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Re: Revelation 13:10

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:54 pm
by Zebulon


Victor Daniel

Re: Revelation 13:10

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:27 am
by FFC
jenna wrote:
FFC wrote:
Yes, I am mistaken here, keep alive for yourselves has nothing to do with rape! Why then keep the woman children and virgins alive? Surely to make cookies and bread.
Mmmm. Cookies and bread y=P~ y:p
FFC, stop being ridiculous! :roll:
That was my Homer Simpson impression. :D y[-( y=;

Re: Revelation 13:10

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:43 am
by 7trumpets
Zebulon wrote:7Trumpets,


Victor Daniel
No such thing as Reincarnation.

Hbr 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Men die one time in the flesh then they go back to GOD for judgement at the great white throne Rev 20:11 at the
end of the millennium/LORD'S DAY.

E. W. Bullinger was one of the greatest scholar's that ever lived, he wrote The Companion Bible, which is the best study bible ever made. How to Enjoy the Bible ... anion.html Appendixes to The Companion Bible

Hope this helps

Re: Revelation 13:10

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:19 am
by Zebulon
7trumpets wrote:E. W. Bullinger was one of the greatest scholar's that ever lived, he wrote The Companion Bible, which is the best study bible ever made.
E. W. Bullinger was also a friend of Dr. Theodore Herzl , a Jewish journalist who founded modern political Zionism. See


Victor Daniel

Re: Revelation 13:10

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:25 pm
by jenna
FFC wrote:
jenna wrote:
FFC wrote:
Yes, I am mistaken here, keep alive for yourselves has nothing to do with rape! Why then keep the woman children and virgins alive? Surely to make cookies and bread.
Mmmm. Cookies and bread y=P~ y:p
FFC, stop being ridiculous! :roll:
That was my Homer Simpson impression. :D y[-( y=;
Homer likes donuts, not cookies. :roll: DOH! y#-o