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Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:03 pm
by Kristoffer
Oh no that's not me that is August Strindberg, he's got way more hair than me. He was a playwright from where I come from, anyway if I could have hair that is how I would have it. :D

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:45 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Telstra Robs wrote:Fürstentum Liechtenstein, just over the other page, didn't you say "Kris is a fake. a big fake. A big fake and a big Loser. I understand him better than you because I was just like him."?

If you were just like him and changed, why can't he change?
I didn't change myself, God changed me.

If you look at Kris' posts in this and other topics, you'll see that he is...incongruent (I'm trying to remain polite.) Just one small example: in The Best Birthday Gift: Jusu Kristus he gives the impression that he's attracted to religion/church/faith but in Christian Biography: Scientists and Science Philosophers he derides the Bible.

Atheist fisherman, that is what he is.


Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:16 pm
by zoegirl
And GOd can change Him....but in the meantime, let's not provide obstacles by continuing to call names. God can work through us or in spite of us....what will it be?

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:33 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
zoegirl wrote:And GOd can change Him....but in the meantime, let's not provide obstacles by continuing to call names. God can work through us or in spite of us....what will it be?
When Jesus said "Get behind me Satan" was he calling Peter names?

I'm not calling Kris names. He is what he is and God will not change him until Kris asks Jesus into his life. From the evidence of Kris' own posts, this is not about to happen.


Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:24 pm
by zoegirl
you don't know what God is doing in his heart. You are not Jesus and cannot know, as you have presumed, that he isn't being called. Your provocations do nothing.

Is it really necessary for you to be so rude? Why do you think this is accomplishing anything?

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:56 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
zoegirl wrote:you don't know what God is doing in his heart. You are not Jesus and cannot know, as you have presumed, that he isn't being called. Your provocations do nothing.
-I don't know what Jesus is doing in his heart: True.
-"You are not Jesus and cannot know, as you have presumed, that he isn't being called." Here, you are presuming what I may be presuming. Here is what I am really presuming: Kris' presence here may be a step on the way to his salvation, nothing more. I don't think we will witness a conversion soon but it may come years from now.
-"Your provocations do nothing." I disagree. Kris' own reactions prove you wrong.


Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:38 am
by jlay
I'm with FL. This huggy kissy stuff may work on some people, but I know, and FL knows that it was harsh words and truths that drew us out of our place in the world and into the Kingdom.
Jesus did it. JTB, and Paul did it. (You brood of vipers) God's Word says, that He resist the proud and gives grace to the humble. Offering grace to a antagonist is wrong. Perhaps some of you are seeing evidence that Kris is sincere. FL obviously sees something different. His harsh words should only be reprimanded if He is obviously in error regarding Kris's intentions.

FWIW, we can know his heart,(at least in part) because God's Word says, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What a person says, is a direct correlation to what is in their heart.

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:33 am
by zoegirl
And until we know otherwise, Kris is welcome to stay and not have his motivations judged.

Christ used harsh words with some and gentle words with others and he was wise enough to know when to use them. None of us can claim to have His wisdom, especially online. We have just been through a crazy battle of words between brothers in Christ. What kind of witness are we being? We are told to be wise as a serpent but gentle as a lamb.

It is fine to challenge, it is not fine to shut someone down without a conversation. Harsh words might have worked on you don't know that they will work here.
His harsh words should only be reprimanded if He is obviously in error regarding Kris's intentions.
Huh, didn't know some of us were omniscient enough to mind-read...

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:20 am
by Canuckster1127
Read the board discussion guidelines. They apply to everyone here.

Those wanting to resort to scorn and ridicule should look closer at the example that Christ gave and to whom it was directed. Jesus loved sinners and skeptics. His most caustic words were reserved for the religious who believed themselves better than others.

I know whom I'd prefer to be counted among in that regard. I'd prefer to be criticized by the religious for being too loving and accepting of sinners than I would to be counted among the self-righteous Pharisees.

How about you?

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:02 pm
by jlay
I know whom I'd prefer to be counted among in that regard. I'd prefer to be criticized by the religious for being too loving and accepting of sinners than I would to be counted among the self-righteous Pharisees.
How about you?
I'd rather please God than men. But I'd also prefer to not be given loaded questions with only two answers, (one that infers I'm a pharisee.) Especially when there are other options. Bart, for one who is so anti-judgmental you sure are quick to throw out those pharisee judgments. I'm not talking about being rude for the sake of being rude. FWIW, i don't see myself better than any sinner. Just better off. There is nothing I have in Christ that is merited by my own doing. I could go into other lengthy examples and discussions, but I won't derail the thread anymore than it is. I find your inferrences off base.
you don't know that they will work here.
You don't know they won't.
Huh, didn't know some of us were omniscient enough to mind-read
You don't think you are capable of discerning someone's intentions after numerous conversations?
Jesus loved sinners and skeptics.
Who said He didn't? We probably just disagree with how that love is evidenced.
Christ used harsh words with some and gentle words with others and he was wise enough to know when to use them.

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:51 pm
by Canuckster1127
That's up to you Jlay. In the meantime, please do take the time to doublecheck the discussion guidelines. I'm very serious about that.

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:43 pm
by Kristoffer
Can we get back to topic?

What about the man who was crucified with Jesus? One of the gospels has Jesus forgiving this criminal man and saying that he will be in paradise. Jesus was really full of forgiveness, I am unsure y:-/ whether to call him a god, or just the messiah or really someone who generally just improves a person's quality of life. But I can really take into account all of the things that made Jesus a virtuous person, someone who we should all take upon ourselves to be more alike.

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:05 pm
by zoegirl
Kristoffer wrote:Can we get back to topic?

What about the man who was crucified with Jesus? One of the gospels has Jesus forgiving this criminal man and saying that he will be in paradise. Jesus was really full of forgiveness, I am unsure y:-/ whether to call him a god, or just the messiah or really someone who generally just improves a person's quality of life. But I can really take into account all of the things that made Jesus a virtuous person, someone who we should all take upon ourselves to be more alike.
But the crucifixion shows exactly why He said what He said to the thief next to Him. Jesus died and rose again for our sins. The thief acknowledged Christ's innocence when he declared that He had done no wrong.

You must continue to ask questions to resolve which of the three possibilities you provided you will believe. I can't remember if I have asked you before, but have you read Mere CHristianity?

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:25 pm
by Kristoffer
no i haven't, should i read it? Maybe i can get it in the library(pretty unlikely but there might be a translation of it that I could read in svenksa.)

If it is worth looking into, i would be delighted too.

Re: Could Jesus Accept someone like this?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:15 pm
by zoegirl