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Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:41 am
by Gman
Lman19 wrote:Thanks for the response. The skulls do seem extremely similar. If micro-evolution, then you are of the opinion that the Neanderthal and modern human are connected?
DNA would probably answer as no, however, we can see via micro-evolution that man continually adapts to his environment. If our body changes to the environment, causes our skin to change, etc. it doesn't seem to effect how our brains are "wired". Once a human, always a human, although we may look differently and respond differently to our environments. Technically, we are all the same... ;)




We had the same brain capacity, technically it was just shaped differently... How does this prove we evolved from something lower?
Lman19 wrote:Are you of the opinion that the Neanderthal and modern human were on earth at the same time?
It is a possibility.. I would lean to that idea. There does seem to be an overlap between humans and Neanderthal. And many believe that their characteristics died out (in humans) some 30,000 years ago.

Late Neanderthals 'more like us'
Lman19 wrote:Are you aware of any scriptural reference that speaks of what we know as the Neanderthal? I appreciate your articles on how molecular biology refutes taught me some things and thanks for the discussion.
Not much.. We do know however that the average age of the people mentioned in Genesis 5, before the flood from Adam to Noah (10 generations), was 847 years. After the flood, from Shem to Abraham (10 generations), the average age was 317.

Why? Well they had bodies that lasted longer than ours. They were better equipped for the environment back then.

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:08 am
by RickD
Gman wrote:
Lman19 wrote:Thanks for the response. The skulls do seem extremely similar. If micro-evolution, then you are of the opinion that the Neanderthal and modern human are connected?
DNA would probably answer as no, however, we can see via micro-evolution that man continually adapts to his environment. If our body changes to the environment, causes our skin to change, etc. it doesn't seem to effect how our brains are "wired". Once a human, always a human, although we may look differently and respond differently to our environments. Technically, we are all the same... ;)



Lman19 wrote:Are you of the opinion that the Neanderthal and modern human were on earth at the same time?
It is a possibility.. I would lean to that idea. There does seem to be an overlap between humans and Neanderthal. And many believe that their characteristics died out (in humans) some 30,000 years ago.

Late Neanderthals 'more like us'
Lman19 wrote:Are you aware of any scriptural reference that speaks of what we know as the Neanderthal? I appreciate your articles on how molecular biology refutes taught me some things and thanks for the discussion.
Not much.. We do know however that the average age of the people mentioned in Genesis 5, before the flood from Adam to Noah (10 generations), was 847 years. After the flood, from Shem to Abraham (10 generations), the average age was 317.

Why? Well they had bodies that lasted longer than ours. They were better equipped for the environment back then.
That neanderthal picture looks a lot like this:, ... RN-014722/

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:11 am
by Gman
RickD wrote:That neanderthal picture looks a lot like this:, ... RN-014722/
LOL... :pound: I knew there was something out there to prove it..

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:09 am
by Lman19
DNA would probably answer as no, however, we can see via micro-evolution that man continually adapts to his environment. If our body changes to the environment, causes our skin to change, etc. it doesn't seem to effect how our brains are "wired". Once a human, always a human, although we may look differently and respond differently to our environments. Technically, we are all the same... ;)
I would agree that they definitely seem part of the human family. The DNA thing is still confusing me because that is a fairly large variation within the DNA sequence. How could the DNA sequence change so drastically with such little change in the appearance?

With the adaptation to environment, do you believe there was an environmental change that took out the Neanderthal or are you of the opinion that they exist today in the form of the aboriginals? Interesting discussion...

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:52 am
by Enginseer
IQ testing based on race:

- East Asians (105)
- Europeans (99) <- white people.
- Inuit (91)
- Southeast Asians and Amerindians (87 each)
- Pacific Islanders (85)
- South Asians/North Africans (84)
- Non-Bushmen sub-Saharan Africans (67)
- Australian Aborigines (62)
- Bushmen (54)

IQ testing based on gender:

"Studies consistently show greater variance in the performance of men compared to that of women."

Yet IQ tests may only be adhering to men's functionality. After all, woman are better at thinking with the left side of their brain [IQ I believe measures the right side.]

