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Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:03 pm
by jenna
The purpose of the 10 commandments? They were God's law so naturally He would want people to keep them. Imagine what a peaceful, loving, crime-free world we would have today if they were still kept. The reason they were made was to show people how to live in peace and harmony together.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:10 am
by FFC
jenna wrote:The purpose of the 10 commandments? They were God's law so naturally He would want people to keep them. Imagine what a peaceful, loving, crime-free world we would have today if they were still kept. The reason they were made was to show people how to live in peace and harmony together.
But what they actually did was show us how sinful and in need of God's grace we are.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:15 am
by jenna
Truly we are in need of God's grace, today now more than ever. The old covenant's penalty was death. The new covenant did away with the old only in the sense that there was no more death for law-breakers, since Jesus died in our place. However, this does not mean that the LAW was done away with. Only the penalty.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:18 am
by FFC
jenna wrote:Truly we are in need of God's grace, today now more than ever. The old covenant's penalty was death. The new covenant did away with the old only in the sense that there was no more death for law-breakers, since Jesus died in our place. However, this does not mean that the LAW was done away with. Only the penalty.
Well that sounds better, but what does happen to a person who doesn't follow all of the old testament laws?

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:37 am
by jenna
It depends on the person, and whether or not they actually are trying to follow what God says to do. A true Christian, in my OPINION, will do what he can to do what God would want for him to do. Yes, I do realize that one is not saved unless they believe Jesus died for their sins (no one is saved through works alone), but if they truly believe in Jesus, they will try to reflect Him in their lives. When they sin, which is inevitable, repentance is vital. Once someone receives Jesus, if they continue to sin and not repent and turn away from sin, they are making a mockery of the very reason Jesus died for us in the first place. Salvation cannot be earned, but a Christian must realize that salvation can be lost. If one continues in their own way of sin, whether or not they believe, and continually turn their back on Christ, it will not be long before He will turn His back on us, also.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:04 am
by BavarianWheels
FFC wrote:
jenna wrote:Truly we are in need of God's grace, today now more than ever. The old covenant's penalty was death. The new covenant did away with the old only in the sense that there was no more death for law-breakers, since Jesus died in our place. However, this does not mean that the LAW was done away with. Only the penalty.
Well that sounds better, but what does happen to a person who doesn't follow all of the old testament laws?
Again, I'm not speaking of "all" the OT laws...only the 10 written in stone. (which is great symbolism for being eternal)

What happens to a person who doesn't follow God's Law? That person eats of the tree that was/is forbidden. No person since has ever kept the law of God. What happens depends where each person's heart is...and the sheep follow the Shepherd. Those sheep that don't follow the Shepherd, make their own apart from God.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:58 pm
by B. W.
jenna wrote:Yes, you can take rest from what you create, I never said differently. God made the Sabbath for man. It was to be a sign between Him and His people forever. So if we are to be considered His people, should we not keep the Sabbath? This was the ONLY sign He gave that would truly identify those He considered His. The Sabbath, along with the rest of the 10 commandments, were never done away with. It was the penalty for breaking them (death) that was done away with when Christ died for us. I find it funny that you would try to use my own words against me, when I DO keep the Sabbath. What day do YOU keep, B.W.?
It is not a question if I or you keep the Sabbath but rather if we do good on it to truly keep it holy. We all have failed many days on this one by failing to do good and acts of mercy. Praise be - Jesus came to set us free from the curse of the Law!

I keep the same Sabbath as you do but not legalistically. Do you keep it sundown Friday to sundown Saturday Jen? - or 12am Saturday to 12pm Saturday? Based on Lunar or Solar? Do you count from the first day of Passover to mark the true Sabbath for the year? Do you really keep it? Do any of us really do when we neglect doing what the Lord of the Sabbath did on the Sabbath that same Lord we are called to walk as he did?

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:09 pm
by jenna
I keep the Sabbath from sonset Friday to sunset Saturday. Yes Jesus freed us from the curse of the law, but not THE LAW ITSELF. The curse of the law was DEATH, for those who broke it. Since Jesus died for us, the CURSE is done away with, not the law itself. God set aside only ONE day, the seventh, for His worship day. No other day was made holy. He plainly told us "work 6 days and rest on the 7th." This is why the Sabbath is still in effect today. It was made for MAN, and will be a sign between Him and His people for all generations. God, nor Jesus, ever changed the day from Saturday to Sunday, man did. This is a tradition of man, that God hates.His holy day is still the 7th day, which is SATURDAY.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:00 am
by B. W.
jenna wrote:I keep the Sabbath from sonset Friday to sunset Saturday. Yes Jesus freed us from the curse of the law, but not THE LAW ITSELF. The curse of the law was DEATH, for those who broke it. Since Jesus died for us, the CURSE is done away with, not the law itself. God set aside only ONE day, the seventh, for His worship day. No other day was made holy. He plainly told us "work 6 days and rest on the 7th." This is why the Sabbath is still in effect today. It was made for MAN, and will be a sign between Him and His people for all generations. God, nor Jesus, ever changed the day from Saturday to Sunday, man did. This is a tradition of man, that God hates. His holy day is still the 7th day, which is SATURDAY.
Actually Saturday and Sunday are from solar calendar system and invention of man. The Passover is how to determine what day the true Sabbath falls on by simple mathematics and the Lunar cycle. Passover falls on a different Solar day each year — just like your birthday as does the Sabbath.

