IgoFan wrote:Just in this topic alone are replies pointing out case #1 examples:
jlay does.
canuckster1127 mentions that some YEC that do.
zoegirl mentions examples from experience.
Anonymiss mentions Kent Hovind.
Then there's the numerous YEC websites.
No, they don't. Look at your own words. None of the people you reference fall into that category:
You wrote:Case #1 argues using science incorrectly (either knowingly or unknowingly). Scripture doesn't supersede their view of science, scripture agrees with it.
Case #2 either is ignorant and/or uncaring about science, or correctly understands but disregards science in light of a superseding higher truth.
Notice the part I put in bold in case one. NO ONE DOES THIS. No YEC considers Scripture NOT to supersede science. EVERY YEC who bothers trying to answer the scientific question, even if they do misuse science, consider Scripture to supersede Science, contrary to your case. Going back, again, to your words:
Again, you wrote:For example, do you understand the reasoning in your Age_of_the_Earth reference?
And if so, do you have any doubt?
My guess is that YECs do not understand those dating methods, but I'd like to be shown wrong.
The entire point of your post was to find out why YECs believe in a young earth in the face of modern science. Your assumption, clearly stated here, is that, as clarified even further by case #1, that many misunderstand science. That is simply incorrect. It may be true that many do misunderstand science. What I am telling you is that is NOT the reason that they hold to YEC. Put differently, if every single YEC who misunderstood science were to magically have a perfect understanding of science, they would STILL be YEC. Why? Because their misunderstanding of science is NOT their motivation for belief, as your case #1 states.
jlay doesn't fit case #1; the people Canuckster is talking about don't; the people zoegirl is talking about don't. Granted, jlay, Canuckster's friends, and zoegirl's students all may misunderstand science. But that doesn't mean they fit into case #1.
Again, NO ONE holds to that position. You can deny that if you like, but as someone who is extremely close to YEC beliefs and YEC advocates, I can tell you that, if you think that they got their beliefs from science, you are wrong. They don't. They get their beliefs from their interpretation of the Bible ONLY. If they can get science to back their views, then good for them, they say. You may disagree with their science, but that doesn't mean that science doesn't supersede Scripture in their view.
A non sequitur that a large chunk of your posts repeats. Where did I say that I care here why anyone believes in scripture, or whether science influences their religious beliefs?
Using science to promote a young Earth, or doubt an old Earth, makes for an example of case #1. Perhaps you think I'm smarter than I am, such that I must be making some deeper statement.
Your case #1 states explicitly that you care whether science influences their religious belief. Again: "Scripture doesn't supersede their view of science, scripture agrees with it" is taken to be a motivation for believing in a young earth.
Secondly, using science to promote a young earth, or to doubt an old earth, does NOT make an example of case #1. It simply means that people are trying to find evidence to fit their person beliefs (just like Darwinists do).
Now,. if you could show me a YEC who puts the Bible and Science on the same footing, as case #1 states, and then said they believed in a young earth based on science and not based on Scripture, you THEN would have an example of case #1. I'm telling that they don't exist, because that isn't how the view is developed.
In any case, your objection here begs the question anyway. In your first post, you ask "Why are scientists so sure that the Earth is 4.55 billion years old? ("I don't know" is an acceptable answer.)" You then clarify that you are not asking for YEC scientific arguments for a young earth. You are asking about YECs
understanding of science. But here, you say that to use science to support YEC is, by definition, case #1, because it shows a
misunderstanding of science. Surely you can see the question begging here, for you
assume that YEC science cannot properly support a young earth, or put differently, you
assume that YEC science is pseudoscience. You may as well define God right out of existence and say that Hugh Ross and advocates of ID are just as ignorant as YECs and "don't understand science" because they haven't adopted a philosophical naturalistic viewpoint.
In short, you assume, from the beginning, the invalidity of YEC claims, and use that as evidence that they don't understand science. Isn't it possible that they understand science perfectly well and simply interpret differently? You can scream about consensus, but that hardly has any weight on truth. Just because everyone agrees with something, no matter how qualified it is, doesn't make it true. That would be called an
ad populum fallacy. I'm sure you're familiar with it . . .
My original concise topic question already covers your new "better" questions. Of course, if anyone ignores science, they're in case #2, and the original question is moot. But otherwise, understanding why scientists are so sure means understanding what science says and the corresponding methodology.
No, your question does not address the points my questions addressed, because they assume a false dichotomy while not recognizing the relationship between science and Scripture from a YEC perspective. Spend some more time with YECs if you want to understand their mentality, but don't think you can force your own framework on that particular question on them and expect to get a proper understanding of the position.
More non sequitur. Where did I imply that I could, or even want to, use science to turn YECs away from their scriptural position?
It follows perfectly. In your statement of case #1. If people reject an old earth, not because of Scripture supersedes science and they are thus bound to it, but rather because they really believe that science teaches a young earth based on their misunderstanding of science, then the clear implication is that if people come to a proper understanding of science, then their argument against an old earth and in favor of YEC goes out the window. They would then be forced to case #2 or to change their position.
In fact, a long time ago, in my only(?) significant interaction with a case #1 YEC, the YEC eventually admitted that his science argument was inadequate. Did he change his scriptural view? Of course not, and I would have had a stroke if he had. But I did respect the YEC when he readily admitted that he then realized he was really a case #2 YEC.
I submit this as evidence that he was never put in your hypothetical case #1. He was in case #2 the entire time. He held that Scripture (rightly) that Scripture supersedes science. He then had secondly arguments from science he thought
supported (not were on the same footing as) his beliefs which were
rooted in Scripture. When you shot down his secondary arguments, his primary argument (Scripture) stood, and he therefore remained unconvinced.
Why did he remain unconvinced? Because he, like ALL YECs, held to YEC for religious, NOT SCIENTIFIC, reasons. Perhaps he
thought he had scientific reasons, but those reasons were never primary. They were never even on the same footing as his Scriptural arguments. His position was biblical first and totally. Science was irrelevant to him. He had those arguments for the benefit of people who
don't take Scripture as superseding science.
Now, Igo . . .
I understand that you've only had one serious encounter with YEC, so I don't expect you to have a complete understanding of their positions or their relationship with science. So I am simply trying to inform you of that relationship: case #1 doesn't exist. People do NOT hold to YEC
because they misunderstand science. They hold to YEC for other reasons, whatever their relationship to science may be. All YECs, then, fall into case #2. Each may have different reasons for using science; some may understand it (which I think you would disagree with, based on you question begging earlier), and some may not. But ALL YECs consider the scientific evidence strictly and totally secondary, unnecessary, and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.