IQ testing based on belief:

"Firstly, using data from a U.S. study of 6,825 adolescents, the authors found that atheists scored 6 g-IQ points higher than those adhering to a religion."

"The authors reported a correlation of 0.60 between atheism rates and level of intelligence, which is “highly statistically significant.”"

You can decide on that as you want, is a correlation of 0.6 really significant? a correlation of 1 means that they are dependent on each other.

In conclusion, I think Darwin was right about race, that does not mean he was a racist though. Yet wrong about woman.
As for the religion vs intelligence, I stumbled upon that while researching and found it interesting.

Yet most atheists live in western culture and most religious people live in third-world countries, so the correlation can be discredited in many ways.

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:13 am
by B. W.
Enginseer wrote:IQ testing based on race:

- East Asians (105)
- Europeans (99) <- white people.
- Inuit (91)
- Southeast Asians and Amerindians (87 each)
- Pacific Islanders (85)
- South Asians/North Africans (84)
- Non-Bushmen sub-Saharan Africans (67)
- Australian Aborigines (62)
- Bushmen (54)...
When an Ivy League East Asian Professor is stranded in the bush — it is amazing how intelligent a Bushman is in his environment and how dumb the Professor has become.

IQ Tests are misleading. Most Bushman can't read or do math problems so their scores will be low but they are genius' in their environment surviving as they do all without Government assistance too!

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:50 am
by Enginseer
B. W. wrote:
Enginseer wrote:IQ testing based on race:

- East Asians (105)
- Europeans (99) <- white people.
- Inuit (91)
- Southeast Asians and Amerindians (87 each)
- Pacific Islanders (85)
- South Asians/North Africans (84)
- Non-Bushmen sub-Saharan Africans (67)
- Australian Aborigines (62)
- Bushmen (54)...
When an Ivy League East Asian Professor is stranded in the bush — it is amazing how intelligent a Bushman is in his environment and how dumb the Professor has become.

IQ Tests are misleading. Most Bushman can't read or do math problems so their scores will be low but they are genius' in their environment surviving as they do all without Government assistance too!
I just did some online one and I was surprised at how the questions where presented.

Without at least an understanding of the 8th grade curriculum, it would be the first time many people saw these kinds of questions. Heavily math based it's obvious why East Asians and Europeans are highest. So it measures a form of intelligence, but not your overall intellect.

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:15 pm
by RickD
Enginseer wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Enginseer wrote:IQ testing based on race:

- East Asians (105)
- Europeans (99) <- white people.
- Inuit (91)
- Southeast Asians and Amerindians (87 each)
- Pacific Islanders (85)
- South Asians/North Africans (84)
- Non-Bushmen sub-Saharan Africans (67)
- Australian Aborigines (62)
- Bushmen (54)...
When an Ivy League East Asian Professor is stranded in the bush — it is amazing how intelligent a Bushman is in his environment and how dumb the Professor has become.

IQ Tests are misleading. Most Bushman can't read or do math problems so their scores will be low but they are genius' in their environment surviving as they do all without Government assistance too!
I just did some online one and I was surprised at how the questions where presented.

Without at least an understanding of the 8th grade curriculum, it would be the first time many people saw these kinds of questions. Heavily math based it's obvious why East Asians and Europeans are highest. So it measures a form of intelligence, but not your overall intellect.
Thank you for admitting that those iq tests are flawed.

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:46 pm
by Gman
Enginseer wrote:In conclusion, I think Darwin was right about race, that does not mean he was a racist though. Yet wrong about woman.
As for the religion vs intelligence, I stumbled upon that while researching and found it interesting.

Yet most atheists live in western culture and most religious people live in third-world countries, so the correlation can be discredited in many ways.
In other word's it's all about intelligence and nothing about the heart.. You could be the most intelligent person on earth and still be a murderer. Too bad Darwin couldn't see that...

Also don't tell women that they are dumber than man...

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:16 am
by Kristoffer
Or you could hear the voice of allah whispering in your ear "kill the non-believer", you could be the most faithful person on the earth and still be a murderer (sorry!)

