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Re: Christians who committ suicide

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:32 am
by oscarsiziba
Canuckster1127 wrote:
oscarsiziba wrote:Why would God give life to the one who despises it so much that she/he prematurely takes it?There is nothing like once-saved ,always saved.That would mean fixing eternity before man dies and sort of fixing his decisions ,as well.
Why does God give life to anyone and why did He send Christ for sinners who were yet in their sins? Grace.
God gave us all life as a chance to prove what our choices would have been if we were in Eden-He does not want to arbitrarily send people to hell or usher them into heaven without their choices.To the one who commits suicide it becomes evident that they would have despised and rejected the gift of life,on a secondary level.How can God then entrust eternity to one as this?
Christ died for us while we were still in sins so ,by believing Him and grasping His promise through faith,we would be saved from the sins(transgressing God law).

Re: Christians who committ suicide

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:47 am
by Canuckster1127
oscarsiziba wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:
oscarsiziba wrote:Why would God give life to the one who despises it so much that she/he prematurely takes it?There is nothing like once-saved ,always saved.That would mean fixing eternity before man dies and sort of fixing his decisions ,as well.
Why does God give life to anyone and why did He send Christ for sinners who were yet in their sins? Grace.
God gave us all life as a chance to prove what our choices would have been if we were in Eden-He does not want to arbitrarily send people to hell or usher them into heaven without their choices.To the one who commits suicide it becomes evident that they would have despised and rejected the gift of life,on a secondary level.How can God then entrust eternity to one as this?
Christ died for us while we were still in sins so ,by believing Him and grasping His promise through faith,we would be saved from the sins(transgressing God law).
God doesn't base anything with regard to eternity on our choice. The only choice God is concerned about with regard to eternity is what we do with Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.

Again, you equate suicide as an unpardonable sin without scriptural backing and leave eternity as contingent upon our works. You present a gospel obtained by grace and then rigidly maintained by works.

Further you've left multiple questions to you unanswered and when you have responded on some you've attributed statements to me that I've not made.

I pray that you will come to understand better what salvation in Christ entails and cease attempting to walk in fear that any infraction of the law (if suicide is completely unforgivable then what else is too? What about murder? incest? adultery? theft? Passing gas in a crowded elevator?)

More importantly, I hope you will cease attempting to convince others to join you in what I have to frankly state is heresy and contrary to the purpose of this board.



Re: Christians who committ suicide

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:24 pm
by Gman
oscarsiziba wrote:God gave us all life as a chance to prove what our choices would have been if we were in Eden-He does not want to arbitrarily send people to hell or usher them into heaven without their choices.To the one who commits suicide it becomes evident that they would have despised and rejected the gift of life,on a secondary level.How can God then entrust eternity to one as this?
Bart is right... You are making a huge mistake to judge others. The only one that has the right to condemn anyone to hell is Christ alone. Be careful.

Re: Christians who committ suicide

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:11 pm
by B. W.
Gman wrote:
oscarsiziba wrote:God gave us all life as a chance to prove what our choices would have been if we were in Eden-He does not want to arbitrarily send people to hell or usher them into heaven without their choices.To the one who commits suicide it becomes evident that they would have despised and rejected the gift of life,on a secondary level.How can God then entrust eternity to one as this?
Bart is right... You are making a huge mistake to judge others. The only one that has the right to condemn anyone to hell is Christ alone. Be careful.
:amen: :amen: :amen:

Re: Christians who committ suicide

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:43 am
by JesusSmiles
I don't see how suicide could cut off the salvation provided for a Born Again believer. It's a cop out and leaves a tremendous amount of guilt and pain for those you leave behind....but there is no indication a person loses their salvation because of it.

Even in the OT, Saul committed suicide. He actually went to a witch to contact Samuel who had died. Samuel told Saul that Israel would be lose the battole with the Philistines. He also told Saul that he and his sons would be in paradise with him the next day. So apparently, God knew Saul would commit suicide and would end up in Paradise. God would have delivered him if he would have just put his trust in God, stood in faith, and not been walking in fear...but Saul's fear overwhelmed him.

Unlike Abraham who was outnumbered, Moses who was outnumbered, David facing Goliath and Gideon's battle....Saul jumped ship. Saul chose NOT to trust God. This was a disappointment in his walk of faith....but it didn't cause him to 'go to hell' or else Samuel wouldn't have said what he said.

It is our responsibility to complete our mission on earth standing in faith and believing in God's promises.... but if we fail...I believe the great love of God has made provision for it.