The Jewish year is currently 5768 for our 2008 solar year. His link makes interesting points like this direct quote from link:

Quote is from this link:
The year number on the Jewish calendar represents the number of years since creation, calculated by adding up the ages of people in the Bible back to the time of creation. However, this does not necessarily mean that the universe has existed for only 5700 years as we understand years. Many Orthodox Jews will readily acknowledge that the first six "days" of creation are not necessarily 24-hour days (indeed, a 24-hour day would be meaningless until the creation of the sun on the fourth "day"). For a fascinating (albeit somewhat defensive) article by a nuclear physicist showing how Einstein's Theory of Relativity sheds light on the correspondence between the Torah's age of the universe and the age ascertained by science, see The Age of th Universe.

Jews do not generally use the words "A.D." and "B.C." to refer to the years on the Gregorian calendar. "A.D." means "the year of our L-rd," and we do not believe Jesus is the L-rd. Instead, we use the abbreviations C.E. (Common or Christian Era) and B.C.E. (Before the Common Era), which are commonly used by scholars today.
You see, the article states: “Many Orthodox Jews will readily acknowledge that the first six "days" of creation are not necessarily 24-hour days (indeed, a 24-hour day would be meaningless until the creation of the sun on the fourth "day").”

No one really living in this mortal now knows the actual day the real Sabbath and how it would translate to our solar day-year. Sorry — no-one knows — not even your founder — Herbert Armstrong knew.

We are all guilty of breaking the Sabbath but we are saved by God's Grace — not by how many Sabbath's we keep.

So do we stay saved keeping the, or better yet said - Saturday Sabbath?

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:08 am
by jenna
This is ridiculous. God Himself made the days, not man. Man only supplied the NAMES for the days. It is silly to think God would tell us "Keep the Sabbath day holy", and then give us no way of knowing when that day is! The seven-day cycle has never been broken, regardless of the day my birthday happens to fall on, or the Passover. You keep going back to YEARS AND MONTHS, which HAVE been changed, but the seven-day week has never been changed. Solar years do not change the days of the week. Do we stay saved by keeping the Sabbath? A better question here would be "Do we stay saved by obeying God?"

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:31 am
by B. W.
jenna wrote:This is ridiculous. God Himself made the days, not man. Man only supplied the NAMES for the days. It is silly to think God would tell us "Keep the Sabbath day holy", and then give us no way of knowing when that day is! The seven-day cycle has never been broken, regardless of the day my birthday happens to fall on, or the Passover. You keep going back to YEARS AND MONTHS, which HAVE been changed, but the seven-day week has never been changed. Solar years do not change the days of the week. Do we stay saved by keeping the Sabbath? A better question here would be "Do we stay saved by obeying God?"
Jenna, I commend people for keeping the Sabbath which is good and noble. No problem with that no matter what day they choose to honor God. As it is written:

Colossians 2:1617, “Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.”

Are you obeying what is written?

Since you brought this up-your quote: “A better question here would be "Do we stay saved by obeying God?” end quote.

Response - Are we saved by God's Grace or not?

Lastly --- As for the Sabbath — the real Sabbath — no one mortally alive today knows the first day God created on nor the day he rested and can correlate it to our solar calendar system. It is best for a person to decide which day will be the Sabbath for them and do as the Lord did on the Sabbath…acts of mercy and love at least one day a week.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:41 am
by jenna
Yes, we are saved by God's grace, never denied that. No one alive today knows the true Sabbath day? How can you think that? Again you refer to the "solar calendar", which has no bearing on the 7-day week. God created the seven day week, not man. From day one this week has never changed. So the 7th day from creation would still be the 7th day today. You say it is best for a person to decide what day will be their Sabbath. If you think we are free to pick and choose what day we keep, then you are dismissing what God says. You basically are saying "I know You say to keep the 7th day, but I'll just pick my own day instead". Being saved by God's grace? How long before He turns His back on us if we continually turn our back on Him?

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:46 am
by Canuckster1127
jenna wrote:Yes, we are saved by God's grace, never denied that. No one alive today knows the true Sabbath day? How can you think that? Again you refer to the "solar calendar", which has no bearing on the 7-day week. God created the seven day week, not man. From day one this week has never changed. So the 7th day from creation would still be the 7th day today. You say it is best for a person to decide what day will be their Sabbath. If you think we are free to pick and choose what day we keep, then you are dismissing what God says. You basically are saying "I know You say to keep the 7th day, but I'll just pick my own day instead". Being saved by God's grace? How long before He turns His back on us if we continually turn our back on Him?
jenna, What evidence to have to make the claim that we are on the exact 7 day cycle today that God created the world upon (which of course assumes God created this world in 7 - 24 hour days?)

It would be your responsibility to prove that claim as you're basing your view of Sabbath Keeping upon that assumption. Can you prove it?

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:56 am
by jenna
Is it really up to me to prove it? There has been no evidence, other than "the solar year calendar" to prove otherwise. And since the evidence is only about years and months, it would be not up to me to prove otherwise.

Re: sabbath keeping

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:02 am
by Canuckster1127
jenna wrote:Is it really up to me to prove it? There has been no evidence, other than "the solar year calendar" to prove otherwise. And since the evidence is only about years and months, it would be not up to me to prove otherwise.
Well yes. It would be up to you to prove it since you're the one making the claim it has been kept perfectly from the beginning of time and therefore should be kept now on that basis.

Are you familiar with the history of the calendar?