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Re: 2012

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:13 pm
by madscientist
Yeah heard about the implanting chips thing. Though how does it become evil? How is that bad and what's it to do with end times? Sure we dont wana be controlled but how/why is it THAT significant in terms of end times? I mean, having chips may not be that good thing, though why does it necessarily come from the Devil (i.e. force of evil). ANd again is it literal - NO HUMAN BEING?? That means a prisoner baby everyone will have these? Hmm. is it the sign of the beast?

Re: 2012

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:49 pm
by God's chosen ones
I am thinking the end of time (as we know it) is in the year 2525, if man if still alive. It's a little bit scriptural, a little bit rock-n-roll. In other words, I do not think it will be in our life time. SO many generations think their's is the last. I don't see it.

Re: 2012

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 8:16 am
by madscientist
what points to the fact it should be 2525? any arguments? astronomy, astrology, science, scripture??
but anyway to 2012 - theres one thing i think is quite strong on it and thats st malachi's prophecy - who saw all popes and there should be 1 more to go after the current one; then should be end of the world - that's what his prophecy says... i heard so far descriptions of all popes he had described were accurate. how we defy that?

Re: 2012

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:21 pm
by Byblos
madscientist wrote:what points to the fact it should be 2525? any arguments? astronomy, astrology, science, scripture??
but anyway to 2012 - theres one thing i think is quite strong on it and thats st malachi's prophecy - who saw all popes and there should be 1 more to go after the current one; then should be end of the world - that's what his prophecy says... i heard so far descriptions of all popes he had described were accurate. how we defy that?
Although Malachi's last 4 predictions were somewhat accurate, most of the previous ones were generalizations that could have applied to anyone. Besides which, his prophecies are believed to be 16th century forgeries (see related article).

Re: 2012

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:31 am
by Cris David
The words "no one knows the day or the hour" may eliminate date setting but they do not negate our responsibility to discern the times.

"And in the morning, 'It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So he left them and departed." (Mt 16:3-4)


" “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates." (Mt 24:32-33)

Israels reformation really was the beginning of the end - and it's just gaining momentum exponentially. The rise of Islam - Iran - No Korea tested a Nuke last monday. I am watching things like Iran currently posturing to attack Israel. Iran (Persia) who has strategic alliance with Russia (Magog) just as laid out in Ezekiel 38. I am convinced this is the generation.

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Hal Lindsey, he's a solid Bible teacher and scholar, he has been right about a lot of things since 1970 through now.

Do some research into the Jewish feast days coinciding with eclipses in 2014 and 2015 and you might be shocked.

I don't know if 2012 is relevant but the feast days eclipses are very significant and Biblical.

Re: 2012

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:12 am
by For_Narniaaa
Why would a timeless God base His return upon a manmade calendar?

The best part is that Jesus predicted all of this. Yet ANOTHER Biblical prophecy fulfilled. :lol: :shakehead:

I had an agnostic friend say to me, "Yeah, the world's ending in 2012, so I'm trying to make the most of my life now. I don't have much time left." I was thinking to myself, "And you think I'm strange for choosing Christ?"

Re: 2012

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:50 pm
by ageofknowledge
All kinds of false prophets have predicted Jesus return and the end of the age (or world). They do a lot of damage. Probably the most well known in modern times in western civilization would have to be Charles Taze Russell whose false prophecies spawned quite a few cults that are still with us doing damage to ungrounded believers and ignorant folk ranging from Jehovah's Witnesses to Harold Camping's Family Radio.

Re: 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:17 am
by madscientist
According to the article it does say it could be forgeries, but ends in the idea it is not a forgery and that the end times are near. seems comforting at first (that world may not end) but ends at the fact it could...
Looked at other things and looks it is near. So much evil happening. I'm not up to date with Israel and all that but i can tell there's too much evil in the world already. Looked at other youtube videos - are these any accurate?? SAying end of world could be 2014-15, that even 3rd secret of Fatima has been revelaed - true or not? Theres so much stuff out there one doesnt know what to believe... THen, if the quote says no-one knows the day and the hour, can we know the rough period?

Re: 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:27 am
by ageofknowledge
madscientist wrote:According to the article it does say it could be forgeries, but ends in the idea it is not a forgery and that the end times are near. seems comforting at first (that world may not end) but ends at the fact it could...
Looked at other things and looks it is near. So much evil happening. I'm not up to date with Israel and all that but i can tell there's too much evil in the world already. Looked at other youtube videos - are these any accurate?? SAying end of world could be 2014-15, that even 3rd secret of Fatima has been revelaed - true or not? Theres so much stuff out there one doesnt know what to believe... THen, if the quote says no-one knows the day and the hour, can we know the rough period?
When your times up it's time to go so if time's up then bring it on. It will be more entertaining than the Fourth of July and better than sitting around decaying into disability. An added bonus will be watching the playing field finally get leveled. One last big blowout before...


