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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:38 pm
by God's chosen ones
I voted for Obama and do NOT think the USA is going down any different than with a different politcal party. McCain is just a lesser democrat, as was BUSH. Fiscally, there is only a single party system,... DEMOCRAT. Even when Republicans had control, there overspending was no different than the DEMOCRATS overspending.

Sure, DEMS have perverted ideas such as gay marriage, frivolous lawsuits, but Republicans have their agenda to keep people down. So don't think any party is GOD's messenger.

IF you have ever heard of wars, and rumors of wars, you have just met the media.

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:02 am
by Jac3510
God's chosen ones wrote:I voted for Obama and do NOT think the USA is going down any different than with a different politcal party. McCain is just a lesser democrat, as was BUSH. Fiscally, there is only a single party system,... DEMOCRAT. Even when Republicans had control, there overspending was no different than the DEMOCRATS overspending.

Sure, DEMS have perverted ideas such as gay marriage, frivolous lawsuits, but Republicans have their agenda to keep people down. So don't think any party is GOD's messenger.

IF you have ever heard of wars, and rumors of wars, you have just met the media.
You do realize that Obama, in the first six months of his presidency, has set a pace to spend more money than all the other presidents of our history COMBINED, right? That's hardly the same system. I certainly agree that Bush spent too much money, but it is nowhere NEAR what Obama has spent. Already, Obama's spending has DWARFED what Bush spent over EIGHT YEARS. So, no, they aren't the same economic system.

Secondly, as much as I didn't like the idea of McCain, he would not have reinstated the Mexico City policy. He would not have overturned a ban on federal funds to do embryonic stem cell research (aka, spending YOURS and MY money to fund abortion). He would not have appointed this insane woman to the Supreme Court. He would not have upheld gay "marriage."

In any case, I really like your logic. You hated Bush's economic policies so much, you voted for a guy who accelerated those policies. And you did that at the same time that you threw social issues like gay marriage and abortion under the bus! A two-fer!!! :shock: :roll: :shakehead:

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:32 pm
by B. W.
Jac3510 wrote:...You do realize that Obama, in the first six months of his presidency, has set a pace to spend more money than all the other presidents of our history COMBINED, right? That's hardly the same system. I certainly agree that Bush spent too much money, but it is nowhere NEAR what Obama has spent. Already, Obama's spending has DWARFED what Bush spent over EIGHT YEARS. So, no, they aren't the same economic system.

....In any case, I really like your logic. You hated Bush's economic policies so much, you voted for a guy who accelerated those policies. And you did that at the same time that you threw social issues like gay marriage and abortion under the bus! A two-fer!!! :shock: :roll: :shakehead:
Good point - Obama says the economy is all Bush's fault for overspending and bailouts. Bush started the the charge and reason for Obama's economic policies. Obama has stated that we cannot continue the same failed economic policies as Bush.

However, isn't Obama continuing the same failed economic policies as Bush, spending spree, bail outs, etc...on even more of a grander scale?

So much for change you can believe in!

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:32 pm
by ageofknowledge
It was my understanding that it took from Andrew Jackson to right before Bush Jr took office to amass the greatest deficit the world had ever seen and then Bush Jr doubled it in a mere eight years while mismanaging the economy to the point where he declared, "I've abandoned free market principles to save the free market system." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 16, 2008. Then he passed his mess onto Obama who appears to be invoking Marxism as a solution despite it's dismal failure in various communist executions just last century and retired to Texas a state that thinks two drunk caucasion foremen in charge of ten Mexicans constitutes a favorable economic model for the country.
Jac3510 wrote:
God's chosen ones wrote:I voted for Obama and do NOT think the USA is going down any different than with a different politcal party. McCain is just a lesser democrat, as was BUSH. Fiscally, there is only a single party system,... DEMOCRAT. Even when Republicans had control, there overspending was no different than the DEMOCRATS overspending.

Sure, DEMS have perverted ideas such as gay marriage, frivolous lawsuits, but Republicans have their agenda to keep people down. So don't think any party is GOD's messenger.

IF you have ever heard of wars, and rumors of wars, you have just met the media.
You do realize that Obama, in the first six months of his presidency, has set a pace to spend more money than all the other presidents of our history COMBINED, right? That's hardly the same system. I certainly agree that Bush spent too much money, but it is nowhere NEAR what Obama has spent. Already, Obama's spending has DWARFED what Bush spent over EIGHT YEARS. So, no, they aren't the same economic system.

