First I would like to say that I enjoy conversing with you, although you are not here often.Kurieuo wrote:Not sure I'd agree, but I will say such a bias would certainly change if one believes there are significant reasons against believing the organism arose naturally. Furthermore, saying the bias should be that it arose naturally begs the question of whether infact such an organism did or even could arise naturally. Of course, if one is biassed to believing an organism can arise naturally, then like you, they will likely think it quite acceptible to believe by default that it arose naturally.BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Given an organism without knowing if it was modified there would be the bias that it is natural.
The bias is due to the disproof of spontaneous generation years ago. Also the observation that only life begets life.
Evidence for evolution would be equally undetectable in this case.Kurieuo wrote:I provided my analogy of a modified organism to see whether certain methodologies could be employed to detect such modification. Without something to compare, you believe such an intelligent modification can't be detected.
With out any prior examination or comparative analysis any bias would be unwarrented.Kurieuo wrote:Thus, if the scientists handed the modified form did not have the original organism template to compare with, then you believe they should to be biassed towards it arising naturally. I don't see where this bias comes from, unless one assumes the answer from the beginning that the organism in question arose naturally.
No it doesn't matter, however the observations thus far have lead to this conclusion of common descent and provides much of the driving force in creating new hypotheses', which in turn spurs the formulation for new avenues of experimentation. Bear in mind there are many new discoveries which are not a result of hypothesis' formulated on the theory of evolution, however any new discoveries will weigh against the theory.Kurieuo wrote:I updated my question to be more clear. I was meaning, do you think it matters either way what one believes on origins (whether it was designed, or natural) when conducting science to discover how an organism works?
I am not against intelligent design, only against the proposal that irreducible complexity can be determined.Kurieuo wrote:I'm not talking about inheritance, but true duplication. The kind of duplication which leads many evolutionary proponents to say things like, "Hey... this piece of junk DNA in 'species A' also corresponds in location and code in 'species B'". Junk DNA isn't the only corresponding thing, but it is one I use as I know it would perhaps bring the least resistence from you since you would likely see it as an argument against intelligent design (only I will add it is based on the premise that junk DNA has no purpose, actually being useless information developed by natural processes).BGood wrote:I also do a good amount of programming and the analogy doesn't work. Organisms do not use inheritance in the way you see it.
From an outside perspective of the animal kingdom the vertabrate group does not constitute great diversity. It can be argued that the blood clotting mechanism once developed is necessary for a presurized vascular system required for large terrestrial lifeforms. It can also be argued that this was the development which allowed large lifeforms to take advantage of the terrestrial environment. However other than clotting mechanisms which are different for Aligators and Turtles, it is one of many features which are similar, but not found throughout the animal kingdom. We should note the distribution of these traits. In fact I am sure that just as mitochondrial DNA (mitochondria which is essential for aerobic eukaryotes) can be used for comparative analysis, so can gene sequences which govern the blood clotting mechanism(essential for pressurized terrestrial forms). This can be done because the process although the same, uses homologous proteins which are not identical from organism to organism.Kurieuo wrote:Yet, also at the biochemical level we have the good 'ol blood clotting mechanisms, and very different animals share many obvious features with each other even if the "code" has been adapted slightly to be uniquely their own.
Not duplication alone, unless very closely related the duplication occurs with modification.Kurieuo wrote:I understand your analogy and would tend to agree with most of it. Still I think there are many cases of duplication across species, and I've certainly seen such cases used in arguments supportive of common descent.
Ah PHP the one language I have no experience in. lolKurieuo wrote:I've written in C, Java, ASP, but mainly keep to PHP now since I am more into web development side of things.
Not a clue, perhaps God seeded the planet, perhaps it occured abiogenically!(sounds funny) at this point anything is speculation within the paradigm of science. However we do know that the chemicals involved naturally undergo the reactions they do regardless of whether or not they occur in a living organism.Kurieuo wrote:You lost me a bit. However, getting to the heart to the issue—how did the original parent program get there to begin with? Either intelligence, or random processes governed by natural laws.
The language works by the miracle of chemical properties. The reason the code works is because of the way biochemical compounds behave. So the real question is why do chemicals behave in the manor that they do?Kurieuo wrote:Even disregarding what gets produced by the common language we both appear to agree exists, how did the language itself come about? You create applications in C#, but who created the language you create applications in? Who wrote the system within which the language you use compiles and runs? I think having an understanding of such things really hits home for me personally in accepting design as a common sense explanation.
Again as I mentioned above the bias is based on the principal of biogenesis. Genetic modification complicates the picture somewhat.Kurieuo wrote:It cuts both ways though, as you yourself admitted "without knowing if it was modified there would be the bias that it is natural." Such isn't a very scientific form of judgement.