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Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:50 am
by Forge
I just took a look at one of the chapters.

Atheist != Someone who doesn't believe in God
Atheist = Someone who believes God is nonexistent

Doh! *slaps forehead*
Zamis1 wrote:Also, an all-knowing God would know that slavery in the 1800s was coming, yet Jesus said nothing to end slavery.
Jesus didn't come to change preexisting economic systems, but to change people's hearts, which would bring about change for the better.

Using your example, look at the Post-Civil-War era. An economic system was changed, but hearts were not. What happened? The slave-owning southerners stuck the proverbial middle finger up and passed racist laws to make up for it.

Another example showing that without changed hearts there is no true change is Communism: If all possessions are owned by the state, will I become a completely unselfish individual?