Secondly, as much as I didn't like the idea of McCain, he would not have reinstated the Mexico City policy. He would not have overturned a ban on federal funds to do embryonic stem cell research (aka, spending YOURS and MY money to fund abortion). He would not have appointed this insane woman to the Supreme Court. He would not have upheld gay "marriage."

In any case, I really like your logic. You hated Bush's economic policies so much, you voted for a guy who accelerated those policies. And you did that at the same time that you threw social issues like gay marriage and abortion under the bus! A two-fer!!! :shock: :roll: :shakehead:

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:52 pm
by growingconfused
Ok...I have little rant on the political front. Ok here we go. I am Canadian....not a socialist...not a marxist nor communist. I too like Obama, and often find myself at odds with my fellow Christians over politics. I would imagine and I'm only guessing that most people here are Right Wing Conservatives, which is fine. But I have learned over time that a true "Christian" is alitte bit Conservative and a little bit Liberal, or abit from the left and abit from the right if you will. Which is what I consider myself. I guess that would be an Centrist. My views on politics follows more closely to the teachings of Jesus. Like for example, "What you do for the least of my brothers you do unto me" arguement for social programs like disability assistance, welfare or work for welfare if you for everyone, not for just those who can afford it, which by the way is not very many any people anymore, working towards a peaceful world through talking and engaging your enemies through peaceful means, ie turn the other cheek. Abolishing abortion as birth control, but allowing the women, and her doctor making a choice when it comes to rape and incest.
Working a economic system where its not all based on profit, but an economic system that brings jobs back to the U.S. and Canada. The current "free-market system" wants companys to make huge profits, which is great but when the jobs are being shipped to Mexico, China etc. for cheaper labour, for a bigger bottom line, the worker loses which causes the hole trickle up effect....(worker loses job, worker stops buying, company loses money, company moves more jobs to make bigger profit, more workers lose their jobs...ect. ect.. I think the market has proven that trickle down economics doesn't work (that's where by the way i started my slide to the center.) The people who are rich and or have the money don't trickle down nothing..thats why they are rich.
Now why is it people seem to like Barrack Obama so gosh darn much, well let me try to explain as one who likes Obama so gosh darn Obama is a thinking mans man. He has the intellect and common sence for his post. And yes that is a slam on W. Case in point, once reaching office, after the promise to end military tribunals and such, after discussion with Generals and other advisers, he reversed his past promise, and common sense prevailed, much to the approval of those on the right. Obama does not seem to be the type to shoot from the hip like a gunslinger, unlike his predecessor, who seemed to make very serious desicions with little thought or fore thought. During the election i often heard the right call Obama a elitist, which kinda didn't make much sence when i looked up the definition of an elitist...Obama was raised partially by a single mother, his grand parents, in a small apartment noless, worked in the poor black communities in Chicago, along with his wife. So i failed to the elitist argument.
Ok last but not least...the right feels that their fears have been realized and the road to a Socialized/Marxist America have begun....Obama is proving himself to be the TAX and spend democrat he is, well yes i do agree he is spending more money and asking for more money then any other President in history, but we are in economic times like no other in time in history. The right seems to have little in the way of counter proposals, other then voting no or more tax cuts. Oh yea Obama has and is doing that, cutting taxes that is. I just don't understand the right.
Don't worry I haven't forgotten to mention why the left is wrong in many ways as well. Abortion is where i really take issue with left. I really do believe abortion as birth control should be abolished and criminalized. Many people on the left also want to just pull out of Iraq and Afganistan and let them sort it out amongst themselves, although i might not agree with going into Iraq...certainly just can't cut and run...I think Obama is learning them complexities of these to campaigns, and is listening to the Generals on the ground and his Defence Secratary Mr. Gates, much to the dismay of those on the left.
So in closing, I think President Obama's intelligence, common sence and good judgement will guide us out of these tough times that the last few administrations have gotten us into.

P.S. Although I am a Canadian, my wife is American, I am also Native American. I lived in the United States for ten years and served a full six year term in the U.S. Army. Served in Iraq with honor and watched friends die and get wounded there. So be careful when you judge me as just another "Canadian".