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Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:33 pm
by Gabrielman
Vice wrote:
Gabrielman wrote: I do not see any compelling evidence or arguments to not believe in a God. What evidence would lead you to that conclusion? How is it more persuasive than the evidence for a God? Then again what evidence could ever prove there is no God?
There doesn't have to be evidence proving no God. I will get to why below.
Doesn't there? If there is no proof that God does not exist then can you be sure that He does not exist?
Are you looking for absolute proof? If you are then do you have absolute proof there is no God. Or do you just have faith that there isn't a God? What kind of burden of proof do you look for when coming to the conclusion that there is/isn't a God? Do you hold the same standard for evidence needed to say there isn't a God as you do for saying there is one?
Well, the thing is if there is no evidence for said claim then there is no reason to believe it. If I told you that I was God, would you not ask me for proof? Now, I'm not claiming seriously that I am God. But what if I did? You would want evidence that I am.
If you claimed to be God I would ask you to give me evidence, I believe in God because He has given me evidence and I have had personal experiences with Him.
When you understand why you don't believe in all the other Gods, you will understand why I don't believe in yours.
I perfectly understand why I don't believe in other gods, but I am sure it is not for the same reason you don't believe in my God. If you knew me better and my life experiences you would understand why I don't believe in the other so called "gods".
I live by my faith and my experiences, that is how I keep my faith that there is a God and that some day I will be in paradise with Him. Though if I posted my experiences I am sure that some one may try to just write them off,
Well, you know that Muslims and such have these experiences too. Would you write those off?
Not at all, in fact when I hear of such a spiritual experience from others I have a tendency to investigate them, they turn out to be demonically inspired and not from the Holy Spirit. But I asked if you would just simply write them off. So, would you?
which brings up the question, why do atheists try so much to "prove" there is no God?
Well, in my case I just like to debate this subject. It's fun to me. Because I used to be a Theist myself. I like challenging myself.
So you try to prove there is no God because you find it fun? Why bother? You will never disprove God, let alone even shake the foundations of my faith.
You do know there are counter arguments on the main site right?
You do know there are counter arguments to those counter arguments, don't you? We could be at this all day if all we did is go from one counter argument to the next. What would it take to make you believe in God? You said if someone raised from the dead and you witnessed it and they claimed to be God that you would believe them, am I correct? Well then why are you here? You will not find that here. If nothing we say will convince you then are you just here for debate? That is not what this site is here for. We are here to help honest seekers and fellow Christians.

I have not the time to debate right now, but when I do, if you are still around, I will be more than happy to engage you in conversation on this. Until then ponder this, can you be sure there is no God? I have faith and God and I am sure He is there, but that is from my own personal experiences. You on the other hand, have no evidence to prove that He is not there. Let me ask you this, why are you, a group of protons, neutrons, and electrons, alive? Why can you think? Why don't rocks come to life, being the same sub atomic particles as you and I? Why can we ponder these things to begin with? I know what science says about these things, yet they have no proof to back it.
God Bless

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:21 pm
by cslewislover
vice wrote:You do know there are counter arguments on the main site right?
You mean "to" articles on the main site? You do know that this is an apologetics site, right? :econfused: Of course we know there are those who disagree and have "counter arguments." We're into looking at the evidence here and weighing it, not "arguing."
vice wrote:Oh you know, saying the earth sits on pillars. Women are made out of a rib. Etc.
"Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue" (Proverbs 17:28). Your response I quoted was sarcastic and not an inquiry. This first sentence makes me think you're getting Christianity (and Judaism) confused with some other religion. The second comment could lead to some discussion, yes. If you want to "discuss" here, then please start discussing and not throwing out statements that are in tone disrespectful.

As for the evidence for Christianity, one of the main things to consider are the prophecies. If persons gave prophecies that were given centuries before they happened (and it can be shown that the original documents are indeed ancient), then these fulfilled prophecies should be considered seriously when deciding whether a God exists or not. This is one type of evidence - there are others. What it comes down to in the end is your choice. God provides plenty of evidence for His existence, but it often isn't personal. If He gave any clearer evidence for His existence, then you would not even have to make a choice. He wants us to see Him, acknowledge Him, and accept Him, with our own free will.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:24 pm
by SamTHorn
I'm an Atheists, right up until the last minute.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:27 pm
by SamTHorn
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."


Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:06 am
by Kristoffer
Wait, but aren't they unlike from the devil? The devil is a theist not a atheist right?
ageofknowledge wrote:Atheists unconsciously reach out to try and fill the spiritual bankruptcy in their life. Ironically they chose an ultimately meaningless worldview to do that with: atheism. They end up working for the devil who deceived them disregarding God who loves them and wants them to know Him.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:23 am
by CeT-To
Kristoffer wrote:Wait, but aren't they unlike from the devil? The devil is a theist not a atheist right?
ageofknowledge wrote:Atheists unconsciously reach out to try and fill the spiritual bankruptcy in their life. Ironically they chose an ultimately meaningless worldview to do that with: atheism. They end up working for the devil who deceived them disregarding God who loves them and wants them to know Him.
Wouldn't you think the devil would try lead them astray with all sorts of lies..the devil doesnt care if you dont believe in him but by not believing in God and following his path you automatically follow satan's one.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:59 pm
by Kristoffer
I think that the devil would use the truth and try to convince you that it is wrong. Anyway under the assumption that there even is a devil, then why devil evil and god good? why even good and evil, cant we go beyond that? If god told you to kill, would you? Of course if devil told you wouldn't? What makes that different!

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:29 pm
by Patricia

"As for the evidence for Christianity, one of the main things to consider are the prophecies. If persons gave prophecies that were given centuries before they happened (and it can be shown that the original documents are indeed ancient), then these fulfilled prophecies should be considered seriously when deciding whether a God exists or not. This is one type of evidence - there are others. What it comes down to in the end is your choice. God provides plenty of evidence for His existence, but it often isn't personal. If He gave any clearer evidence for His existence, then you would not even have to make a choice. He wants us to see Him, acknowledge Him, and accept Him, with our own free will." :amen:

You've hit the nail on the head. If the Bible was not full of fulfilled prophecy (the first one being the first coming of Jesus, which was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden), it would be no different than a book of fables or fairytales. I'm not saying that the Bible has no importance or relevance outside of prophecies, but I am saying that fulfilled prophecies prove the veracity of the Bible. If Christians would explain the prophetic truths of the Bible, it would be a strong testament to their faith and explain their belief in the God of the Bible.

Re: Atheists and Youtube, what is the deal?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:20 am
by Kristoffer
If the evidence was much clearer, I would still have to make a choice. :ewink: I could even say no.