When you talk about heart you mean emotions, aren't most crimes ones from passionate emotions?

ahh ok i wont tell you that woman are dumber than men! (not that i need to tell anyone that because i know of some with real great smarts)

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:06 am
by Gman
Kristoffer wrote:Or you could hear the voice of allah whispering in your ear "kill the non-believer", you could be the most faithful person on the earth and still be a murderer (sorry!)
Not a person who follows God.. God isn't a murderer nor tells people to murder..
Kristoffer wrote:When you talk about heart you mean emotions, aren't most crimes ones from passionate emotions?

ahh ok i wont tell you that woman are dumber than men! (not that i need to tell anyone that because i know of some with real great smarts)
Darwin predicted that there was levels of intelligence.. Some higher than others. He clearly explained that man's intelligence was higher or more evolved than woman's intelligence.. So where are women's rights? They are valuable.. They are not a bunch of evolved chemicals.. They are created in the image of God and are EQUAL to men.

Darwin's naturalistic beliefs are damaging to our society.. Naturalism should be equated with Nazism imo...

It will never get my support...

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:04 pm
by Kristoffer
Gman wrote: Not a person who follows God.. God isn't a murderer nor tells people to murder..
I have recently started reading two books, one is called "ko-ran" and you can easily guess what the other is...Is all the killing not murder? It must be okej because god says do it. If there is a rational answer to it then tell me.
Gman wrote: They are valuable.. They are not a bunch of evolved chemicals.. They are created in the image of God and are EQUAL to men.
Maybe god loves chemicals? Maybe god used a process that is like cooking over billions of years. Anyway it is very great to feel like a cousin to all humans and all life on this planet, because that is one of the implications of evolution, that all life formations are cousins! If we are made from the same stuff, does that not make us equal?
Gman wrote: Darwin's naturalistic beliefs are damaging to our society.. Naturalism should be equated with Nazism imo...
It will never get my support...
Open your mind?

No. yet Nazism had included evolution, but intermingled with a religious aspect. The garman soldiers uniforms even had "Gott Mit Uns" (god with us) The Aryans were "images of god" and all other inferior races evolved...That is a sick twisted corruption of the science of evolution and also of faith, don't you think?

What if the one idea that you revile and distrust...happens to be the truth? Do you not like the idea of being connected to all other life on earth through ancestry?

I appologise if i was to bold!

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:32 pm
by Gman
Kristoffer wrote:I have recently started reading two books, one is called "ko-ran" and you can easily guess what the other is...Is all the killing not murder? It must be okej because god says do it. If there is a rational answer to it then tell me.
The Koran is corrupt, made by man... What other book? The Bible? You are in error.. The Bible never condones murdering people..
Kristoffer wrote:Maybe god loves chemicals? Maybe god used a process that is like cooking over billions of years. Anyway it is very great to feel like a cousin to all humans and all life on this planet, because that is one of the implications of evolution, that all life formations are cousins! If we are made from the same stuff, does that not make us equal?

No it does not make us equal.. Only higher evolved than others.. There is no equality if you want to separate God from evolution..

Kristoffer wrote:Open your mind?

Yes please open your mind...

Kristoffer wrote:No. yet Nazism had included evolution, but intermingled with a religious aspect. The garman soldiers uniforms even had "Gott Mit Uns" (god with us) The Aryans were "images of god" and all other inferior races evolved...That is a sick twisted corruption of the science of evolution and also of faith, don't you think?

No.. There were occult practices, but Hitler tried to build a religion based upon racial eugenics.

Kristoffer wrote:What if the one idea that you revile and distrust...happens to be the truth? Do you not like the idea of being connected to all other life on earth through ancestry?

I appologise if i was to bold!

I can't follow a religion that states that women and blacks are sub-human.. Darwin was certainly guilty of doing that.. We are more than just chemicals that evolved from a soup. We are spiritual..

Re: Darwin a racist?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:29 am
by DannyM
Gman wrote:We are more than just chemicals that evolved from a soup. We are spiritual..
Perhaps the soup was a spiritual soup... ;)

