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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:34 pm
by Imperial
Gman wrote:You could be the nicest, best person with good works in the world and you still wouldn't be saved... Good works mean nothing to God without the redemption Christ... Ephesians 2:8-9.

Which makes Christianity the most unique religion, even above the atheistic religion... :P
lol ya THAT definatly makes christianity look like the "good" religion XD you amuse me...

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:02 pm
by zoegirl
cslewislover wrote:
Imperial wrote:
Dude i don't really care anymore - we'll never reach a solution that everyone will be happy with. I'm going to live my life the way i want to live it. I believe i'm a good person, i think about others in my life before myself a lot. I also am still friends with my Christian friend (we avoid talking religion). I've never had a real enemy in my entire life or got into any fights since i'm not violent. I did not become this kind of person through religion, i did so out of common sense, and so far everythings running smoothly. Religion is pointless and unnecessary IMO. So there ya go.
You say you're a good person, but so far you've been quite rude. So, I wouldn't get too excited about your self assessment. The humanists I've heard from all say the same thing. "I'm a good person, and I can be a moral person without religion." So what? People who seek the meaning of life are usually ones who believe we're more than flesh and blood. It's about the soul, if you believe in one, and what comes after our physical body dies. If you don't believe in that at all, or aren't thinking you are seeking information about this, then there is no reason for you to be here. You are being verbally abusive, IMO, and so there's no need to try and keep impressing us with your goodness, or, with your being able to draw rational conclusions since you don't want to discuss any pertinent information.
Quite a nice assessment there, Vicki......

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:41 pm
by cslewislover
Imperial wrote:
Gman wrote:You could be the nicest, best person with good works in the world and you still wouldn't be saved... Good works mean nothing to God without the redemption Christ... Ephesians 2:8-9.

Which makes Christianity the most unique religion, even above the atheistic religion... :P
lol ya THAT definatly makes christianity look like the "good" religion XD you amuse me...
From an atheistic or humanistic perspective, I could see why, maybe, what Gman wrote is disturbing. But, most people, especially as they get older, understand that we all sin - we all do some things wrong. As the bible says, if you do one thing wrong, you've done all wrong in a sense; we're sinful creatures and sinful creatures can't come into the presence of God. It's like trying to mix oil and water, only worse.

Imperial, you have shown clearly how you are not "nice." You are continually disrespectful, and even delight in your ignorance. Your unwillingness to actually try and learn something, and then act like you know so much, is amusing to the rest of us. Have you read the books I suggested yet? No one says you have too, of course, but they'd be informative for you. This discussion board is to actually discuss things, not read from "nice" atheists who continually insult others without even knowing what they're talking about. I'll be banning you shortly.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:43 pm
by The11thDr.
That man has a terrible neckbeard. Hes a basement dweller too. tbh just ignore his tube, waste of time.

Theres a nice EDrama page on him though, haha its worth looking.(might be a whatport80 page too) (SFW)

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:34 pm
There is something I don't get about you Imperial (and most atheists).

Christianity has hope. Atheism is completely devoid of hope. If atheism has any hope then please, tell me how it does.

Atheists seem to like to operate under the delusion that what they do has meaning. Which completely contradicts their world view. You believe that when you die that no part of you consciousness will be left. With an atheist point of view, emotions are fake, self awareness is fake, your experiences are just something that your brain just tricks you in thinking are meaningful. Life is just a fluke. If you try to pretend that life is meaningful then you are a hypocrite.

However, most atheists say something like this. Below is something an atheist said to me after I tried to explain this to him.
I get meaning and satisfaction from lots of things: relationships, literature, looking into the night sky, being a good person, etc. I also had a nice breakfast this morning. Someday I'll have children, and I expect them to add further meaning to my life. When you don't believe in an afterlife, and live in the moment, day by day, you appreciate life more: we are only here once, so enjoy it.
He is delusional. If eternity does not exist then none of that means anything. Eventually he will die and then it will be all be for nothing. He will just be a dead husk, unable to experience anything. When he dies, for all intents and purposes, the world dies with him. I have heard many atheists say that they will be happy knowing that they raised their kids as good as they could have. This is incorrect. They will have satisfaction right up until the point when they die, after that then THERE. WILL. BE. NOTHING.

