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Re: DNA and Evolution vs. Design

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:53 pm
by Seraph
I wasn't trying to say that since WE'RE the ones who evolved to have self-awarness that it's evidence for God's existence, more that the fact that ANYTHING has self-awareness and advanced intelligence is evidence of God's existence. If it were dolphins looking back, yes they would be able to validly see that as evidence for God's intervention.

Evolution easily could've just given rise to a race of creatures that are simply good at surviving, passing on their genes, and maintaining their position at the top of the food chain. Instead, we are beings that can think, rationalize, create, and love. There are positive qualities in people that consist of more than just the will to survive. I think that is evidence for God's existence.

Re: DNA and Evolution vs. Design

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:44 am
by Leprechaun
Seraph wrote:I wasn't trying to say that since WE'RE the ones who evolved to have self-awarness that it's evidence for God's existence, more that the fact that ANYTHING has self-awareness and advanced intelligence is evidence of God's existence. If it were dolphins looking back, yes they would be able to validly see that as evidence for God's intervention.

Evolution easily could've just given rise to a race of creatures that are simply good at surviving, passing on their genes, and maintaining their position at the top of the food chain. Instead, we are beings that can think, rationalize, create, and love. There are positive qualities in people that consist of more than just the will to survive. I think that is evidence for God's existence.
It is near inevitable that an intelligent creature would be sociable. The primary reason as to why we developed large brains was due to social interaction and the need to 'lie'. When one considers the vast number of worlds it would be surprising that such a species would not evolve.

Re: DNA and Evolution vs. Design

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:46 pm
by jqh
Gman wrote:Interesting to read these posts... It all proves again that there is no science that can disprove God. There is absolutely NOTHING....
Totally agree Gman. It also proves that there is no science that can disprove Santa Claus. There is absolutely NOTHING...