BavarianWheels wrote:Does God ask us to worry about man's law or His own?
What are you talking about? Do you think man's laws are different from God's laws? Ok, answer this question for me then. Why did God ever give man laws?? You don't think the Jews had laws to govern His people?
BavarianWheels wrote:Again I ask, what does it matter if homosexuals are given a piece of paper from the STATE giving them STATE rights?
You mean give them STATE rights to do unspeakable perverted, unnatural, disease spreading acts to one another and the rest of society?? Did you know the life span of gay men and bisexual men lose up to 20 years of life expectancy? Do you wish them to live or die? Are laws given to protect or take away life?
Source: ... o0075.html
BavarianWheels wrote:Homosexuals are getting married regardless of this anyway...the only thing holding this back is the Religious Right.
Yeah, the religious right… How dare they try to protect people from killing themselves…
BavarianWheels wrote:LOL...I don't see you on any bandwagon promoting a Prop # to outlaw fornication of any kind...what about the spread of disease? Prop. 8 will surely stop it in its tracks...[/sarcasm]
Oh, funny huh? In your words, we should rather do nothing… Forget about the health risks..
BavarianWheels wrote:It is God that sanctifies a man and woman together...not marriage. God is the author of the union of man and woman into one flesh not "marriage". Of course God sanctifies it...that's the whole point. It is not our duty as Christians to have the STATE sanctify it. The State can only give State benefits...not Godly benefits!
That's the problem… You haven't clearly made the distinction between state and religious laws… Obviously certain religious laws have past… But not the moral ones. Do you know what moral laws are?
BavarianWheels wrote:When did I say otherwise? Of course it's unnatural.
And that is good for society? Unnatural perverted acts?
BavarianWheels wrote:Are you out promoting a Prop. # against sodomy within a marriage...or between two consenting adults of differing genders? Are you campaigning a new law be instituted on this? If not, then you too are "condoning" the act by remaining silent / neutral. Don't give me the excuse of, "If it were a Prop. I would support it." It's the EXACT same thing...yet "we" remain silent.
We probably should.. Why not?? First off it is dangerous and could also spread diseases to others. What happens when we go against nature? Is body made for that??
BavarianWheels wrote:No. It is not the burden of the STATE to legislate religious beliefs especially when the seekers of this freedom are not seeking a Godly blessing, but a STATE "blessing"...absolutely nothing to do with God...
Again, you are confused about state and religious laws…
BavarianWheels wrote:Show you proof?
Yes show me the proof that these acts are good for society.. Now..
BavarianWheels wrote:We are in agreement on the unGodliness of homosexuality! LOL.
No we are not… Why? Because YOU seem to believe that homosexuality is good for society. I don't..
BavarianWheels wrote:You don't listen/read/understand very well apparently.
Oh, an ad hominem.. Whats the matter?? Ok, well then I'll give you just one more chance to redeem yourself then…
BavarianWheels wrote:If you haven't noticed, society is ALREADY engaging in it.
Really? No I haven't noticed…