good terms with this woman as I liked her sense of humor and diligent worth ethic. So after eating I got up and began walking toward the back of the restaurant to give her a card I had made especially for her that says GOD LOVES YOU on it and beneath that versus of God's love for her. As I went, I passed by a booth with two lesbians in it whom were busy stroking each others arms and looking deeply into each other's eyes. One of them glanced at me as I passed and I said simply "good day ladies" and found my friend in the back about 20 feet from where the lesbians were seated.

I said smiling friendly, "Mrs *****, I hope you are well today. I have made you an inspirational card and wanted you to know that God loves you very much and you are very valuable." I thought she was going to cry. She took the card. It was at that moment I noticed the two lesbians leaning over from their booth making sexually suggestive signs to me to come over mouths 1/2 open licking their lips at the like. I ignored them. One of them got mad at that and said "he's a hypocrite. They are all hypocrites." Even though I'm not.

I chatted for a minute with my friend and then left the restaurant. As I passed back by their table they were again in their lust stroking each others arms eyes locked blocking out everything and everyone.

This simple event provides a wealth of information about why there is death and problems in the world. If it weren't for the death of that woman's husband, she would never have been in a receptive state to receive the gospel. She certainly wasn't before his death.

And the two lesbians whom the devil used to attempt to mount a spiritual attack on me as I witnessed to her, would never have gotten to witness that nor see their obsession with lust simply rejected out of hand by an authentic Christian. Now they aren't receptive whatsoever to the gospel at this point in their lives. If God's love won't move them, what other means should God use? That's right: problems.

Re: Why is there death and problems...etc

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:16 pm
by rare96ws6
ManOfScience wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:I believe that EVERY bit of evil and suffering would cease IMMEDIATEDLY if everyone on this planet were to see their need for Christ and turn to Him now.
You might be right that, if everyone immediately turned to Christianity, the world would be a much better place. In fact, I'm sure you're right. I'm also sure the same would apply if everyone turned not to God, but to the Flying Spaghetti Monster instead.

However, in neither case would we find ourselves in a perfect world. There are still plenty of things for people to fight over. Money, property, land, women, soccer, etc., etc.
Jac3510 wrote:Without [God], your life is worthless, meaningless, and an utter waste of time and space.
I tend to disagree: I value my life quite highly. ;)
Jac3510 wrote:What is the point of life if there is no God? What is the point of YOUR life?
You're right: there is no point. In fact, like has no point. Such a concept doesn't make sense, as all life came about through a series of (lucky?) random events.
Jac3510 wrote:There was an eternity of nothing before us and there will be an eternity of nothing after us. All is meaningless.
Jac3510 wrote:Why, then, is there evil? Because we are trying to live without God. The day we return to Him, He will fix it all.
If you're right... what a bastard, no?

Even if everyone suddenly did turn to Christ, there would still be natural evil such as earth quakes, hurricanes, etc. Suffering would still exist.