Re: 2012

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:27 am
by For_Narniaaa
ageofknowledge wrote:
madscientist wrote:According to the article it does say it could be forgeries, but ends in the idea it is not a forgery and that the end times are near. seems comforting at first (that world may not end) but ends at the fact it could...
Looked at other things and looks it is near. So much evil happening. I'm not up to date with Israel and all that but i can tell there's too much evil in the world already. Looked at other youtube videos - are these any accurate?? SAying end of world could be 2014-15, that even 3rd secret of Fatima has been revelaed - true or not? Theres so much stuff out there one doesnt know what to believe... THen, if the quote says no-one knows the day and the hour, can we know the rough period?
When your times up it's time to go so if time's up then bring it on. It will be more entertaining than the Fourth of July and better than sitting around decaying into disability. An added bonus will be watching the playing field finally get leveled. One last big blowout before...

I love your optimism! Sometimes it seems we get too attached to this world, and think heaven will be subpar. I like your attitude of looking forward to it! :clap:

Re: 2012

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:01 pm
by ageofknowledge
For_Narniaaa wrote:
ageofknowledge wrote:
madscientist wrote:According to the article it does say it could be forgeries, but ends in the idea it is not a forgery and that the end times are near. seems comforting at first (that world may not end) but ends at the fact it could...
Looked at other things and looks it is near. So much evil happening. I'm not up to date with Israel and all that but i can tell there's too much evil in the world already. Looked at other youtube videos - are these any accurate?? SAying end of world could be 2014-15, that even 3rd secret of Fatima has been revelaed - true or not? Theres so much stuff out there one doesnt know what to believe... THen, if the quote says no-one knows the day and the hour, can we know the rough period?
When your times up it's time to go so if time's up then bring it on. It will be more entertaining than the Fourth of July and better than sitting around decaying into disability. An added bonus will be watching the playing field finally get leveled. One last big blowout before...

I love your optimism! Sometimes it seems we get too attached to this world, and think heaven will be subpar. I like your attitude of looking forward to it! :clap:
It's very dark humor friend. Dark.. brrrr...

But yes I think we have to stop reacting so negatively to the problems in the world and start looking at them as opportunities to showcase God's solutions and use the talents He gives us to bring glory to Him. All the fear I see around me is just an indicator that its time to come together in unity under God in love in fellowship and begin to work together to fix the problems we have ignored and allowed to fester into what they are today that cause the fear. :amen:

Re: 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:56 am
by madscientist
ageofknowledge wrote:I love your optimism! Sometimes it seems we get too attached to this world, and think heaven will be subpar. I like your attitude of looking forward to it! :clap:
It's very dark humor friend. Dark.. brrrr...

But yes I think we have to stop reacting so negatively to the problems in the world and start looking at them as opportunities to showcase God's solutions and use the talents He gives us to bring glory to Him. All the fear I see around me is just an indicator that its time to come together in unity under God in love in fellowship and begin to work together to fix the problems we have ignored and allowed to fester into what they are today that cause the fear. :amen:[/quote]

Well said :P i wish we could. but i noticed it's so dependent on people's personalities and attitudes. had a discussion with my cousin about this 2012 thing he said if it is to come then he wonders what it will be to see Jesus face to face; and if not then well what will remain...? that he has nothing to do with it; that we should continue. if he gave up uni and it didnt come then he would bang his head saying why he believed it and if it is to come then it will. that we shouldnt worry. That if it comes then the earlier we'll be in heaven.

Re: 2012

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:34 am
by Eliysheba
I've been reading about this subject for a time, and I've found some similarities in apparently different kind of texts.

One of them is about Wormwood in the Book of Revelation, that could be Nibiru, Planet X, etc but I got astonished when I've found this new one: Hercolubus. For those of you who have more knowledege, do you think this one could be Wormwood?

Here's the video from which I got information about Hercolubus:

Re: 2012

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:23 am
by ageofknowledge
"Hercolubus: New Age author V.M. Rabolu writes in Hercolubus or Red Planet that Barnard's star is actually a planet known to the ancients as Hercolubus, which purportedly came dangerously close to earth in the past, destroying Atlantis.[5] Rabolu claims that Hercolubus will come close to earth again. He also claims that humanity will only be saved by means of mantras and "astral unfolding".[6] Nancy Leider has used Rabolu's ideas to bolster her claims.[7]

Barnard's star has been directly measured to be 5.98 ± 0.003 light years from Earth (35.15 trillion miles). At that distance, it would need to be travelling at ten thousand miles a second (an appreciable fraction of the speed of light) to reach Earth in less than a century. While it is approaching Earth, Barnard's Star will not make its closest approach to the Sun until around 11,700 AD, when it will approach to within some 3.8 light-years.[8] This is only slightly closer than the closest star to the Sun (Proxima Centauri) lies today." - Wikipedia

Unscholarly imaginative assertions. Disregard the man made Hercolubus alltogether and concentrate on the real threat to the planet: namely us.

Re: 2012

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:22 am
by TellMe~Ily
-.- 2012?
The Mayans could have at least let me finish high school y[-(