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Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:32 pm
by sinnerbybirth
IMHO, repent=to turn from sin and self.

Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:43 pm
by cslewislover
jlay wrote:
B.W. has made his statements. His statements should be able to stand up to honest criticism from board members. If you honestly think that his position as moderator protects him in some special way from rightly defending his theology, then I am greatly confused about what is going on here.

How did I talk to you? I asked you do provide your understanding of repent? You said the bible is clear about repenting.
There's no argument as to how someone is saved here, but one of the arguments is about the results.
Can't speak for Jac, but I think there is some disagreement about how someone is saved.
Lol. Everyone keeps saying how one is saved, but some people just want to pick a fight, it seems. I often give references to theologians at universities, but Jac will disagree with them. Is Jac closer to Jesus than them? I don't think so.

You are saying it's OK to tell a long established, loving Christian, that they don't believe in the gospel just because they might not concur on some little point? You are really trying to say that that is honest criticism? Are you on a crusade or something? Is BW a pharisee?? Maybe we could say the same of you, and then where would we be?

That is not discussion, that's judging.

Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:57 pm
by Gabrielman
Hows this sound, since there has been so much going on I won't have time to respond to everyone right now. I believe what I believe and you will not change that. I have looked into this for a long time and discussed it with many people off line. I made my point, and that is all there is to it.

Jac, what you said to B. W. was uncalled for, you have no right to say that if someone does not agree with you does not believe in the Gospel.

Jlay why you can't see what Jac said is offensive is beyond me. If I told you and Jac that if you don't agree with me that you didn't believe in the Gospel, would you not take offense? Also, Jac has tried several times on this thread alone to tell people what they believe, putting words in their mouth in a sense. Don't believe me, fine.
sinnerbybirth wrote:IMHO, repent=to turn from sin and self.
:clap: Exactly! Love it! If you repent you will turn from your sins and your sinful self. Nicely done bro!

Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:58 pm
by BavarianWheels
Jac3510 wrote:Certainly, believing in Jesus makes you a new man, which allows you to live differently. Only then can you walk according to the Spirit. But believing the Gospel doesn't mean you WILL walk according to the Spirit, and refusing to walk according to the Spirit, contrary to Gabe, does NOT mean that you will lose your salvation. John 3:16 guarantees that.
In the next breath Jac replies to:
Jac3510 wrote:
BW wrote:Is that true? Are you totally against faith that changes ones direction and course of life? Why is that so terrifying?
UNTIL I GET AN APOLOGY FOR THIS LINE, YOU AND I WILL HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY ON THIS SUBJECT. I am HIGHLY offended at this. Where did I once say or imply that I am against living the Christian life? WHERE?

I didn't. This is nothing more than a dirty debate tactic. It's despicable.

What I am against is saying that if you DON'T change you life, then you haven't believed.
Then demands an apology for "mis"interpreting his words? You didn't say you're against it, per se, however you said it is unnecessary...something that plainly goes against the scriptural meaning of faith/belief.

At least for me, I'm interpreting what you (Jac) say as that a person can state belief in Christ and live HOW EVER THEIR OWN HEART desires and then claim, "But Lord, I believe."

Is this not the crux of your words?

Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:02 pm
by livebyfaith
Just posting to let everyone know I've been banned, which is why I can't respond further to the charges laid against me. Won't try to circumvent it beyond letting people know.

God bless


Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:17 pm
by Byblos
livebyfaith wrote:Just posting to let everyone know I've been banned, which is why I can't respond further to the charges laid against me. Won't try to circumvent it beyond letting people know.

God bless

From what I understand jac is that it's only a temporary ban, sort of a cooling off period, which I think is needed all around. I am locking this thread for now. If other mods disagree please unlock it but given what has been transpiring it is more than warranted.

Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:21 pm
by zoegirl
Good grief,

Some people need to step back ...and listen to yourselves!! Sometimes I am deeply ashamed of the way Christians treat both each other and non-CHristians. [

There is room in the Body of Christ for healthy debate but there is NO ROOM for the viciousness I have seen displayed here. What are you guys, kindergartners?!

To those who have directly accused others of changing the gospel: This is inexcusable, especially for such quick responses. Rarely have I seen a thread go downhill so fast.

To those attacking the mods: stop it, all of those posting should know us by now.

Re: meaning of Belief in salvation

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:36 pm
by Rich
Maybe some apologies are in order. Or maybe the next topic should be "Do Christians apologize?"