Here's the real kicker...

Atheism requires faith, but has no hope.
Christianity requires faith and has hope.

This shouldn't be a hard choice.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:39 pm
by The11thDr.
Still a hard choice, sorry. Athiests think that there is only one life and you should live it to its fullest, but i dont know why anyone else would not agree to living it to its fullest anyway. Just depends what you define that as.

The idea that we are just biological machines scares me, I really wish it weren't true. Wishful thinking wont get a person anywhere though, so I just need to know whats right and what is wrong if there is value to this I will find it. I'm persistant TRUST me.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:53 pm
by Proinsias
Just read the thread.

The Amazing Atheist sounds more like The Angry Young Man, he seems very clouded by hatred of religion. I have to agree with the other posters that his arguments are pathetic.

May I suggest, Imperial, that for a time you assume the people you are talking with are intelligent and thoughtful people? I don't claim reason or logic as I can't prove it, if you have a proof you want to discuss for your reason or logic it would appear there are many willing to engage.

From my pov you have been providing little aside from calling Christians illogical and unreasonable.

As an aside I don't see the big bang theory as being all that useful in theology. As Michio Kaku says the term singularity, from which the universe came if we follow the big bang idea, is little more than a term for ignorance.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:56 pm
by The11thDr.
TheExtrordinarilyMediocreObeseAthiest, Sounds like the more precise term, Can someone give us the latin species name for such a creature? Athiests are Logical, quite a lot of them are unreasonable though. Dont know when to give up, it can be one of their best qualities if you let it.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:09 am
by Kurieuo
The11thDr. wrote:TheExtrordinarilyMediocreObeseAthiest, Sounds like the more precise term, Can someone give us the latin species name for such a creature? Athiests are Logical, quite a lot of them are unreasonable though. Dont know when to give up, it can be one of their best qualities if you let it.
I've seen quite a number of illogial Atheists. ;) I don't think it is right to generalise either side when it comes to science, logic and what is rational. You get a mix of everything no matter what stance.

Despite what a generally secular Western society perceive, perhaps in part due to the likes of Freud, Kant and other Atheistic thinkers, Christian people have always been at the forefront of thinking. Just look at the rich foundation of philosophers, theologians and early pioneers of modern science.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:06 am
by The11thDr.
Who? What 'bout galileo wasn't he persecuted by the church for his heliocentricism?

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:13 am
by Kurieuo
The11thDr. wrote:Who? What 'bout galileo wasn't he persecuted by the church for his heliocentricism?
Would you find it interesting to discover Galileo himself was Christian? Not to mention Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, Pascal and many others. You might find this article to be of interest.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:27 am
by The11thDr.
Lol i dont double-think or delude myself, pull the other one. Didn't know that he was a christian though, so what was he jailed for if it wasn't his theories? He must of done SOMETHING wrong(or right, depends how u look about it)

Oh btw, NOT TO MENTION? You mentioned them! :lol:

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:30 am
by Kurieuo
The11thDr. wrote:What 'bout galileo wasn't he persecuted by the church for his heliocentricism?
I believe this question/statement also paints too superficial a picture of what actually happened.

In retrospect, the heliocentric system of Copernicus which Galileo supported was correct. It was not accepted within science, and Galileo also took the issee into the realm of theology. Add into the equation challenges the RCC faced from protestant Christians and individual interpretations of Scripture, there were other much larger issues at play. A great many Christians were persecuted and put to death for their beliefs by the church.

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:33 am
by The11thDr.
Whats a RCC?

Re: The Amazing Atheist

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:39 am
by Kurieuo
The11thDr. wrote:Whats a RCC?
Roman Catholic Church.